"If it wasn't for the rise of several human beings in those years, who had the power of the royal family and changed the status of the human race. I'm afraid that most human beings may still be kept in captivity and become the blood food of the royal family! "

Speaking of this, he also carefully looked at Jiang Fan two people, obviously afraid that they do not like to listen.

Jiang Fan said, "just keep talking."

So the demon then told Jiang Fan something about the world, and let him talk about the status of human beings in the world.

Visible is to remind him, let him know to the world, must remember their identity, so that he can live more easily.

However, he also told Jiang fan that the realm of taking life is not weak after all. As long as Jiang fan is careful, self-protection should not be a big problem. The taboo is never to provoke the royal family. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it. Only in this way can everything be solved.

During the night at Xiaoyao villa, Jiang Fan thought a lot.

Along the way after his rebirth, he guarded what he wanted to protect. Now when he went to the world, all the affairs of crape myrtle would be put down. In this way, if Chu Zhan and others had another accident, he would have no way to support quickly. He couldn't even feel it. Moreover, he got a message from the Xiaoyao venerable. They could only break a gap and send Jiang Fan to Da'an Thousands of world, but how to come back, they do not know.

That is to say, it's very likely that you will never go back, and you don't know how many years you will be trapped in the world.

However, since the goal has been decided, Jiang fan does not intend to go back. He must grow up as soon as possible. Only when he is really strong can he really protect the people he wants to protect.

He has explained the news of Huoyan, Chuzhan and others. They want to know all the time. As long as they have an accident, they can fight for the first time to support them. Although they know that they will be very busy building Tiange, the weight of Chuzhan and others in Jiang Fan's eyes is obviously more important than Tiange.

It's just because of Huoyan that Jiang fan can leave safely and go to the world.

The next morning, the carefree master found Jiang Fan and took out some body protection treasures, but they all had very strange looks and unique shapes.

"You can take these spirit treasures. They are all from ancient battlefields. They are some treasures in the world. Most of your own Lingbao are our models. In order to avoid suspicion, it will be safer for you to use these Lingbao. Although these things don't look very good, their quality is quite good, and there are two of them

Jiang Fan obviously didn't expect the carefree master to think so carefully. It seems that they have really planned this thing for many years, and they almost won't let Jiang Fan have any flaws.

They are also looking forward to Jiang Fan's safe return. They must know what the world is like before they can continue their thinking and see how to deal with the catastrophe.

Although it's only a distant event, there are not many such opportunities. After all, all the monks they sent to fall, the soul lamp goes out, and there is no chance to come back.

Of course, they are very sure of Jiang Fan's ability, and Jiang Fan has now completed blood fusion, and is likely to survive there. If he really grows up in the future, he may change history.

If Jiang fan fails, they can also give up this idea. They really can't imagine whether they can find a teenager with better qualifications than Jiang Fan. Jiang Fan's achievements now can be called a miracle and is definitely the best candidate.

The most rare thing is that Jiang fan does not resist going to the world, but takes the initiative to go. With this, Jiang Fan's chance of survival is higher than others.

Jiang Fan recognized these spiritual treasures as the Lord, and then left the room with the carefree master.

When you come to a high ground in the villa, there are several transmission arrays on the ground. The style is very simple. I don't know how many years they have been arranged.

"Take you to the ancient battlefield."

So a transmission array opened, and then he took Jiang Fan directly into it.

Soon the surrounding scenery has changed, at this time they are in a valley, some cold around, but there is no ice and snow, but the breath gives a chill.

Then the carefree master took out a token and threw it directly at the stone wall in front of him.

The token is like a stone falling into the water. It disappears in an instant. There are ripples on the stone wall, but you can feel the surging spirit power.

"Let's go!"

The carefree master took Jiang Fan and directly disappeared.

In the valley, everything was calm, as if nothing had changed.

Jiang Fan felt the whirl of heaven and earth, as if the sound of fighting sounded in his ears, as if he could hear the war of thousands of troops, as if he was in the middle of the battlefield.

After waiting for him to stand firm, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. The sound of fighting is still ringing, but in front of us, there are thousands of troops. It is a special force, as if it is a kind of will.

The smell of blood was all around, and the sky and the earth were red, as if at dusk.

The land is also bloody, lifeless, only soil and rock, occasionally you can see some weathered bones, I do not know how many years of death.If you ask Jiang Fan to give you an evaluation here, it is the realm of killing.

