The Shentai shimmered, incomparably mysterious, representing the strangeness of the great realm, the communication rules, and unparalleled achievements.

his breath rose as like as two peas of the whole human being, and the flames were beating around him, and on the fourth stage of the altar there was a shadow which was exactly like his own. When the third order disappeared, the emergence of the fourth order represented the arrival of the divine platform, and entered the next small realm, but the strength was quite different.

Reaching the Shentai realm, the realm has already undergone earth shaking changes. It's definitely not just a small realm.

Breakthrough is not something that can be accomplished in a short time and a half.

Until the sixth day, the Shentai suddenly became illusory, and then completely collapsed. Huoyan was shocked and quickly controlled his body.

But the next moment, Shentai broken, into a force directly into his body, fire Yan whole person fell from the sky, directly fell to the ground, the whole person lying on the ground, the loss of vitality, the whole person gradually aging, the breath is dispirited, spiritual power is also constantly weakening.

A moment ago, he was still climbing high and confident. The next second, this happened.

He couldn't figure out what was going on. He just felt his strength was rising. Everything was smooth and flawless. He should be able to make a breakthrough. How could he suddenly become like this?

At this time, his vitality quickly disappeared, so that he did not even have the strength to stand up, and his physical body began to decline.

All his life, he was full of pride, and his realm was constantly improving. He could survive the fire of the industry. Would he come to this end? It's really hard for him to accept, which makes him unwilling.

"Why? How! What's going on? He is not reconciled, but his voice has become very old. This kind of feeling scares him. I'm afraid that he is not far away from death. "

His strength is getting smaller and smaller, which nobody can think of.

At this time, he sent a message to Jiang Fan: "boy, you may be in a bad situation now. If I die here, you will suffer. I'm sorry to implicate you. It's a pity that I can't help you this time."

Jiang Fan vaguely heard the message. He is not long away from the end of his weak period now. His head keeps running, thinking about what's going on. He remembers clearly that he had helped the ancestor of the control Yan Clan to completely solve the fire poison problem before. How could he suddenly fail?

At this time, his physical body gradually regained consciousness, and his strength came back to him. His whole breath was highly concentrated, and he kept recovering as soon as possible with the power of Dan Dao. His divine consciousness fell on his ancestors, and he could feel the rapid passing of the breath, which was amazing.

"Master, you have to hold on. I can save you." Jiang Fan said.

The old grandfather trembled. He had almost given up just now because his oil was exhausted. Now he didn't even have the strength to speak, and his last breath seemed to be broken at any time.

Until the moment of approaching death, you will never know how terrible death is. Especially, how can he want to die after so many years?

Half an hour later, Jiang Fan struggles to get up from the ground, takes a few pills, and recovers his spiritual power as quickly as possible. Jiang fan knows his situation very well. He had expected it before, but before he could remind him, he fell into a weak period. He didn't expect that Huoyan should choose to break through so quickly, which is no different from playing with his life.

Quickly came to Huoyan, a nine turn gold elixir directly into his mouth, with the power of Dan Dao refining, instantly enrich the whole body, let him restore a little vitality.

Fire Yan but a face wry smile: "wasted a nine turn gold elixir, rely on this certainly useless, my situation I know, boy now go to open the ban, let my people in, I prove my business has nothing to do with you, you leave quickly."

Jiang Fan said calmly: "concentrate, mobilize strength, don't talk. If you know your own situation, you will not choose to break through. "

Jiang Fan helps Huoyan sit up and comes to his back. The breath of nature is transferred and appears in the palm of his hand. He slowly presses down on Huoyan's head. The huge natural force instantly injects into Huoyan's body and nourishes his nearly completely decayed body.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "although the long life world is not weak, the law is not complete. When you climb the third altar, the law can't bear it, and you will be killed by the fire of karma. But you are in a good state, and you will survive this disaster when you meet me again. But you even have to try to climb the fourth stage of Shentai. This time, the law has no vitality. If you give a warning, this time it is killing. Otherwise, you will not have any resistance. "

Feeling Jiang Fan's strange and powerful power of life, Lao Zu's heart was palpitating. This time, he saw the hope of life, and his strong desire for survival supported his spirit.

He said calmly, "I have lived in vain all my life. My opinion is not as good as you, a young man. It's ridiculous."

Jiang Fan said: "it's just a small world. It's normal if the rules are not complete. However, this injury can't be completely cured just by my natural breath. It can only be maintained."

