Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled, staring at the gradually recovering fire, with some doubt.

He asked Huoyan: "are you sure it's an outsider?"

Huoyan nodded, staring at the flame, sneered: "of course, outsiders, our disciples will not read the totem askew."

The breath of red lotus fire returned to the most perfect state before, and the face above was a little ferocious.

"Son of a bitch, how can a man be so powerful."

Jiang Fan tilted his head and looked at the red lotus fire. He sneered: "it's really troublesome to be an ordinary monk. No matter who you are, you should be here today."

"Hum, the red lotus fire ranks first among the different fires. Now that it's fused with me, what can you do for me? It's a pity that it's your totem. I should kneel down and stand. It's a crime of disrespect. Do you want to fight me? You can't do it. It's a rule imprinted in your blood. "

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Jiang Fan.

"As for you strange little devil, although your realm is not high, your body is very strange. It seems that you are still proficient in fire method. Are you a disciple of the monk of the control Yan Clan? Or do you have the blood of the people who control inflammation? I've never heard of this family's blood flowing out. "

He was obviously looking at Jiang Fan. Just now, Jiang Fan's sudden burst of power made him totally unexpected. Because of this, he was so interested in Jiang Fan at this time.

It's the first time that Jiang Fan heard that this human friar can merge with different fire. Can this be regarded as life?

Huoyan said: "you participated in the first war to destroy our ethnic group? What are you from? "

The monk laughed: "what force do I belong to? Lao Tzu comes from the world. I played with those idiots in the world and killed all the people who are the masters of the world. But it seems that they haven't killed them completely, otherwise you won't appear again. Your breath makes me feel familiar. "

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and the flame became more vigorous.

"I remember, I remember! Your appearance is very similar to a master I killed at the beginning, at least 70% similar. That's a great master of kongyan clan. He ascended the eighth Shentai. Although he was a little weaker than me, his fighting power was quite amazing. Several of us besieged him and finally he killed several of us. But in the end, he turned into a rain of fire and killed many human friars. You are not his offspring, are you

Hearing this, Huoyan's face sank: "the whole world!"

Jiang Fan heard this, but also some did not expect.

"The world? In the world, aren't human beings raised in captivity? Whose pet are you? The Royal? It seems superior to us. It's just a abandoned dog, isn't it

Jiang Fan's words are not polite. Most of them are guessed by him after he heard it from Xiao yue'er.

When Xiao yue'er talks to him, she will worry about Jiang Fan's face, but now Jiang Fan says that the other party won't be like this, how hard to hear and how to say.

The friar seemed to be told the pain, furious: "son of a bitch, what do you think you are? It's just a reptile in a small world. From your point of view, it's just food for adults. "

Jiang Fan sneered: "food? This is the crape myrtle continent. It's not ancient. I'll kill as many people as I come from the world. You are the first

Huoyan mobilizes his own breath and wants to avenge his father. Unfortunately, as the other party says, he can't attack honglianhuo. This Huoyan is the belief of the people who control the fire. There is power in his blood to stop him.

He sent a message to Jiang Fan: "Xiaofan, I really can't deal with him. What can you do? If you can mobilize that Heng Gu Qi Yan, you can directly kill this bastard. You must kill him and avenge our people. "

Jiang Fan nodded: "don't worry, even if you spare half a month, I will kill this guy."

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the friar laughed wildly: "half a month? Arrogant boy, even if I give you a hundred years, you can't embarrass me. If you mess around, you should be careful to set yourself on fire, and then you can bring your own life in. "

A figure suddenly appeared next to Jiang Fan. It was Xiao yue'er.

She was suddenly called out some dissatisfaction, fire Yan's breath makes her very uncomfortable.

But then she saw the red lotus fire and felt another breath in the fire. She moved her nose and frowned: "it's the breath of the world. It's interesting that someone should merge with the fire."

When the friar saw Xiao yue'er's eyes staring at him, he couldn't believe it. He said in a trembling voice: "Wang The royal family... "

At this time, Xiao yue'er also saw his state, frowned slightly, and then said: "it turned out to be a human friar. I don't know whose one is under. Brother, what do you want me to do for you? "

Jiang Fan said directly: "I want to kill him, but he is hiding in the strange fire, and also mixed with the strange fire. What can you do?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's inquiry, Xiao yue'er said directly, "of course there are ways. Since the fire is hard to deal with, just force him out.""I also know that this road is the easiest, but he shrinks in it and doesn't dare to come out at all. Otherwise, you don't have to ask what to do. After all, you know him better."

Their words changed the monk's face.

