Xue Rou frowns and looks at Jiang Fan. She certainly understands the right medicine, but Jiang Fan's words are too relaxed.

She is also a pharmacist. How can she not understand the truth? But she couldn't imagine Hong Tianlin's injury.

At least she had never heard that there was a pill that could achieve such efficacy and treat such diseases, even if it was Tianji pill.

Jiang Fan looked at her, still with a smile: "there is no use, after treatment will be clear."

With that, Jiang Fan's face ignored her problems, and more than a dozen kinds of materials appeared in front of him. He needed pills for adjuvant treatment. He didn't plan to waste time, so he directly called out the Dan stove and began to warm up the materials and refine the pills.

Master Hong hides far away for fear of disturbing Jiang Fan, but Xue Rou doesn't. She lowers her breath and observes Jiang Fan's alchemy from the nearest distance.

But this makes her whole person surprised, looking at skilled manipulation of a variety of materials, and then at the same time Wen Yang nine kinds of materials, with ease, eyes focused, completely undisturbed by the outside world.

She had never seen that way of alchemy again, but it gave her great inspiration.

She also helped the two Heaven level pharmacists in the pharmacist building to make pills, but from the way of making pills, Jiang Fan's way of making pills was above them. Although she didn't know what grade of pills it was, she could be sure that Jiang Fan had a better understanding of materials than those two people in terms of flame control.

She couldn't help looking at Jiang Fan more. What's the origin of this young man? Is it true that it is said that he is the reincarnation of the God of medicine?

This medical skill and Dan Dao are so amazing that it's hard to find other explanations.

She calmed down and felt that Jiang Fan was refining medicine. She didn't want to miss any details. She knew that this was a great opportunity for her. Jiang Fan helped her open a new sky in the way of Dan. She didn't need Jiang Fan's guidance at all. As long as she could work hard in this direction, she would have a very high growth.

She is still very young and hasn't found her own way. Jiang Fan didn't hide her secrets this time. She hopes that she can change this woman and help her in the future.

He deliberately slowed down his own speed, let Xue Rou carefully observe, have to say that this for her, has a great help.

While Hong Tianlin was staring at all this, he also sighed about Jiang Fan's ability. Even if he didn't know how to refine medicine, he could feel the subtle change of spiritual power. It's hard to imagine how strong he would be when he really grew up.

For seven hours, the elixir continued to gather in the elixir furnace. The abnormal fire was perfectly controlled by Jiang Fan and quickly gathered around the elixir.

Polar cathode Yang, two different forces constantly nourish the elixir, make the elixir become more pure, and gradually enhance the breath.

When the pill came out of the oven, five different kinds of breath appeared, turned into five colors, gathered above the pill, breath gathered, and power constantly poured into the pill. At this moment, the grade of the pill was upgraded again.

Xue Rou stared at the pill and said in a deep voice, "the third grade of the earth? It took seven hours to make it? "

Jiang Fan didn't pay attention to her words. Instead, he asked Mr. Hong to come over and said, "Mr. Hong, this is the small five element pill. Take it quickly, and then hold the Lingtai. Give me the rest."

Hong Tianlin didn't hesitate. He took the pills and sat down with his knees crossed. He protected the platform with his spirit power and didn't dare to be careless.

Jiang fan uses the chapter of Dan Dao to urge the small five elements Dan to turn into five spiritual powers in an instant. He precisely injects them into every meridian in Hong Tianlin's body, and every breath rushes towards the spiritual power he has restrained.

All things grow and conquer each other. Jiang Fan's accurate grasp of the scope of the power, the continuous improvement of the breath, and the urge of the drug power to quickly melt the spiritual power of the collision, made Hong Tianlin tremble, his face changed, and the severe pain swept through his body.

Jiang Fan said calmly, "master Hong, you've got a serious injury. Unfortunately, there's no more gentle way to treat it. You can only endure it, but it's OK to endure it."

Hong Tianlin said with a smile: "little miracle doctor, don't worry. Compared with life, what is this pain?"

Jiang Fan knew that he would answer like this and strengthen his spiritual power again. For him, long pain is not as good as short pain. Solving it at one go is the king's way.

Xue Rou had already injected divine consciousness into Hong Tianlin's body at this time. She felt all the changes in his meridians and was shocked.

She can see that five different forces seem to turn into five attacks and fight with the other five forces, but Jiang Fan's control is very subtle, which suppresses those forces to retreat.

But what shocked her most was Jiang Fan's familiarity with the meridians. Everything was just between lightning and flint. It was amazing, but Jiang Fan would not make any mistakes.

Xue Rou is very clear that even one mistake will do great harm to Hong Tianlin, because all the confrontations are in the fragile meridians, plus the huge strength, which tests Jiang Fan's absolute control over spiritual power, as well as his familiarity with the meridians network.

