Jiang Fan's mouth rose and his heart was full of expectation.

The spirit power surrounds the whole body and continuously injects into the body. You can clearly feel that it is different from the outside world.

He didn't leave in a hurry. He felt the surrounding situation carefully. He gradually understood that the biggest difference between here and the outside world was not that the spiritual power could explain, but that the law.

The law here is committed to perfection, which obviously surpasses the outside world. Being baptized by the power of perfect law will make the monk's cultivation speed faster, and the spiritual power of cultivation will be more pure, which is of great benefit to the physical body and talent.

The most important thing is that the strong can practice faster than the outside world and reach a higher level.

When he opened his eyes, he had to admire the ancestor of the Jiang nationality who created the holy land. This must have reached a terrifying state. Only in this way can he have such a strong understanding of the laws of heaven. It's hard to imagine how much time it would take to create such a holy land.

When he got up, he went to the deep part of the holy soil, and the corners of his mouth went up. However, the chapter of Dan Tao in his body has already begun to be used to refine his body with the Qi of the heaven. The rules here are strong enough to benefit him a lot.

Soon after, several young people saw him.

These young people, dressed in white uniforms, are practicing their fighting methods, and their breath is not weak.

Seeing Jiang Fan in black, they frowned one after another, with a puzzled look in their eyes.

One of them came directly to him and said, "where did you get the black suit? What's your seniority? How dare you put on this dress and change it quickly. "

Jiang Fan didn't expect that this would be the first time he met a disciple of the Jiang family.

He looked at these disciples and found that they were no different from him, but their realm was not weak. They all surpassed the realm of taking life.

In the outside world, even in the major sects, the life taking disciples are absolutely elite disciples. After all, the friars in the first echelon are only a few.

But in the holy land of the Jiang family, the youth in this realm, like ordinary disciples, is obviously nothing.

But they are so impolite, of course Jiang Fan will not.

"None of your business!"

Finish saying, no matter those a few people, walk toward inside directly.

But how could a disciple of the Jiang family let him leave so easily?

Two of them stopped Jiang Fan directly: "don't you understand the rules of the Jiang family? It's disrespectful of you to dress like this. How dare you make a mistake? "

When they finished speaking, they wanted to catch Jiang Fan. Jiang Fan sidestepped to avoid their hands and said in a cold voice, "I'm not a member of the Jiang people. How about the rules of the Jiang people?"

They are very fast, but they don't even touch Jiang Fan's clothes. They immediately understand that Jiang Fan's strength is not weak.

But Jiang Fan's words still made them one Leng, one of them said directly: "outsiders? How dare you break into the sacred land of the yuan family! You're going to die

The next moment, see Jiang Fan suddenly shot, around the two people fly out, fell to the ground, surprised at Jiang Fan.

"Idiot!" He sneered, then continued to walk inside, completely ignoring the disciples.

Some people want to continue to chase, but was stopped by another person: "don't chase, we are not his opponent."

The disciple was not reconciled: "why? If an outsider dares to break into the sacred land of our Jiang family, let him go in like this? "

Another disciple didn't have a good way: "are you confused? Is it a young man who can break into the sacred land of our Jiang family? Since he is here, he must have been brought in by the senior members of the clan. Ordinary disciples can't leave the holy land. "

The disciple immediately thought of something: "do you mean he is a guest brought back by the middle and high level of the clan? But even the guests should abide by our rules, which is tantamount to provocation. "

Looking at Jiang Fan's back, the disciple sneered: "you and I are not rivals, but he swaggered into the room. Someone must have dealt with him. We don't need to do anything at all. Just wait to see the excitement. I don't know which adult brought him here. There are no rules. I think that adult should have forgotten to remind him. "

The two disciples who fell to the ground just managed to get up at this time.

They rubbed the position they had just been hit, bared their teeth and said, "that boy has no idea what he is from. He has amazing strength and his body method is also very strange."

"It's not surprising that he's eight times more powerful than you."

"It seems that he should be a genius from the outside world. I don't know why he was brought back to holy land. It's not common. Why don't you tell me about it? With his strength, he must be better than this boy. "

A few people nodded, and then quickly went to report, leaving the place.

Jiang Fan did not affect his mood because of those young people. His blood was beating at this time, and he could feel the strange force pulling his blood.

He went on, and the closer he got to the statue, the clearer he felt.

"The power of blood is amazing. It had such an impact on me. I don't know if there will be inheritance waiting for me. "

Without his years of refining the flesh and bones, his blood evolution, with his original situation, even here, will never have any touch.He was born against the heaven and changed his fate. Now, good things continue and he is full of luck. He is full of confidence in the future.

