"I have a blood in this dress. If my brother can understand the power in the blood, he can understand the Tao map on the dress and cultivate the same ability as me. My brother and I have a blood contract and blood blend. We will have a good chance to understand it. Come on, brother. I'll wait for you in the world..."

Then the idea disappeared, and Jiang Fan's mouth rose. This girl is really clever. In such a short time, she can still think of leaving so many things for him.

The blood power that Xiao yue'er said must have something to do with the ability to break the battle, which is also the most needed ability of Jiang Fan.

However, he can't understand it now. All his mind is on the treatment of Dao injury. Everything else has to be postponed.

Come to the town, fire Yan directly from the sky to the entrance of the unknown pub, which can really frighten a lot of passers-by.

Carrying Jiang Fan into the tavern, Miao Wuyang followed.

When Miao Wuyang saw the landlady, he was a little surprised.

Xiao He ran back and saw that Jiang Fan's breath was weak. He quickly asked, "what's wrong with Jiang Fan? You haven't been away for a few days. What's the matter? With the protection of the elder, who can hurt him like this? "

Fire Yan way: "he himself."

The landlady said, "I'll close early today. I'll take drinks."

The drinkers knew that something had happened according to the situation. They knew the landlady's temper. In other words, they must have been beating gongs and drums and were happy. But this time, no one said much and left one after another without stopping for a moment.

The landlady first glanced at Jiang Fan, then looked at Miao Wuyang.

"How many years have you been gone? I didn't expect to die. "

"I almost died, but I was rescued by this boy. I didn't expect that Xue Meiniang, who charmed all sentient beings at that time, became a landlady here with all her skills. It's really hard to predict the world. "

Huoyan said: "you two are going to talk about the past. Meiniang wants to find a quiet room. Xiaofan needs to shut down. In addition, we need to protect the Dharma these days. What's the loss of the tavern

With that, he pointed to Miao Wuyang.

Miao Wuyang did not have a good airway: "why do I count?"

Fire Yan way: "because I have no money!"

Miao Wuyang is speechless. Xiao ran meets Miao Wuyang on one side. That day, Jiang Fan comes out with the master in the world of extermination. They have been together for a while.

Seeing that they are still in the mood to make fun of each other, they feel relieved that they are the guardians of Jiang Fan and will not make fun of Jiang Fan's safety.

He went to clean up the room so that Jiang Fan could close and recover as soon as possible.

At this time, there are three Shentai masters in this nameless shop. Even if someone wants to harm Jiang Fan, they have to weigh whether they have this ability.

After Miao Wuyang finished the array, he left the room and left dozens of bottles in the room, which was ordered by Jiang Fan.

Just went out to see fire Yan and boss's wife in that kiss me, the relationship is obviously not general.

"No wonder I'll make up for the loss. I think you two have an affair."

The proprietress said, "it's none of your business, you old bachelor..."

Miao Wuyang


Many forces on the mainland are waiting for the news of Jiuhuang hall. After such a big battle, Jiuhuang hall went to Baizhan peak and invited experts from all over the world to help.

After a few days of silence, the news spread completely, and Jiang Fan's name shocked the world again.

Mo Wudi, the strongest man in Jiuhuang hall, gives a personal instruction. Jiuhuang hall tries to protect Jiang Fan. If hunting heaven starts to deal with Jiang Fan again, he will bear the consequences.

But this is just the beginning. Some of the scattered cultivation masters in Shentai state try their best to protect Jiang Fan. They won't take charge of the rivalry among Jiang Fan's peers, but if the elders attack Jiang Fan, they will surely hunt him down to the horizon and avenge him.

They are not Taoist protectors, but this time they all stand up to protect Jiang Fan, which makes everyone unexpected.

The number is amazing.

People can't help but wonder what Jiang Fan has done? Why do these experts stand up.

The news spread so fast that some people were happy and some worried.

Lietian was the most shocked. They didn't expect that in just a few days, it seemed like the sky was turning upside down. Originally, Jiang Fan got two Taoist guardians of Shentai, which was enough to make them headache. Now there are so many experts.

The most important thing is that Mo Wudi came out to protect Jiang Fan himself. This is the existence that they dare not offend even when hunting heaven.

Although the number of Jiuhuang hall is small, no one can shake its position for so many years. Even the ancient people are courteous to them. Although hunting heaven is mysterious, they have to bow down in front of the ancient inheritance.

When people speculated one after another, a news came out and directly explained the situation of that day, which made people all over the world have no idea.

In Baizhan peak, an ancient demon God broke through the boundary, and its fighting power was against the sky.

In the face of the ancient demons, the mainland experts are all lost. Jiang Fan goes out and stops the demons by means of means. In exchange for the demons to leave, he saves the world experts.Jiang Fan's life is now on the line. Now his life and death are unknown and he is taken away by the Taoist protector.

