Jiang Fan flew to grandma sun and took out a bottle of pills.

"I'd better use mine."

Granny sun nodded, took the pill, and then quickly flew to each monk, hoping to help them at the first time.

She comes from Wanyao Valley and has a lot of pills on her. After all, the relationship between ancient style and Lihuo Dynasty is very good.

But she also knew that the quality of Jiang Fan's pills was higher, so she was not polite.

Jiang Fan looked at the ruins, with a heavy heart. Unexpectedly, he was calculated by foreigners.

However, with the two attacks just now, all the demons on the black rock mountain were killed. These two attacks are extremely powerful.

On the other side of the world, they were sent to the friars in the big formation. Only a small part of these invading friars were their subordinates, and more of them were the prisoners they brought out of the prison. Before they were sent to the mainland, they were promised that as long as they could return safely, they would be free from crime and be free again.

Because of this, these friars are willing to go here for a chance of life, but it is also death that is waiting for them.

Because at this time, Mo Wudi three people have been completely angry, want to rush into the portal, kill to the world.

They clearly saw what the two attacks came from, which was obviously a one-time super smart treasure, and the destructive power was simply terrible.

Without hesitation, Jiang Fan went to the space mark from another direction, hoping to break the battle as soon as possible and solve the portal in front of him. Only in this way can he solve all problems as quickly as possible.

Mo Wudi and others have obviously seen him, but they don't know what he is going to do.

They have only one idea. They will kill as many foreigners as they come. They will not be merciful.

Although the Lihuo Dynasty lost a lot this time, it could not shake its foundation. Although Ji wusheng was angry, he made it clear that the current situation was clear. He just wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Jiang Fan was standing behind the portal, and the power of spirit had already burst out, which enveloped the portal in an instant.

AI's power is also blessed on Jiang Fan, who breaks the array together. Jiang fan is responsible for assimilating the power of the array, while AI directly looks for the eye of the array.

Because of the power of the contract, they have a very tacit understanding.

The teleportation array is still sending the monks. Jiang fan knows that the world is now in a desperate situation, because the space mark in the South has been almost completely broken, so he can't make waves any more. He can only attack from this side.

The first two attacks were obviously used to open the way.

However, they underestimated the experts of crape myrtle mainland. Although Mo Wudi was injured, the influence was not great.

There was no way to get rid of the three without the monks from the same place. How many people came and killed.

In the mountains, some seriously injured human experts were sent to the outside for treatment. Generally speaking, the whole Heiyan mountain is gradually recovering and stable, but the fallen people will never wake up again.

The invasion is still going on. An hour later, Jiang Fan has finally completed the assimilation of breath. Xiao AI constantly perceives the whole array, and his analysis ability is several times faster than Jiang Fan.

"Young master! I found it

Soon, a smart line appeared in Jiang Fan's mind.

Without hesitation for a moment, Jiang Fan took the pill directly, mobilized the spirit power in the air sea, and injected it into the space mark at the fastest speed.

The next moment, the portal began to shake and become unstable.

Then some of the undelivered figures suddenly disappeared, and then the space mark began to collapse, and finally completely dissipated.

Jiang Fan's face showed a smile: "it's finally done."

As his voice fell, everything returned to peace.

Mo Wudi and others continue to kill foreigners without stopping, but they have seen the situation of Jiang Fan. I was also surprised. I didn't expect that Jiang Fan could crack the space mark. It's too strange.

All over the world.

The operation of the big array slowly stopped, and the Terran old man who controlled the array sighed: "the mark has been broken. I didn't expect that there are not only experts but also array masters over there. The space mark is an array that I have refined for many years, and ordinary people can't break it. I don't know if adults will punish us. "

"Punishment is inevitable, but at least we have some information. Although the years of development there are not long, the number of experts is not too small. "

"It's not necessarily so. Some experts may have survived from the last era to the present. There may be some old monsters in it. But the master who can bear the attack of those two Lingbao will never be too weak. Take the troops back to the city. When the adult wakes up, let's see what he thinks. Is it necessary to deploy again? "

So they gave up the battle, got up and went back, with some of their men following behind.

After the mark of space was broken, no more foreign friars appeared, and no more demons appeared.

No one spoke. Everyone was watching the direction of heiyanshan, waiting for the foreigners to appear again.However, the first wait lasted for three days, and nothing happened. Although Heiyan mountain was almost completely destroyed, it was not a loss to the Lihuo Dynasty at all.

