Jiang Yao is so terrible that his mother rushes to wanyaogu theory directly. At last, he threatens Yuanyang with his strength. That's troublesome.

He knows Jiang Fan's character too well. He is soft but not hard. Although the Baizhan clan is very strong, he will never compromise, otherwise Jiang Fan will not get to this step.

Wang Yingzhu frowned and said, "which side are you standing on?"

"Of course I'm on my mother's side, but some things can't be done according to your rules, can they. After all, Jiang fan is not a disciple of the Jiang family, or even a disciple of our Jiang family. "

Wang Yingzhu didn't understand: "why do you say that?"

"Because of my wife, my blood is not inherited from my Jiang family. My blood is impure, and then it becomes weaker and weaker. In addition, I was seriously injured, and finally sent this branch out to find their own way of life, because they would be excluded if they stayed in Jiang's house and waited for me to fall. Although Jiang Chao would protect them, that would probably make them more despised. But no one thought that when it comes to Jiang Fan's generation, the blood of the people will recover. First Jiang Yueyao, then Jiang Fan. "

Wang Yingzhu frowned and said, "so what? Doesn't he admit to being your offspring? "

"He didn't deny this, but he didn't rely on anything from our Jiang family until now. He was..."

Jiang Yao told his mother what he found out about Jiang Fan. From the rise of Jiang Fan to his fame in the first World War of baizhanfeng, Wang Yingzhu finally understood why Jiang Yao said that. Jiang Fan didn't use Jiang Fu to pay anything, and it brought a lot of benefits to Jiang Fu.

And the Dan way that goes against the heaven is even more strange. She can't believe that Jiang Fan had done so many great things a few years ago. No wonder they are so bold that they dare to escape from the sacred land of the Baizhan people. It turns out that they don't know the rules of the Baizhan people at all.

After that, Jiang Yao continued: "so my mother thinks that with Jiang Fan's character, may I be such a person who easily admits defeat?"

"If you say so, Jiang Fan will not give in easily. However, even if I don't solve this problem, you and Jiang Chao have to think about it for me. Our generation of Baizhan people only has Wang Xian's blood. Jiang Fan's blood revives in the Jiang people, and his blood and Wang Xian will be combined to produce gifted disciples. No matter it's good for the Jiang people or our Baizhan people, it's too shameful if you can't figure it out. "

Jiang Yao nodded: "of course I understand. After all, I also have half of the Baizhan blood. If I have a chance, I will certainly make up for them. But obviously not now. "

Wang Yingzhu said, "you can do whatever you want. By the way, I'll stay here for a while. You don't have to worry about me. I'll come to you if you have something

Jiang Yao said, "you can live as long as you like. If you have anything, please let me know."

With that, Jiang Yao left, a little excited, obviously many years did not see his mother.

He asked the kitchen to prepare a table of delicious food, and prepared to have a good dinner with his mother in the evening. I forgot when I had dinner together last time.

At that time, he was still young and protected Jiang Chao from the holy land. Later, because of a series of things, he decided to stay in the Lihuo Dynasty and help his nephew Jiang Chao fulfill his dream. This residence has been for so many years, and he has been used to the life here.

Originally, he just wanted to accompany Jiang Chao to relax. He thought that he would return after he relaxed. Unfortunately, he didn't expect Jiang Chao to make such a decision. After he left holy land, he didn't want to return at all, and he was very persistent. He also helped Ji wusheng to open up the territory and expand the territory. In the end, he was crowned king by Ji wusheng and founded the Jiang family.

Even if he missed his mother, at most, he was silent for a moment and would not say anything else.

So this kind of opportunity is rare. Jiang Chao has no time to return to holy land. This is the first time in so many years. He also hopes that this is a good start.

As for Jiang Chao at this time, he has been following the carefree master for several days. Unfortunately, he has been looking around for such a long time and has not felt the smell of an alien.

"What's the matter? Have these guys returned? "

The carefree master shook his head: "impossible, because they don't have that ability at all. If they had that ability, they would not have been sent here. I've found some clues. I believe I'll get something soon. Be careful and be ready to fight at any time. "

Jiang Chao and his wife could not see any relaxed color from his face. They knew that things were not simple, so they suppressed their breath one after another, but the breath was concentrated and ready to explode at any time.

The carefree master didn't stop all the time. They followed him and trusted him absolutely. Not yet

half a day later, the carefree master suddenly stopped and looked around.