What she said before is right. Pills alone can't cure. We must cooperate with Jiang Fan's medicine method. Pills, experience, medicine method and strength are indispensable.Looking at the rapid improvement of Hong Tianlin's condition and the constant retreat of her confused spiritual power, she gradually understood a lot of ways, and also understood why Jiang Fan didn't take the Tianjie pharmacist in the pharmacist building in his eyes. It turned out that Jiang Fan's understanding of pharmacists was much higher than theirs, and in terms of understanding alone, it was far more than them.

Hong Tianlin was sweating and pale, but he was very relaxed. The pain in his body had disappeared, and the breath of nature was turning in his body to cure all the injuries in his body.

He looked inside and found that everything in the body had recovered as before, which was completely different from the previous situation. The operation of spiritual power was very easy. Although the breath was still a little weak, it could be completely solved by cultivation. It only took a little time.

Jiang Fan took back the spirit power, and then said: "everything is done, and master Hong will be able to completely recover after three days of closed door."

Hong Tianlin also knew his own situation and said: "thank you, little doctor. There is nothing else to say. I know your rules. There will be a big reward in the future."

Jiang Fan nodded and said with a smile, "master Hong, I still have an invitation."

Hong Tianlin said hurriedly: "the little miracle doctor is really joking. If you want to help me, I will never refuse."

Jiang Fan didn't say it directly, but asked Xue Rou to wait for him here. They left the medicine room, and Jiang Fan spoke.

"I want to know where the great five elements are inherited." Jiang Fan comes to the point.

As early as when he checked with Hong Tianlin, he was full of expectations. It was not the first time he heard the legend of the great five elements. He knew that the place of inheritance was on the Big Dipper continent. The great five elements could rank in the top ten among the seventy-two unique skills in ancient times. It was a great skill. If he had a chance, he would not miss it.

In the chapter of Dan Dao, it was mentioned that the great five elements was possessed by the devil, which was exactly the same as Hong Tianlin's, so he decided the direction of treatment at the first time, but Hong Tianlin didn't deny it. It can be seen that he had inherited the great five elements, but he was possessed by the devil and failed.

He was able to save his life because of his high level. If he had been an ordinary monk, he would have died a long time ago.

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, Hong Tianlin took out a stone with five colors, and his hand trembled.

"Little miracle doctor, it's not that the old man can't bear it. This is the key to the inheritance place. I got it in a secret place. But you don't know how dangerous it is until you get to the heritage site. At that time, our three friends went together to take care of each other, but I was the only one left alive. Although I was lucky to get the inheritance, it was a pity that I ended up half dead in the end. It's a trap. Are you really going? "

Jiang Fan said: "maybe it's predestined relationship with me? Don't worry, master. I won't take things for nothing. "

As he said this, he found two Heaven level elixirs from the treasure bag, which he had obtained in the secret place before, and they were of no use to him.

He handed two pills to Hong Tianlin: "this is the pill of Tianjie Jiupin. It doesn't work much for me, but it does a lot for you. This one can improve your body. It's just right for you to take it in the closed door. The other one is a life saving pill, which can recover to the best state when taken at the critical time, and is better than jiuzhuanhuiming pill. "

Hong Tianlin blocked the elixir: "if the little miracle doctor wants the five color stone, I will offer it with both hands, but forget the elixir, otherwise the old man doesn't know how to repay him."

Jiang Fan took the five color stone, and forced the pill into the other party's hands. He said with a smile, "this pill is not valuable to me. Take it. Seize the time to shut up. The earlier it is, the better it will be for you."

Hong Tianlin didn't tangle with this problem any more. He took it and said, "thank you for your help."

Jiang Fan turned back to the medicine room, while Hong Tianlin left quickly, looking for a place to shut up.

Entering the medicine refining room, Xue Rou sits on the ground, remembering what happened all day before. If she wants to remember every detail, she knows very well that there will not be such an opportunity again.

Jiang fan is not in a hurry. He puts away the five colored stone first, recovering his lost spiritual power while waiting for Xue Rou to wake up.

An hour later, Xue Rou wakes up slowly, but she sees Jiang Fan staring at her with a smile in her eyes.

Without waiting for her to speak, Jiang Fan said directly, "do you want to report back?"

Xue Rou Leng next, obviously did not expect Jiang Fan to ask so.

"I don't understand you!" She stares at Jiang Fan with twinkling eyes.

Jiang Fan said: "you have seen many pharmacists' experience in speed medicine. I think you can see the difference between me and other pharmacists. You are a smart person. You should feel that I deliberately slow down to help you, but I don't want to help the pharmacist building. It can be your springboard, but don't tie yourself to them. In that way, you are the only one who will lose. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Fan stopped and then said, "I'll just say this. Pharmacist building is not your way, and my way is not suitable for you. Let's explore our own way slowly. This is my advice to you. "

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