Huoyan looked at everything on the map and sighed: "it's different from the ancient times in many places. At the beginning, the land was much bigger than it is now. But it's a lot bigger than the long-lived world. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "this is not a complete map of the world. There are other lands beyond the ocean, but only experts can reach it, so there is no mark on the map."

"No wonder! It seems that I still have a lot to learn. "

"I'm not in a hurry. I have a lot of time."

Huoyan asked subconsciously: "Xiaofan, do you have many enemies? Do you want me to help you out? I can still fight for a while with this old bone. "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I can handle my opponent myself. I want you to help me find another Taoist priest Wanyun mountain."

"Wanyun mountain? Are you looking for Shenmu? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, it's a disaster for me to take my life nine times, and I'm not sure I'll get through it now. Wanyun mountain may be an opportunity for me. "

Huoyan nodded and then said, "I didn't expect you to have a Taoist protector. Where is he now?"

Jiang Fan found Miao Wuyang's Fu Lingyu, felt it carefully, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to go to Nanyu state. In this case, I'll go to Nanyu state with you, and I'll introduce you. But can you change your body

Fire Yan doubts of looking at Jiang Fan, obviously don't understand his meaning.

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "the old man is too conspicuous now. Since he wants to go with me, he will help me get rid of some troublesome people."

Huoyan exerts his spiritual power, and then turns into a middle-aged man with red hair. He is about the same height as Jiang Fan and has a firm face. Although he is still very conspicuous, he is much stronger than before. At least he looks like an ordinary man.

He was obviously more interested in Jiang Fan's enemies and said with a smile, "who should be solved? I also want to try how strong the monks of this era are. "

"On the way

They were moving south together, quite slowly.

Jiang Fan tells Huoyan some of his former enemies. Anyway, it's a long way. Jiang fan doesn't mind telling him more about himself.

They are both teachers and friends. There are not so many things to worry about.

When he heard about Jiang Fan these years, Huoyan was very interested.

"I have the right vision. How can I remain strong under such pressure? But I'm most interested in the carefree master. Is his realm really strong? "

Jiang Fan did not hide: "his realm should be beyond the Shentai realm. There should be few stronger monks in this continent."

Fire Yan some expectations, looking forward to contact with experts, that is the best shortcut to progress, even if it is not an opponent, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When Jiang Fan said it almost, Huoyan suddenly asked Jiang Fan, "you said that you had been inherited by the control Yan Clan. Our control Yan Clan was very powerful and brilliant in ancient times. I think it must be famous in the last catastrophe, right? Can you tell me about it? "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was helpless and said calmly, "I know you will ask about it sooner or later."

Huoyan saw Jiang Fan's expression and frowned: "how? Did my family escape? It's impossible. Lao Zu is so angry that he will never be a deserter. "

Jiang fan is still calm. Since he has left the long life world, Huoyan will know what happened in those years sooner or later, and it is probably the best result to tell him.

So Jiang Fan told Huoyan about the civil strife of the human race in the late period of ancient times. He didn't hide it.

Including the human race, the rumor went all the way to the destruction of the kongyan clan, the rumor broke, and finally clarified everything he knew.

Fire Yan calmly listen, didn't interrupt Jiang Fan, eyes twinkle, don't know what to think.

At that time, he was in a high position in the control of inflammation clan, but his family stayed in the outside world. He didn't know why he was sent to the world of longevity, but combined with Jiang Fan's time, he seemed to know everything.

There was no rage, no anger, only calm.

Jiang Fan didn't disturb him and continued to fly in front of him, but this time he didn't change his face and kept his original appearance.

In the market, where there are many people, he will show up without scruple.

Although this is not the Lihuo Dynasty, someone can recognize Jiang Fan's identity. For a moment, the news of Jiang Fan's appearance spread again. He has disappeared for half a year. Many people are looking for him, but they didn't expect to appear in the east of this continent.

For three days, Huoyan didn't say a word. Until the fourth day, Huoyan suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Fan.

"Little Lord, I want to go to a place."

Jiang Fan suffered so many sins and suffered so much. When he heard what he said, he was relieved. He was afraid that Huoyan would not control himself.

"No problem. Where do you want to go?"

"Our land should be in this position now."

He found out the map, pointed at it, and then drew a circle to tell Jiang Fan the general direction."Cangyunzhou? Are you sure? "

Huoyan nodded: "sure! Although a lot of things have changed, I still remember what the map looked like at the beginning. It should be here. Maybe I have to take a detour. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "detour is not a problem. Let's go to cangyunzhou first. Now we have plenty of time. It doesn't matter where we go."

"Thank you, young master!" Huoyan Baoquan road.