Then, the folding fan in the hands of the carefree master unfolded, and all kinds of spiritual power came out to fight around.

The next moment, not far away from them, a ripple appears out of thin air. The next moment, three spiritual powers erupt from there. The momentum is not very strong, but it can make people feel that the other party obviously does not cooperate.

Jiang Chao's breath locked in one of them and almost acted at the same time.

The three breath flew in three directions instantly. Obviously, he didn't want to fight head-on. His first thought was to turn around and run.Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to run away in the hands of these three people.

The body shape of the carefree master is twinkling, and the next moment you have come to the opponent, and his locked breath is the foreign monk with a big mouth.

Seeing each other's appearance, the carefree master is not surprised, but takes it for granted.

The array appears, and black demons appear, tearing the array around you crazily. Obviously, they want to crack the array, and then solve the problem as soon as possible.

These black demons are just a kind of demons, very crazy, as if they don't know how to fear and deal with life.

But soon, Ji wusheng three people have started, directly kill these foreign demons.

Without any patience, they directly kill them all, and their realm is completely suppressed, so they don't worry that the other side can turn the sky.

The three figures didn't expect to be caught so soon, but in terms of breath, the strength of the three people in front of them was terrible and could completely suppress them.

"Speak up! Don't make things too rigid? "

Jiang Tianwang and his wife couldn't understand their words and didn't speak much. They caught them and waited for the carefree master to say.

The carefree master did not disappoint them, and the ancient language came with open mouth, and these three people showed a feeling of rather dying than yielding.

"What are you here for? What's the plan? How many monks are there

One of them said, "there's no plan. We're just here to play. We just came here when we were wandering. When we find a way to go back, we'll definitely leave at once. We won't stay for a while. Is that ok? "

The carefree master nodded and let the three people breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the next moment, the carefree master who seems to have the spirit of Confucianism suddenly burst out, just like killing a God, and suddenly shot. The monk with a big mouth in his hand was directly killed by him, and there was no chance for him to say more.

The two guys at this time stare at all this, did not expect this mysterious Super Master pulp dye will be so terrible. Kill one of their captains.

At this time, I heard the carefree venerable say: "you try quickly, and the useless people will be killed directly."

Now these two guys are no longer silent, one of them said directly: "don't kill us, we are willing to say anything."

The carefree master nods to Jiang Chao. Then Jiang Chao looks at the carefree master and obviously wants to know what he means.

"Take them back to the capital, and I want to know what they're going to do."

The two nodded, then set a ban on them, sealed the sea of Qi, and when they were completely unable to play tricks, it took them back quickly.

The master Xiaoyao is still flying ahead this time. When he reaches his realm, he has a strong momentum. Even if Jiang Chao is not afraid of heaven and earth, he can still feel great pressure in front of the master Xiaoyao.

Ji wusheng is even more so. He is the highest decision maker of Lihuo Dynasty. How high is his position? Even on the mainland, they will definitely be courted by outsiders.

While flying, the carefree Master said: "I'm very lucky this time. I caught two people who are afraid of death. I hope they have what we need. "

When they return to the capital, call them out directly.

"Now you can talk about it. What does the world want to do? Is there going to be another catastrophe? " The carefree master frowned.

Hearing this, the man with three heads said with a smile: "it seems that you know something about us. But even if you ask more, it's no use. Because there are things you can't stop. But I can tell you very clearly, if adults really want to come, what's the use of knowing? It's just adding trouble. "

The carefree Master said, "you are optimistic! But even if they come, they won't save you. If you don't want to die, just cooperate and say all you know. At least I don't plan to kill you until I find more useful foreigners. But if you play tricks, I promise you won't live until the next hour. Of course, this is when I'm in a good mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I'm sure you're not going to die. "

This sentence is very serious. He went through the ancient catastrophe. Although he was very young at that time, he knew how helpless he felt at that time.

Those super powerful friars regard life as a weed. If they raise their hands, they will wipe out many lives. They don't know how to be merciful at all.

They're high up, they're inhuman.

So after he survived, he seriously studied the invasion of foreign nations, hoping to get rid of the fate of the world and not be caught in the hands of the world.

After that, he constantly put his ideas into action, and found many like-minded people to fight against fate.

They may not be rivals, but they will never easily let these people start havoc again. This road takes time, and so do the geniuses. When they grow up enough to cope with this situation, they have to do better than them at least.

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