Hearing this, Lao Zu was disappointed and said with a wry smile, "how long will it last? That is, I will die? "

Jiang Fan said: "there is only one way to leave the long life world and go to the outside world. Although the law has not reached the peak, it is enough to bear your realm."Hearing his words, Huoyan swept away his troubles and said with a laugh: "to the outside world? What's the difference between that and death? It's as difficult as climbing to heaven. The small world has already been sealed up and can't leave. "

But next, Jiang Fan's words stunned him again: "I can take you away."

"What did you say?" Huoyan can't believe it.

Jiang Fan didn't intend to hide it. He calmly said: "I am a monk from outside. Since I can enter here, I can leave naturally, but it will take a little time. Let's leave with me, master. Although my natural breath can suppress your injury, I'm afraid I won't last a month if I leave one day. "

Jiang fan is very direct, he can leave directly, do not interfere in this matter, I'm afraid they will not have any intersection in the future.

Huoyan just realized the happiness of living. How could he lose it at this time?

He asked Jiang Fan, "can I really cure my injury if I leave the world of longevity?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "certainly, as for how to choose, it all depends on the elders."

At this time, his state has been much better, and his state is constantly recovering. It seems that he will be back to his original state soon. I have to say that the breath of life is powerful.

He didn't answer Jiang Fan directly. He wanted to experience his state and see if he would continue to lose his vitality as Jiang Fan said.

Jiang Fan took several pills one after another, and it took him a whole day to restore Huoyan to his best state. He gathered up his strength, sat in the same place and restored his state.

Huoyan also sits there, carefully perceiving his state at this time. He can feel that his soul seems to have broken a hole, which seems to be the loss of vitality, but the speed of loss is much weaker than before. But at this rate, at most a month, he will definitely return to the previous state.

He found a pill to take, which was used to heal the wound, but it didn't work. Jiang Fan didn't cheat him, which was almost the same as what Jiang Fan said.

He looked at Jiang Fan and said calmly, "Jiang Fan, right? You have twice saved me from fire and water in this short half month. This time, you have saved my life and helped me to continue my life. I don't have any precious compensation. "

With that, he slowly stood up, because the vitality has been restored, the fiery red hair, strong body gives people a full sense of oppression, more than three meters tall, even more fierce than the lion Chengtian, looking at Jiang Fan calmly.

But Jiang Fan didn't understand his meaning. He said calmly, "if you can get the spiritual fire, you will be satisfied."

Huoyan shook his head: "compared with life, this is far from enough. When you are young, you can make such achievements and have that flame. I believe that you will surpass me in the future. Although I don't have the most precious treasure, I still have the ability. From the moment I left Bailian grottoes, I'm willing to follow and protect you all my life. "

Now it's Jiang Fan's turn to be surprised. The word "Taoist protector" appears in Jiang Fan's mind, which he didn't dare to imagine before.

He has a Taoist priest Miao Wuyang of Shentai realm. He was trapped by a weak man in the spirit world for so many years. He was rescued by Jiang Fan, which made him the Taoist priest of Jiang Fan. I didn't expect that the ancestor of the Yan control clan would choose this way.

However, Jiang Fan also heard that when he left the Bailian grottoes, the reason was very simple. He was the only one to protect Jiang Fan's path, not the whole ethnic group of the kongyan people. He was the ancestor of the kongyan people, and he had to think about the ethnic group. This Bailian Grottoes was very suitable for other ethnic groups, and it was the best decision to leave them here.

Jiang Fan said: "master, are you sure you don't want to think it over?"

Huoyan looked at Jiang Fan and patted him on the shoulder: "smelly boy, it's not bad for you to see someone who's got Taoist protection for the first time

With that, he took back his hand, and his face became solemn. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head: "Huoyan, I'll see you. Heaven and earth can learn from you and follow you forever."

Jiang Fan quickly stepped forward to help him up and said, "master, you don't need so much etiquette. You and I can be friends of both teachers and friends. I believe there are still many things to deal with. My friends and I have to go to the Ivy League Festival later. Master, deal with it as soon as possible, and we will leave as soon as possible."

Huoyan nodded: "please help yourself, young Lord. I'll see you in two days, and we'll leave."

With that, he raised his hand, untied the prohibition of blocking the exit, and strode away.

Jiang Fan left with a smile on his face, and no one stopped him.

On the other side of the cell, Xianhu felt the change of Fu Lingyu, and then he was relieved: "good Jiang Fan, it can be regarded as a recovery, let me worry for once."

He got up and patted the cell door: "come on, let me out, Jiang fan is out."

Jiang Fan left Bailian grottoes, this time his goal was completely achieved, and he got a super expert guard unexpectedly. He was in a good mood.

But just returned to the human building, a man came up, a face anxious way: "the event is not good, with you with the little Ye was arrested by the Yan Clan."

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