However, the further Jiang Fan went, the more Jiang monks he saw.

But no matter men and women, old and young, look at his eyes are some strange, Jiang Fan already know the reason, but did not change clothes.

Most of these people wear white clothes, and some of them wear blue clothes. Obviously, among the Jiang people, their status can be distinguished from their clothes.

However, it's obviously a residential area. It's very busy here. People are also self-sufficient. The Jiang people also distribute resources to everyone from time to time for living and cultivation.

As long as you have talent, your position in the Jiang family can also soar, you can get a lot of resources, and you will be vigorously cultivated in the Jiang family.

Up to now, the Jiang family is more like a huge clan. Although they are all disciples of the Jiang family, their ancestors are not alone. The lineage of the clan leader is orthodox, but it is very rare. There are only a few monks left in that branch, but they have a superior position in the holy land.

However, strength is the most important factor. The same is true among the Jiang people. Whoever is stronger can be in power.

People are constantly looking at this side, and then whispering with the people around them.

Jiang Fan didn't like it. He wandered around the market and found a pub to order some food. It's hard to relax and free his stomach.

The boss has been vigilant looking at Jiang Fan, eyes with a bit of fear of color, but did not dare to offend Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan checks out and leaves, only to find that there are a group of young people in the street. The man at the head is relatively older and in a good state. He has killed himself nine times and is frowning at Jiang Fan.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you in my family. Are you not a disciple of the Jiang nationality? " He asked directly.

Jiang Fan said: "yes, it's not all. What are you doing?"

Hearing what Jiang Fan said, several faces were puzzled. The man at the head then asked, "who took you to the holy land?"

"None of your business? Are all the disciples of the Jiang family willing to meddle in their own affairs? " Jiang Fan said.

The man didn't expect that Jiang Fan was so rude and didn't pay attention to him at all.

His realm is higher than that of Jiang Fan. Naturally, he won't give Jiang Fan face. He said directly: "good courage! Do you know that this is the holy land of the Jiang family? Even if you are the one brought back by the adults, you should pay attention to your identity and be careful to set yourself on fire. "

Speaking of this, he said to the young friars behind him: "you go to pick off his clothes!"

With the support of this man, the young people went to Jiang fanwei one after another.

The man said, "if he dares to resist, I will subdue him."

Jiang Fan's mouth rose and looked at them without any tension.

"It's really an eye opener for me that the Jiang family should be so hospitable. But just a few of you want to embarrass me? It's a long way off

When the medicine method was applied in an instant, the young people were fixed in the same place on the spot, while Jiang Fan's figure flickered strangely and disappeared in the same place.

In the twinkling of an eye has come to the man in front of a sudden will be a pill into the mouth of the other side, action at one go, the man did not respond, has been recruited.

He took two steps back and looked at Jiang Fan in surprise: "you What did you give me to eat? "

Jiang Fan said calmly: "it's nothing, just a little poison. But don't worry. If you don't want an antidote, you can redeem it with a treasure. "

With that, he didn't pay any attention to them at all, turned and left, went through the town, and continued to go deep into the holy land of the Jiang family.

He didn't worry. He was brought back by the patriarch. There was a big problem for the patriarch to deal with. As for the disciple of the Jiang clan, he didn't have the patience to get used to it.

Outside the tavern, a few young people were fixed there, their eyes still moving, but their bodies seemed to be imprisoned, which made the people startled.

The man at the head felt that his whole body was weak, and the feeling became more and more intense. If he went on like this, he knew that he couldn't hold on for a long time. He quickly took out Fu Lingyu, informed his father of the situation here, and asked people to come here for support.

The news that a young man suddenly appeared in the holy land soon spread.

In this generation, there are more and more young people in the Jiang family, including many talented people.

There are nearly 300 young people in Jiang Fan's five-year-old stage, and five of them have killed nine times.

The clan is full of expectations for these disciples.

Even more, one person has successfully broken through and entered the life changing situation, which is the invincible existence of this generation. The fighting power has been close to his father's generation, and he has a very high position in the Jiang family, which is hard to see in peacetime.

However, Jiang fan doesn't know that Jiang Wentian is in the sky now. He observes his every move all the way, including going out in the pub to deal with the disciples of the Jiang family. However, he has a smile on his face and doesn't mean to stop him. He just wants to see how crazy and confident this little guy is.At least Jiang Fan still has absolute confidence, even in the face of experts, he has not given in, and his eyes have always revealed a confident look.

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