"You How do you know so well? " Chu Lingxiao couldn't believe it.

Even the elder looked at Jiang Fan and asked in a low voice, "did you know him before?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "if you don't have some skills, how dare you come out to see the diagnosis? But they can't, but I can. Because you're from the same place, I'll give you a discount. There are 50 Xuanji and 10 Diji. That's a good deal for a life, isn't it? "

Hearing this, Chu Lingxiao's eyes jumped: "ten pieces of earth step elixir? Why don't you rob it? "

Jiang Fan shrugged: "others come to 20 plants, whether you want to treat it or not is up to you."

Chu Lingxiao's eyes twinkled and he gritted his teeth and said, "if it can't be cured, how can I say?"

"If you want to kill or cut, do as you please!" Jiang Fan's face is still with a smile, eyes confident, obviously has a full confidence.

Chu Lingxiao didn't have much confidence at first, but he and the young man met by chance. The other side just looked at him and said so many things. On the contrary, it gave him a glimmer of hope.

No matter it's xuanjie or Dijie, it's not common. I'm afraid it won't produce one for many years. If you are a monk with low level, you can't get it together with Ben, but Chu Lingxiao can certainly get it.

Chu Lingxiao doesn't talk too much. He takes out a treasure bag directly, but instead of throwing it to Jiang Fan, he throws it to Guan Xingtu.

"Boy, if you can save my life, I Chu Lingxiao will not only pay you, but also owe you a great favor. But if you give me hope and destroy it myself..."

Speaking of this, he paused, followed by staring at Jiang Fan, voice calm.

"For the dying, I don't mind a genius."

Guan Xingtu is a little nervous. Although this guy's life is not long, his fighting power does not have much influence. At this time, if he breaks out and tries his best, he may not be an opponent.

However, Jiang Fan was not worried at all. He said with a smile, "I'm not going to have a diagnosis here, are you?"

Chu Lingxiao got up and went to the room.

Jiang Fan and the elder Guan Xingtu sent a message to Jiang Fan: "are you sure?"

"There should be!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's response, Guan Xingtu has no idea whether he should inform the sect leader. Whether Jiang fan can cure Chu Lingxiao or not, qingyuemen must keep Jiang Fan. This guy is not only a talented pharmacist, but also has an unlimited future.

Seal the whole room with Lingli. Jiang Fan reminds Guan Xingtu not to be disturbed by outsiders.

Guan Xingtu knows that there are many spies in this small town. It's inevitable that someone will come here to feel the situation when they have a diagnosis. It's a matter of human life, and Guan Xingtu doesn't dare to be careless.

"Take it easy!" Jiang Fan reminds Chu Lingxiao, and then points his finger at Chu Lingxiao's wrist to inject spiritual power and divine consciousness into Chu Lingxiao's heart.

It's dark, it's mixed with blood.

More than half of the meridians are black, and all the blood and spiritual power will be infected with more black magic Qi.

The state of Chu Lingxiao is not weak, and the resistance is very strong. If ordinary people could not survive this stage, they would die.

Chu Lingxiao closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body. He knew his situation. This time he came here, he was also a dead horse doctor. He knew how many people were waiting for the result. If he could persist for a while, he also wanted to wait for others to test Jiang Fan's ability. In his eyes, this young man is too young to be a senior pharmacist.

In less than ten minutes, Jiang Fan opened his eyes and said: "the black devil Qi and blood are entangled together, constantly suppressing your meridians and blood. When the blood can't support it, you will die suddenly, and the immortal daruo can't save you, but fortunately it's still time. I want to refine a batch of pills. Don't disturb me. "

Hearing this, Chu Lingxiao reminded Jiang Fan: "the two pharmacists in the pharmacist building said that there is no pill that can solve my problem. You can only use Qingmai pill to suppress and regulate

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "that's because they don't know how to suit the remedy to the case. It's because of the liuzhuan Qingmai pill that your symptoms are so serious. If you take anything, the black evil Qi can last at least a hundred years in your realm to develop to this situation. Don't waste your time. You can watch my alchemy, but you can't spread it. "

Without waiting for Chu Lingxiao to say more, Jiang Fan has searched for 19 kinds of special materials from the treasure bag. He is proficient in medicine. After checking Chu Lingxiao's condition, he immediately exercises restraint, and all things interact with each other. This evil spirit is also in the five elements, so naturally there is a way to restrain it.

It's also Jiang Fan's way of elixir. He doesn't rely entirely on the ancient prescriptions. He will be flexible. With the precise pharmacology and absolute control of elixir, he can refine elixir according to the right medicine. Maybe the success rate will not be so perfect, but the effect is absolutely excellent.

The quality of this elixir is about nine grades, which is not very high for Jiang Fan. He perceives the change of elixir with the chapter of Dan Dao, and the subtle change of efficacy will produce different results.

Those materials are precisely separated, take down the required parts and directly put into the abnormal fire.They are three different kinds of fire. Chu Lingxiao also has a very high vision. He looks at Jiang Fan in surprise and is very curious about the origin of Jiang Fan.