Jiang Fan raised his hand: "just call me Xiao Fan, or you will be too outsider."

Huoyan seems to have figured out something and told Jiang Fan what happened in those years.

It turns out that when he was young, some of the monks were entrusted by the patriarch to the long-lived Taoist, and were sent into the small world he had just created, just before the civil war.

It seems that the old clan leader already knew what was going to happen, and left blood for the control Yan Clan, and Huoyan was one of the lucky ones.

As Huoyan said, even if the control of Yan clan fight to destroy the clan, it will never retreat.

Huoyan knows that he missed the war and the catastrophe. He doesn't even know who he hates. The ancient civilization has fallen, and many masters have fallen into the catastrophe. The survivors are hidden in ancient places. He has no enemies at all.

He was very unwilling, and finally had to choose to go to the ancestral place, which was also regarded as paying homage to his ancestors.

Jiang Fan said: "it's not bad for the kongyan people in the Bailian grottoes, but one day the elders thought that the outside world was more suitable for them. I can take them away from the long life world and return to this world. Now the times are different, and that will never happen again."

Huoyan nodded, then said: "I understand, but now is far from the time, wait for me to understand again.". Talk about Xiaofan's plan and how to attract the enemy. "

Seeing that he had more energy and spirit, Jiang Fan said: "I don't need to lead the hunting genius! They will come to the door on their own initiative. I hope that as before, I will be willing to bring some powerful killers and let them go forever. "

After these days, Jiang Fan goes where he is. Huoyan suppresses his breath and makes his breath kill only five times.

Many monks are talking about Jiang Fan. Some people in the tavern guess that Jiang Fan will arrive here in one or two days. Huoyan can hear clearly.

"Xiaofan, you are really famous. These friars who have nothing to do with you talk about you again. "

Jiang Fan said: "it doesn't matter, as long as you can lead the snake out of the cave, the others don't matter."

His whereabouts are constantly exposed, and the route is gradually clear. In the dark, all the news is sent back to lietian. Immediately, some experts will go here, hoping to stop Jiang Fan in the front.

Not only lietian, but Jiang Fan's friends are waiting for his news at this time. However, it will take a long time for this speed of transmission to reach their ears.

Cangyunzhou is in the center of the mainland. Baizhan peak is there. It is also the place where Jiang Fan rises. After his rebirth, he has passed by there several times, but he has not traveled there except passing by. He really wants to go to many places.

But Jiang Fan, the ancestral place of the Kangyan clan, has never heard of it. I'm afraid few outsiders know where the ancestral place is.


News of Jiang fan is spreading all over the country.

"Have you heard? Jiang Fan reappeared half a year after he disappeared. It's a pity that this time there was no beauty around. How arrogant was he in the field of ancient medicine that day? I don't know how many people have been delayed in fighting for inheritance, and I don't know when I can return to cangyunzhou again. "

"Of course I heard. But Jiang Fan hasn't seen him for half a year. Maybe he's a fool. He didn't expect to be so careless that he didn't know that hunting day didn't give up on him? "

Another person at the same table said helplessly: "let's not worry about other people's affairs. I haven't heard of him. Jiang Fan has suffered a loss. What's more, there must be fraud in this swagger. "

"Even if it's a tiger's den, huntian won't give up. But do you know Jiang Fan's route this time? "

Several people are looking at him curiously, obviously want to know the answer.

"From the map alone, we should go to cangyun island. I don't know why."

In the past six months, Tianjiao also rose, and Li Changsheng directly challenged him, aiming at the namelessness of Jiuhuang hall.

Unfortunately, nameless has not answered, Li Changsheng is very impatient, almost to Chuang Jiuhuang hall.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng has two sober younger martial brothers beside him, which doesn't make him completely confused.

Jiang fan is careless, and his breath is not covered up. Huoyan doesn't have any influence even if he crosses two regions. Now his mind is completely on Jiang Fan and his ancestors. If some shrimp soldiers and crabs come, he will kill each other impolitely.

That night, Jiang fan set up a fire and prepared to have a rest for a night.

This night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, which gives people a sense of insecurity. Jiang fan knows that those guys are likely to arrive.

Huoyan has been brewing for a long time. He has a divine sense and directly covers the surrounding area. He will feel any wind and grass at the first time.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Fan in surprise: "I didn't expect that there were four monks who changed their lives. It seems that hunting heaven really attaches great importance to you."Jiang Fan said: "I killed their killers in Shentai by means of robbery. Goodbye now. It must be a situation of endless death. They don't like me. I think they are the same. No matter how many people don't offend me, I don't commit crimes. There's no need for hunting heaven."

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