"Jijing? Are you sure? Have you tried? "

Baishan was a little surprised. Such a disciple is too rare. At least renhuangzong has never appeared.

"I haven't tried yet, but I'm sure the boy won't talk nonsense. I wanted to have a trial, but it happened before I was given a chance. Those children just want to find some medicine and stew. It's just a small matter. It's Qiao Qingyun who's just making a mountain out of a molehill. "

Hearing this, Baishan really had an impulse to smoke him.

"Make a mountain out of a molehill? You think I didn't go to the back yam garden? There's not even a hair left. "

But then he picked his eyebrows and looked at Ling Yun: "have you really stepped into the extreme? Don't talk nonsense

"Otherwise, why did I play so much this time. Boss, do you have to give this guy more resources? So that he can further improve his strength. Next year will be the opening of the secret world of all kinds of refining. If this boy can get the final inheritance in it, it will give us a face. "

Baishan didn't have a good way: "don't you come with me. Qiao Qingyun is in charge of yaolu. Although I am the patriarch, my words are formidable. Do you know? You've been messing around in the clan all these years. I think nothing has happened. You've gone too far this time. I doubt whether that boy is a genius who has stepped into the extreme. "

Lingyun said: "boss, if you refuse me, you will regret today's decision."

Baishan said, "regret? What can I regret? Is there something wrong with what I said? "

"Originally, I planned to let Jiang Fan represent the emperor clan when he joined the Bailian secret land. In this case, he can only represent our emperor clan."

Ling Yun is not angry, as if already know will be such an outcome. He just came to ask for the treasure from his elder martial brother. He didn't insist on it, because he knew Baishan's character very well.

However, he was awakened by Baishan. He had to test Jiang Fan's fighting power first. He didn't believe in Jiang Fan, but wanted to know how strong Jiang Fan's fighting power was. In this way, he could compare with the young talents of all ethnic groups.

He found Jiang Fan and said directly, "you seem to have said that you have already stepped into the extreme state when you took your life eight times?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "yes."

Ling Yun some expectations: "you boy with me to make a solid foundation, your combat power can reach what level?"

Jiang Fan said calmly, "if you change your life three times, you can have a war!"

What he said was very conservative, but he didn't hide too much. Although he had just known Ling Yun, he succeeded in lighting the fire in his heart on the first day, and Jiang Fan didn't intend to let him down.

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Ling Yun frowned and said, "boy, I'm not joking with you. There is a huge difference between the strength of one and three lives. I want to hear the truth. "

But Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled and said with a smile, "do you want to try?"

Ling Yun said: "good! Follow me

Ling Yun takes him to leave the room and go to the martial arts arena, but it is closed at this time, and outsiders can't enter.

When they enter, Jiang Fan finds that there are six figures standing in them. They are the elder martial brothers and elder martial sisters.

Jiang fan understands that Ling Yun is obviously ready to know his real strength.

Those people looked at Jiang Fan with a smile. Huo Shaoqun said directly: "younger martial brother, I didn't expect you to be a gifted friar who stepped into the extreme situation. But the master asked us to test your strength. If you offend me later, please forgive me."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "elder martial brother, you won't do it?"

Huo Shaoqun nodded: "we six together, you can rest assured, we will order to the end."

Ling Yun smiles, obviously it's all his arrangement.

He said: "boy, your elder martial brother is the oldest here, 20 years older than you. But his realm can also rank in the top 30 among his peers. He is also very famous in the whole world. He once defeated foreigners in a row. Don't be too proud. You are still far behind."

Among these six people, only two of Jiang Fan's are afraid, the elder martial brother Huo Shaoqun and the elder martial sister Murong Yan, whose realm completely suppresses him. Among the remaining four people, one of them has changed his life four times, and Jiang Fan also has the power of the first World War.

However, Jiang fan is not afraid of the extra group battle. His medicine method can produce the strongest fighting power in the case of one to many.

Ling Yun retreats quietly. Jiang Fan's eyes are the same. The elixir suddenly appears in the palm of his hand, and the flame ignites. The whole person turns into a flame, and the momentum is amazing.

The six of them are not polite. Four of them rush to Jiang Fan at the same time, while the other two rush out of Lingbao and lock the divine consciousness on Jiang Fan. The breath gathers together and is ready to completely suppress Jiang Fan with the realm.

But the next moment I heard the word "medicine King domain", and then the fog spread instantly, almost to the whole martial arts arena.

And Jiang Fan's figure disappeared from the realm of medicine king at this time. Ling Yun felt the misty smell, and his eyes jumped. Of course, he could distinguish those influences with his strength. However, for the experts in his realm, it was very little, but it was totally different for those disciples.

In a flash, their movements were limited and they stood in the same place completely. Although the elder martial brother and elder martial sister had not stopped, their pace slowed down a lot, and they tried their best to resist the influence of the medicine King domain.Can't figure already display line word chapter, strange come to the rear, suddenly hand, two practice Qi friars were instantly knocked out in the past.