"Ink invincible way:" it seems that the space mark has been completely broken, has been unable to send over demons

"Jiang Fan really has a good ability in the array. The space mark is very mysterious. He can break it by force. It's really incredible."

Because a few days ago, after they temporarily suppressed the speed of foreign invasion, the array master of Jiuhuang hall had tried to crack it. Unfortunately, he had no clue. He didn't expect that Jiang Fan would completely solve the problem in such a short time after he arrived. It's really amazing.

Jiang asked the heaven, "don't be surprised, this boy is a kid who can break out of the holy land of the Baizhan clan. Now his realm has been greatly improved. I'm afraid it's not difficult for him to break through the battle."

Jiang Fan had already treated the seriously injured friars outside the mountain. They were not only the friars of Lihuo Dynasty. These people came from all over the country, but also some of them came to help. It's not hard to see at this time that people can put down their prejudices in the face of foreigners.

Jiang Fan's superb means once again show his Dan and medicine on the super ability.

He and Gufeng began treatment almost at the same time, but the speed was several times of Gufeng.

However, Jiang Fan has been observing the ancient wind. He found that the medicine and Dan Dao of the ancient wind should be stronger than the last time he saw him. It can be seen that during this period of time, he has not been lazy and has been working hard to cultivate.

Another group of Li Huo troops came here to clean the battlefield. When they enter the mountains, they will be buried as long as there are still corpses.

Mo Wudi three people sit in the air, also repairing their injuries.

Jiang Chao sat alone on a high ground, calmly looking at the ruins, calm eyes, in a bad mood.

Ji wusheng finds him and sits directly beside him.

"Don't be sad, some things are unpredictable, but this time at least it's all settled. What's more, the foundation of the Lihuo Dynasty has not been shaken. If it wasn't for Jiang Fan who told us to deploy as soon as possible, I'm afraid we would have to face more than these experts. I'm afraid we have to face the pressure of foreign troops. At that time, even if we want to find a helper, I'm afraid it's too late. "

Jiang Chao nodded: "I know what you mean, but in the end, if I could bring Jiang Fan earlier, I'm afraid that would not happen."

"Don't think about the past. I will try my best to compensate their families. Some old guys have been with us for many years. I thought they were going to go home to spend their old age. I didn't expect that it would end like this. "

Jiang Chao scratched his head and said, "OK, you're busy. I'll go there after a while."

Ji wusheng nodded and said nothing more.

The situation of Lihuo Dynasty is stable, but no one knows what will happen next. It's another month, no master left, and there are no foreign friars in the south.

The situation is stable. In the area near the Lihuo Dynasty, the invasion is coming to an end.

Because there is no foreign elder to control the formation, only demons and some friars who come spontaneously are sent here at this time. However, these friars are not experts for foreign people, and they can't really affect anything.

After Jiang Fan cured all these people, he said something to Jiang Chao and others. Then he quickly left and went back to the south to see what was going on there. After all, the whole Lihuo Dynasty was almost separated, and the news didn't spread so fast. It's better for him to go there himself.

Because Jiang Fan had already used the teleportation array of Jiang's house, he was familiar with it and soon found the location of the teleportation array. Soon after, others had appeared in the south of Lihuo Dynasty, and then went straight to the direction of the team of Lihuo academy to find Huoyan and others.

When he arrived, he found that some disciples were crying.

After a close look, we find that Qian Sen and Chu Zhan have already had a big fight. They are obviously exchanging views, which is also agreed before.

Qian Sen is now well-known, and has integrated the skill of leaping snake into his body method, showing his super combat effectiveness.

The fighting style of Chu war was also indomitable, and the fighting of death was simply and rudely fighting against Mai mang by close combat.

They just fought each other, and they didn't use weapons.

at the beginning, it was difficult for them to fight each other, but as time went on, Qian Sen's snake power made his injury very light, and Chu war was relatively more difficult.

However, the two of them still have a strong sense of war at this time, constantly rushing to each other's Boli, and no one wants to admit defeat.

Miao Wuyang and Huoyan have almost recovered their state at this time. At this time, they are all staring at Qian Sen and constantly looking at him.

They already know who he is, and this is obviously an opportunity to feel what he can do.

"It's really good that the way of fighting is so strange. Even in ancient times, it's hard to encounter such a person who intended to be sanctified by the body. In those days, there was only one person. This boy must have been inherited by that one. Otherwise, how could such a fighting force break out just by the body.""You're right!"

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