Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the dignified voice was silent for a moment, and then said.

"What a change of fate. If your future is not bleak, I really want to leave this inheritance to you and let you inherit my mantle. "

This can let Yan Mo white Leng next side, cooked duck if fly off, it is too tragic.

However, after hearing this, he was also relieved. Obviously, the elder was not optimistic about Jiang Fan's future and felt that he could not reach a higher level.

And he Yan Mo Bai also understood Jiang Fan's state at this time. He didn't really have a hidden realm. However, his talent was so terrible that he had to go through so many disasters. It was just unexpected.

But Jiang Fan said directly: "I don't want to get the inheritance of my predecessors. My predecessors are ancient judges who reward good and punish evil. Your disciples need a smart mind and a good heart. I'm not suitable for you. Neither is Yan Mobai. I'd like to recommend someone. Please help me."

Hearing this, Yan Mobai quit completely, got up and glared at Jiang Fan: "bastard, you destroy people's inheritance, and your heart is to blame."

Jiang Fan looked at him coldly: "I'm a loser. I don't have your share here."

Jiang fan is not polite to him. For him, nothing can be left to Yan Mobai.

Even if the judge chooses Yan Mobai, he will definitely try to destroy the inheritance.

The judge's voice rang out: "it seems that you know more about me than this kid. You want to recommend me a successor? What can people bring? "

Jiang Fan said: "she hasn't arrived here yet, but with her ability, she will arrive soon. She is shrewd, has a good sense of propriety, and has good qualifications. When she grows up in the future, she will definitely be much better than Yan Mobai. "

"But inheritance has always been the result of predestination. This boy's breath is very similar to that when I was young. Because of this, he has just entered my inheritance place, and I can feel his breath."

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled and said calmly, "maybe he's a predestined friend. But with me, this guy won't have any chance. I don't want him to be killed, but I'll waste my kindness. "

Who would have thought that Jiang Fan was still so strong in the face of this ancient power? Yan Mobai's heart trembled. He never thought that Jiang Fan would say so.

Yan Mobai opened his mouth to the statue.

"Master, don't worry. This rampant bastard will be dealt with by the younger generation. After the end of the inheritance, the younger generation's strength will be improved again. By then, Jiang Fan will be like a local chicken and a local dog. I don't dare to say so much nonsense. Please help me. "

That judge did not pay attention to Yan Mo Bai, but released a strong pressure, again pressure to Jiang Fan, obviously want to let him retreat.

But Jiang fan is standing there steadily, expression concentration, and did not fight back, so calm look to this side.

"The elder can rest assured that the people brought by the younger generation will not be too weak."

The judge hesitated. He didn't want to raise his hand to kill Jiang Fan. As a great man, he has a far sighted vision than ordinary people, and even knows something about the world, so he knows very well what a gifted friar means to the whole continent.

A moment later, the judge said: "Jiang Fan, although I believe your vision, some things have been settled, and it is not easy to change. But since you're the one, I'll give you a chance. Bai Mo Yan has a seal of array Qi sea, which can't be inherited for a while. If the person you are talking about can arrive before he breaks the seal, then I will consider the opening rate. What do you think? "

Jiang Fan nodded. He knew that the judge had already let him go, which gave him absolute face.

"Thank you, master," he said

Yan Mo Bai's eyes twinkled. At this time, he was very angry, but he didn't dare to express it.

He can only continue to work hard to break the array in the air sea. He must break the seal in the air sea before those people arrive. Maybe this is the quickest way for him to solve the problem.

On the other hand, Han Qianxue and others have passed the test of their fighting power and come to the five channels.

Faced with the choice, the three were at a loss.

Meng Shaojie has no good way: "one of five? It's too low a chance. I've always had bad luck. You'd better choose. "

Wu Heng said: "Jiang Fan's breath has disappeared. He must have arrived at the place of inheritance. I don't know if he has caught Yan Mobai. That guy is too dangerous."

Han Qianxue did not open his mouth, but carefully observed the five channels, carefully looked at all the details, finally the corner of his mouth rose, his eyes lit up.

She went to one of the passageways and bent down to pick up a spirit stone, which was left by Jiang Fan. Before entering the passageway, he left the spirit stone on the ground, deliberately leaving clues to remind Han Qianxue.

He knows Han Qianxue's way of doing things very well, and can definitely detect the difference.

"That's it Han Qianxue didn't even want to think about it. She walked directly into the passage and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Meng Shaojie and his wife looked at each other, then disappeared into the passage.

The sudden appearance of three people in the cave makes Jiang Fan's mouth rise. Everything is in his expectation. With the strength of the three people, it's not difficult to get here together.Han Qianxue threw the spirit stone to Jiang Fan and said with a smile, "I really have you."