Jiang Fan has a good sense of propriety, and with the help of Wang Yu, the two are basically not too much resistance to be put down.

After all, it's a pair of six. Jiang fan knows that he has no chance to win, but he doesn't want to lose miserably. If he can, he must.

His figure is like a ghost in the fog. Ling Yun looks at him, his eyes twinkle and his heart is shocked.

He forced the other two elder martial brothers directly, and wanted to launch an attack before the medicine had passed.

"He's in the back!" Huo Shaoqun whispered.

He and Murong Yan turn around, their realm is very high, at this time has been awake a lot, turn around to help two people out.

"Wake up!"

Murong Yan a Jiao drink, let originally lost two people instantly restore consciousness, two people watching Jiang Fan rushed over, directly burst out full strength, attack Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't mean to dodge. He let their fists hit him. At the next moment, Jiang Fan seemed to have nothing to do with them. His two hands were directly pressed on their chest. The fire broke out and the explosion started one after another. They were blown out directly.

It's the snake that releases its power. Jiang fan uses it skillfully, and they are hard to fight.

Regardless of such an attack, they could not lose their fighting power. How could he let go of this opportunity.

See Jiang Fan around the flow of spiritual power, hands waving in the air, that fly out of the top of the two instantly gathered thunder, purple thunder instant fall, several kinds of two people.

Ka -

Ka -

one of them was directly knocked out by this series of attacks, and the efficacy of yaowangyu has not completely passed.

The other one changed his life four times, and his resistance was obviously stronger than that of the three who fainted.

Although he was hit by zilei Xianyan, he adjusted his figure immediately, supported Lingbao, resisted two companies one after another, and landed steadily. Although he looked embarrassed, he still had the strength of the first World War.

Huo Shaoqun and Jiang Fan have come to Jiang Fan. They are very attentive. At this moment, they don't regard Jiang Fan as a life-threatening monk. This younger martial brother really surprised them.

But Jiang Fan was full of momentum at this time, and suddenly laughed.

Hahaha -

his laughter was so infectious that the corners of their mouths went up unconsciously.

But the next moment, the flame ignited from them, instantly spread all over the body.

Feeling the heat, they were also stunned, and quickly swept the body with spiritual power, trying to put out the fire.

But the fire with Jiang Fan's laughter more and more prosperous, simply can't put out, that embarrassed elder martial brother is so, just a distraction, Jiang Fan's figure disappeared again, three people suddenly lost the lock on Jiang Fan.

Huo Shaoqun seems to think of something: "old three, be careful!"

The three elder martial brothers were stunned and immediately summoned Lingbao to defend.

But Jiang Fan's voice sounded behind him like a ghost: "it's late, elder martial brother!"

Then he felt a strong force cut on his neck, his head was dizzy, and his whole consciousness completely disappeared, so he passed out.

In a few minutes, only two of the six disciples were left. Jiang fan is proud. After all, one of the defeated elder martial brothers has changed his life for the fourth time. That alone has proved that what he and Ling Yun said is true.

At this time, Ling Yun has opened his eyes, and Jiang Fan's fighting power is much stronger than his guess. Originally thought Jiang Fan was just boasting, did not expect Jiang Fan also conservatively estimated his strength.

"This boy is very good!" A voice suddenly rang out beside him, which made Ling Yun stunned.

Looking aside, I found that it was Baishan. I didn't know when I entered the martial arts arena.

"Boss, this is a competition within our imperial clan. It's really immoral for you to sneak in and have a peek."

Baishan frowned and said, "don't talk nonsense to me. This boy is very good. Let him join renhuangzong. I will train him myself."

Ling Yun shook his head: "boss, you'd better give up this idea. He is the last one of the seven heroes of our imperial family, which can't be changed. I'm not far away from you

Baishan doesn't care about him. He stares at the battle below. The fog has gradually dissipated. Jiang fan is still smiling. Just because of this, Huo Shaoqun's flame can't be extinguished. It's very strange that Huo Shaoqun and Huo Shaoqun's spirit power are constantly ignited.

"What a strange flame. What kind of flame is this?" Ling Yun asked.

Baishan's eyes twinkled: "it's like the legendary spiritual fire. It hasn't appeared for many years. It needs talents who have great talent for flame. It's possible to succeed in cultivation. This boy is not only a genius, but also a genius. It's a pity to leave him with you."

Lingyun said: "it's no pity. No matter what, he's the seven heroes of our imperial family. Don't make up your mind, boss."

Below, Huo Shaoqun stares at Jiang Fan, with no good way: "younger martial brother, you are too serious."Jiang Fan said with a smile: "elder martial brother, I know it's not your opponent, but it's not easy to beat me easily."

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