It's a luxury to have a strange fire. Jiang Fan has three. But how powerful is it that he needs so many materials to warm up together?

However, he was even more surprised by Jiang Fan's ease. Even if he was disturbed by an outsider, Jiang Fan was very calm. Every step was not affected. In less than half an hour, all the materials had entered the Dan furnace and began to melt Dan.

For several hours, Jiang Fan's expression was very attentive, and he seriously felt the changes of the pills in the Dan furnace. Because it was the first time to refine, Jiang Fan didn't dare to relax too much, so it was easy to give up all his previous achievements.

At the moment of firing, four pills flew out of the furnace. They were all golden and had a strong fragrance. Then the two pills broke up one after another and turned into dust and scattered back into the furnace.

The remaining two float in the air, very beautiful, Jiang Fan directly into the hands.

Chu Lingxiao looks at Jiang Fan with expectation in his eyes.

Jiang Fan directly took out one of them and handed it to Chu Lingxiao: "now you carefully mobilize the meridians, run the blood gas, and then take this pill."

Chu Lingxiao took the elixir and asked Jiang Fan, "what elixir is this?"

Jiang Fan put away another one: "there is no name. You can call him whatever you want. Don't waste time. The current efficacy is the best stage."

Chu Lingxiao didn't waste his time, so he sat down with his knees crossed. According to what Jiang Fan said, he began to run the blood gas, and then took this pill.

Jiang Fan comes to his back, directly injects the power of Dan Dao into his body, and then catalyzes the power of Dan medicine into his blood.

His voice spread to Chu Lingxiao's ears: "the process will not be very comfortable, but your dark evil spirit is deep, and it's not easy to clear it. You should keep the Lingtai, and you must hold it back. I'll help you control the power of the medicine."

Since you want to help, Jiang Fan will certainly help to the end.

The power of the medicine is under Jiang Fan's control. If you walk in his heart and meridians, the dark evil Qi will be forced to retreat.

If an outsider is there, he will find that Chu Lingxiao's complexion begins to change at this time. The black half of his face has begun to return to normal, and his Qi and blood become more and more abundant.

This kind of feeling is not good, but he has been reminded by Jiang fan that even if he is in agony, he should stick to it until the end.

The state can reach this level, all have a tough character, Chu Lingxiao is also so.

He could feel the change of the physical body, but he found that the black evil Qi did not decrease, but was constantly forced by the drug force and gathered together.

But Jiang fan is a pharmacist. No matter what happens, he must obey Jiang Fan's arrangement.

Two hours later, Chu Lingxiao's clothes were soaked with sweat, but he didn't say a word in the whole process, and his whole arm had completely turned black.

Jiang fan is not wordy, a dagger appears in his hand, the next moment directly in his palm cut a knife, black blood gushing out, constantly dripping in the basin.

He urged the only remaining medicinal power in the blood. In the meridians of this arm, the color of the whole arm quickly receded until the color of the palm decreased.

When the color completely recovered, Jiang Fan repaired his injured wound with natural breath, and the wound healed quickly.

Jiang Fan ignites the black magic Qi in the basin with purple thunder Xianyan. Purple thunder Xianyan can completely suppress the black magic Qi and quickly destroy it.

But Chu Lingxiao's face was pale. After he lost a lot of Qi and blood, this was also a normal phenomenon. Taking some Qi tonifying pills, he could live for half a month at most.

He adjusted his breath and gradually woke up.

And Jiang fan is also giving him the final check at this time, to see if there is still black magic gas to stay.

Chu Lingxiao is very excited at this time, this is not the afterlife, for him, it is comparable to rebirth.

The reason is very simple. In his opinion, it's just counting the time to spend the last bit of life. But now it's different. Although his blood is still weak, the black evil Qi that threatens his life completely disappears at this time. It's only a matter of time for the monk to recover his blood.

Until Jiang Fan's mind quit, he said: "very good. It seems that the proportion of my pills is quite accurate. It's just enough to help you get rid of the black magic Qi. You're the first one to come to see the doctor. I'll give you a big reward. This is Guxue Lingdan. It's definitely better than what you got outside. You should be able to recover your lost Qi and blood within three days after taking it. Don't forget to help me publicize it. "

Chu Lingxiao got up, hugged his fist and said: "doctor, before Chu was disrespectful, he really offended a lot. Thank you for the great doctor's kindness. If there is a need for Chu in the future, Chu will not refuse. "

Jiang Fan said: "there's a woman named Han Qianxue in qingyuemen. If one day she needs help, you can repay her with good fortune."

With that, Jiang Fan turns to leave the room, but Guan Xingtu outside the door looks serious, afraid that Jiang Fan has a problem.

Seeing that Jiang Fan came out peacefully, he was also stunned. Jiang Fan took away his treasure bag and said with a smile, "I'll go back first."With that, he left the inn without looking back.

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