This once again surprised people all over the world. No wonder so many experts stood up at the same time because of this.

But how strong is the ancient demon God that so many experts can't handle? There are so many experts who can't save their lives. They need a young man to come forward to save them. I'm afraid no one believes that.

What happened that day, these experts did not disclose, but when it comes to Jiang Fan, they all choose silence.

Both Baihua academy and Qingyun Temple didn't see Jiang Fan's injury, and Jiuhuang hall didn't take him back to zongmen for treatment, which shows that his injury is not optimistic.

It's very clear to the experts how terrible it is. Ten dead have no life. It's not the injury that a pharmacist can treat. Everything depends on chance, and the time can bear it. After the known experts were attacked by the way of heaven, almost all of them fell down. Only two of them survived, one of them became useless and destroyed his cultivation to save his life, and the other one became useless For the sake of the living dead, it never appeared again after closing the gate.

After the news came out, some people not only sneered: "hurt by the way of heaven, even if there are so many experts to support? It's not a dead man. Jiang Fan won't live long. "

However, this voice was soon overshadowed by another voice, that is, support. How many people dare to stand up in that situation? Don't say Jiang Fan only has the cultivation of taking life.

It's not easy for a master of Shentai to sacrifice himself for others. It's about life. How many people are not selfish? What's more, there is no doubt that he will die.

In the younger generation, many people became very silent after hearing the news.

Li Changsheng, who just left the customs, learned the news from his younger martial brother for the first time.

"Although the realm didn't catch up with me, this guy's state of mind is far above us. It's a pity that an opponent has no chance to fight again."

Nine waste hall heritage, a voice sounded in the dark, he had just heard the report, he is young nameless.

"Is there such an interesting fellow in our generation? It seems that Jiang fan is not just an empty legend. It's a pity... "


After Jincheng got the news, he frowned: "good people don't live long, bad people live for thousands of years. Jiang Fan, such a bastard, won't have such a short life. He should be able to survive."

Both friends and enemies have different views on Jiang Fan, and Jiang Fan's name has undoubtedly become a hot word again.

Some people expect Jiang Fan to appear as soon as possible, others expect Jiang Fan never to appear again.

Because of this news, Jiang's house became lively. In just a few days, several masters came and sent gifts to inquire about Jiang Fan's current situation.

It's a pity that Jiang fan is not in Jiang's house. Jiang Tianwang and Jiang Yao's ancestors are also inquiring about Jiang Fan's news. These experts have no choice but to leave. However, tell Jiang Tianwang frankly that no matter what happens to Jiang Fan in the end or what happens to Jiang's house, they will come to help.

This can make Jiang Tianwang flattered.

The strength of Lihuo Dynasty is weak, and there are not many real experts. In addition to the royal family, the only real pillars are Jiang Fu and Lihuo college, which is obviously weaker than other regions. But this time, Jiang Fan's human debt is too much.

After these people left, Jiang Yao went to Jiang Tianwang and said, "Jiang Fan has done a great job this time. I hope he can survive. If he survives, his future will be much easier. But I don't know where they took him. "

Jiang Tianwang said helplessly: "I hope he can make it through. It's hard to predict the Dao injury. Judging from the words of those experts, Jiang Fan's injury should be very serious this time. Have you ever heard of the ancient demon God in Baizhan peak, uncle? "

Jiang Yao nodded: "at the beginning, I also read some information about Baizhan peak. What about the strength of the ancient demon God? Do you know the realm of the carefree master and Mo Wudi? The masters who surpass the Shentai realm, that is, the mythical realm, are already the top fighting power in this continent. However, the realm of the ancient demons has to surpass their big realm, which is called Wudao realm. Even in ancient times, it was a top power. He broke free, and they must not be rivals. "

"It turns out that he is a master of the realm of enlightenment. No wonder he is so strong. Are there any monks in this realm in our world?" Jiang Tianwang then asked.

Jiang Yao shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "in ancient times, all the masters in this realm died. Even if some of them are not dead, they are all buried in their own ancient world. I don't know if they can reappear. It's useless to rely on them. "

Hearing this, Jiang Chao frowned: "if so, who is his opponent? Is it hard to wait to die? "

Jiang Yao patted him on the shoulder: "work hard, the world is not as simple as you can see. Jiang Fan has seen it more thoroughly than you. "


Many people are waiting for Jiang Fan to appear. They all want to know what happened to Jiang Fan at this time. Unfortunately, Jiang Fan seems to have disappeared after he was taken away by the two Taoist guards, and there has been no more news.Miao Wuyang and Huoyan have been staying at Jiang Fan's door to protect his Dharma. They are very attentive and afraid that Jiang Fan will have problems during this period of time.

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