Jiang Fan held the stone and gave her a thumbs up

With that, he turned to look at the statue: "master, this man's name is Han Qianxue. He is the best candidate for inheritance. Please help me. "

Yan Mo Bai's body was trembling, not afraid, but angry. His seal has been untied nine times out of ten, but I didn't expect that Han Qianxue came so fast.

When Han Qianxue and others heard this, they became solemn. Since Jiang Fan was addressing his predecessors, there must be some divine ideas here. They were the super strong in ancient times, and they certainly did not dare to disrespect them.

Yan Mo Bai gets up and looks at Jiang Fan and others, his face is gloomy.

"Jiang Fan, even if you fight with me, she Han Qianxue has only seven times to kill her. Why fight with me? Even if the three of them add up, they are not my rivals. Why should they compete with me for the inheritance here? I am the one who is predestined

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I think you are my predestined friend. You are a bright light. Help us find the inheritance."

Han Qianxue arrived here, he did not have so many scruples, with his ability, even if the judge now want to give him inheritance, Jiang Fan also has a way to destroy.

Even if the judge handed it down to him now, Jiang Fan would not accept it. He was not sure that he would break through nine times and take his life. He still needed to accumulate slowly.

As for Meng Shaojie, he will have a great legacy left to him in the future. This is not the place where he rose, and he is not in a hurry.

Wu Heng and Han Qianxue choose, Jiang Fan of course will choose Han Qianxue.

Because a series of things in crape myrtle mainland, let Han Qianxue's realm did not reach the complete promotion, so it will be pulled away.

At the end of the secret realm, he may return to Ziwei Road. By then, Han Qianxue will stay here and help her improve the realm as much as possible. He can rest assured when he leaves.

As for Wu Heng, he naturally has other ways to compensate him. He is a pharmacist. He has countless precious pills on his body. If you take out some of them, it will be enough to make up for him.

The judge has not opened his mouth, but the eyes of the statue have been wandering between Han Qianxue and Yan Mobai, obviously also considering.

Simply from the perspective of realm, Yan Mo Bai is of course impeccable.

But of course, the way he chose as a judge can't be that simple.

If the inheritance is passed on to a villain, can the judge expect him to reward and punish the evil?

Jiang Fan conveys his idea to Han Qianxue. Han Qianxue's eyes are bright, but she doesn't say much. She has a smile on her face and doesn't speak, but her eyes are very bright and not eager.

From the point of view of mentality, she is much stronger than Yan Mobai.

After a long time, the judge's voice rang out.

"When you two go to the platform behind the statue, your realm is very different, but it gives me different feelings. Let my Lingbao choose."

Hear this, Yan Mo white mouth up, in a good mood.

As long as Jiang fan can't intervene, he is confident that he has an absolute advantage.

Jiang Fan looked at the back of the statue and found that the platform was not high. On the back of the stone wall, there were two words, black and white. Black is evil and white is good. It corresponded to the color of the statue's eyes and sent out a mysterious breath. This breath made Jiang fan unexpected, very strong and powerful, and sent out a strong dignity.

Han Qianxue didn't say much. He flew directly to the other side and landed on the platform.

The same is true of Yan Mo Bai.

They are not far away, but Han Qianxue has no fear.

Yan Mo Bai glanced at her, and her voice was slightly threatening: "Han Qianxue, you follow Jiang Fan to fight me like this, are you not afraid of my revenge in the future? How many attacks can your strength withstand me? "

Han Qianxue looked at him with a smile: "do I know you very well? This is the enemy. There's no need to say so much. "

See her so calm, Yan Mo white also some did not expect.

At this time, the word "good" and "evil" on the stone wall suddenly burst out a strong breath and suddenly covered them.

Jiang fan can see that those two words actually contain the array. They are two pieces of Lingbao, representing the identity of the judge. They are very powerful.

Han Qianxue didn't move. It's not unusual for Lingbao to choose the successor. After all, Lingbao is also a part of the inheritance. It's a good chance.

Yan Mobai releases his spiritual power and makes himself in the best state. Generally speaking, the strong are respected, and Lingbao is willing to be subordinated to the strong.

And Han Qianxue held his head up and pressed it, as steady as Mount Tai, with a calm look.

The next moment, two rays of light from the two people, into two different colors.

The color of Yan Mo Bai's body is gray, black and white is more inclined to black, and the light is flashing.

Look at Han Qianxue again, his whole body is emitting golden light, which is in sharp contrast with Yan Mo Bai. In terms of momentum, there is not much difference between them, and the intensity of light flickering is almost the same.

The judge's voice rang out: "the villain is not a great evil, but it's a pity. You can go

They turned back at the same time, obviously wondering who the judge was talking to.At this time, the statue sent out a spiritual power to directly cover Han Qianxue and let her float.

His voice then rang out: "Haoran Zhengqi! Being kind is the way I choose to pass on. The realm can be made up the day after tomorrow, but the heart can't

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