He said, "how can you help the people in this world? They are just food for you. With the qualifications of these two people, you can definitely get more benefits if you eat them. I'm willing to help you and return to the world one day. "

This is obviously said to listen to xiaoyueer, but xiaoyueer picked eyebrows, completely did not cooperate with him, but impatiently said: "you offend my brother, it's useless to live."

Xiaoyue said, breath concentration, huge momentum completely burst out, into a series of attacks, straight to the other monk.

The other side resisted with strange fire, but the breath was not blocked by anything, and went straight to the monk.

"No!" He yelled, and then the power went straight into the fire.

Then, a dark shadow was pushed directly out of the flame and flew far away.

Jiang Fan and fire Yan are Leng under, obviously did not expect to be such a situation, that group of shadow quickly stabilized, and then toward the fire group again.

Jiang Fan suddenly stepped forward and tried to stop him with his spirit power. Unfortunately, he was a little slow. The black ball went directly into the red lotus fire and disappeared.

The person's face then appeared, looking at Xiao yue'er in horror.

"You You are the Emperor... "

But before he finished, the power of Xiao yue'er hit the fire again. She said in a cold voice: "dry tongue."

This time, the shadow was hit again and forced out of the red lotus fire again. There was a sound.

"Please spare my life, my Lord. I can be your most loyal servant. Please spare my life..."

As he spoke, he rushed to the fire again.

Xiao yue'er looks at Jiang Fan: "brother, this guy's strength is pretty good. Do you want him to stay and help you?"

Jiang Fan, however, rushed directly to the shadow. He was astonishing and his voice was cold: "kill!"

Fire Yan also followed to move, with his speed this time didn't give that black shadow return the chance of red lotus fire again.

Dan daopian is directly sacrificed and transformed into a huge spiritual power to cover the red lotus fire. The barrier is very strong, and the dark shadow can't break through.

After Huoyan goes up, he directly uses the fire of spirit to trap the other side.

The monk's strength must be quite good before he died. From his previous tone, the strength of the other party should still be above Huoyan's father, but now his body is destroyed, and there is only one soul left. Without the red lotus fire, he has no fighting power and defense power at all. How can he be Huoyan's opponent?

Jiang Fan with a smile on his face, then said: "master, it's up to you. It's up to you."

Jiang Fan directly suppresses honglianhuo with Dan daopian. This time, Jiang Fan will not waste his chance to get abnormal fire.

Although this is the totem of the anti-inflammatory clan, there is no anti-inflammatory clan in the outside world. It's a waste to stay here. It's better to be cheap.

Three kinds of abnormal fire appeared constantly, and the red lotus fire was suppressed by three kinds of abnormal fire.

This time, Jiang Fan found the strangeness of the flame. It seemed that there was another idea in the flame.

At this time, the shadow wrapped by the fire of spirit roared: "red lotus fire, if we don't cooperate, I can't save my life. You are doomed to be enslaved. Don't you help me?"

The red lotus fire trembled and burned more vigorously. Jiang Fan couldn't believe it. The strange fire was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

He has been in contact with a lot of strange fire, and there are no few of them with high quality, but it's the first time for Jiang Fan to see it.

Because he was conscious, he kept resisting. Even if he suppressed it with Dan daopian, he couldn't accept it completely for a moment.

Jiang Fan muttered: "can fire produce intelligence?"

Xiaoyueer in the rear reminds Jiang Fan: "brother, everything can be psychic, and just because of this, so can fire. What's more, it's the totem of the ethnic group. It's not difficult for him to generate wisdom by accepting so many monks' beliefs. But I didn't realize that he would be fooled by the guy in the world. "

Red lotus fire suddenly broke out, crazy impact around the barrier, obviously do not want to let things end so easily.

But Jiang Fan infuses the spirit power into the chapter of Dan Dao, and the barrier is instantly suppressed. Even if Jiang Fan plunges into the sea of fire, it doesn't matter. This time, he is more direct and takes the most powerful way to deal with the red lotus fire.

After entering Jiang Fan's body, the flames began to rage and destroy Jiang Fan's body.

But the next moment, a breath appeared in the position of Jiang Fan's chest, which was a special fire, overbearing.

In the blink of an eye, many flames have been forced back. Although Jiang fan can't actively mobilize the sky fire, the seed knows Jiang Fan's situation and helps Jiang Fan to breathe and protect himself.

The breath was controlled by Jiang Fan's spiritual power and filled his body instantly. The red lotus fire had to be forced out of Jiang Fan's body.

The red lotus fire began to shrink quickly. In a flash, it was only the size of human beings. A child's figure appeared in the fire, looking up and down at Jiang Fan.

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