Looking at the ancient battlefield, the carefree master sighed: "it was not like this in those days, just like the outside world. The land here is dyed red with blood. There are experts and demons from all over the world, as well as some ancient experts and unyielding soldiers. Their lives will stay here forever, and there is no chance of rebirth. The ghost will wander in the bloody battlefield forever. At that stop, the sky was dark and the earth was dark. At last, they could not stop the steps of the catastrophe. The soldiers killed a single soldier, and they had no choice to retreat. It was a very tragic war. Although we have won a lot of time, it's a pity that we still can't retreat. In the end, our world still hasn't escaped the baptism of catastrophe. Civilization is more than total destruction. "

Jiang Fan closed his eyes. It seemed that the picture of that war could be seen in front of his eyes. It was really very tragic. The invasion of foreign people was not small, it was too powerful.

The carefree master is very familiar with this place, and takes Jiang Fan to the direction of the broken transmission channel. According to what he said before, there should be experts guarding here all the time, observing the situation here all the time.

After all, they have been preparing for so many years, and they will not give up easily.

But the more you go to the space mark, the color of the ground gradually becomes lighter, but the fighting around becomes stronger, which makes Jiang Fan a little surprised.

At this time, the carefree Master explained, "can you see the difference on the ground? Now you should understand how hard the friars in our field made in that war, but the effect was not very good. "

"The loss is totally unequal." Jiang Fan sighed.

"Yes! Basically completely suppressed. You should know that most of the fighters in that year resisted, but they still ended up like this. The world is too terrible, so this time you go is also extremely dangerous. You must be careful and be more careful yourself. "

Jiang Fan nodded: "don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

About two hours full speed on the road, far away three figures appear in Jiang Fan's eyes.

After looking at the past, Jiang Fan was a little surprised. None of the three were experts. Only one of them, he had heard of, was named Lei Zhengxing. He was as good as the carefree master and had been friends for many years.

In that year, when an invasion happened, he appeared with a strong hand. He was astonished by thunder. He resisted one side with one person's strength, which was quite powerful.

The other two are quite familiar, but if they can be with the carefree master, their identity and strength will never be too weak.

Feel two people come, three people look to this side in succession, the vision falls on Jiang fan body almost at the same time.

Jiang Fan clasped his fist: "junior Jiang Fan, meet three predecessors."

Even before his rebirth, as the king of medicine, he had to pay homage to these experts. Out of respect, their fighting power was really against the sky.

"Is this the legendary Jiang Fan? That's interesting! "

All three were obviously looking at him. One of the elders asked, "are you still a pharmacist?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "I'm really a pharmacist. Although I haven't broken through the great realm, my ability has broken through to the realm of changing my life. "

"I didn't feel it wrong. You have a strong sense of fire. You are a good seedling. Do you want to stay? We old guys can cultivate you, let you grow up as soon as possible, and fight for this world in the future. "

When they see Jiang Fan, they all cherish their talents. It's too dangerous for Jiang Fan to go to the world. They don't want such a genius to fall.

What's more, pharmacists are rare. They have heard a little about what he has done in the mainland these years. He is a very talented monk worthy of cultivation.

"I can also fight for this world in the world. There may be my way. Thank you for staying."

From Jiang Fan's eyes, we can see that he is firm, which shows that he has decided to go.

The carefree Master said, "I have finished what I should say. But we don't need to worry about the boy's ability. If we ask who is the right person to go to the world, then the boy is definitely the most suitable one. "

The old man sitting next to the space Mark said calmly: "in this case, there is no need to waste time. The four of us join hands to open a crack and send him there."

Four people's breath broke out. Although he didn't suppress Jiang Fan, he could still feel the powerful force standing aside. This is the real master. In front of them, he was too weak. It seems that there is a long way to go in the future.

As the power of the four broke out and poured into the space, the old man said: "I don't know if there is a time to go back. Take care of yourself. I hope you can change something in the world. I hope you can rise strongly."

At the next moment, Jiang Fan felt a huge force that enveloped him in an instant. Then he was wrapped by spiritual power and sent into the space mark. In a flash, he disappeared into the channel.

Perhaps because the channel is not stable enough, powerful forces are tearing at his body, as if trying to tear him to pieces.

Severe pain swept through Jiang Fan's nerves, which made Jiang Fan a little unprepared. He quickly supported the spirit power and resisted the power.

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