But when Bai Shan heard this, he shook his head.

"He chose to go to Bailian secret land, and this choice was decided before he knew bailuo. Although he is a pharmacist, his combat power should not be underestimated. I can see it with my own eyes. "

Looking at Bai Shan, Chu Lao said with a smile, "Oh? High fighting power? It seems that we have found a wonderful boy this time. "

On the other side, Jiang Fan had left the fog forest and came to the rear of the palace.

Continue to follow the original road, come to the front, here is still busy, many faces are just arrived.

Without Baishan, Jiang fan is less concerned. In addition, he is not the emperor of man, and few people in the crowd will pay attention to him.

This time, he carefully observed some foreign youths, and saw two monks who were in the same realm as him, but whose breath was completely beyond the lethal realm.

They should also be the monks who have set foot in the extreme, the talented people of the alien race. They have a lot of aura. They get together and don't touch with human beings at all.

Human teenagers also deliberately bypass them and don't want to get close to them.

Soon, the banquet began, and the guests gathered in the main hall. Jiang Fan also went to join in the fun, also wanted to see what kind of strength the saint of Butian hall had.

An elder of BuTian Temple stood in the front with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, monks of all nationalities to come here to celebrate that the saint of Butian temple has set foot in the extreme. From then on, there will be another talent in the human race."

Some Terran teenagers applauded one after another, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

There are also some Terran masters who get up one after another and say some flattering words. Congratulations to Butian hall.

Jiang Fan stood quietly in the corner, waiting for bailuo to appear.

Soon, a beautiful girl came to the hall and looked at the people with a smile. She had nine deadly accomplishments, with a shallow smile on her face and a kind look in her eyes.

She bowed: "thank you for coming."

At this time, several figures came into the gate of the main hall, which immediately attracted Jiang Fan's attention. His nine deadly accomplishments were different in appearance. They were all foreign teenagers, and the two people Jiang Fan had seen before were also among them.

A total of four, unexpectedly all stepped into the realm of life change.

The Terran youths, who used to make noise, were less enthusiastic as they entered the hall.

One of them is almost the same as human, but he has two horns on his forehead, a handsome face and a strange face. He looked around with satisfaction in his eyes, obviously satisfied with the influence.

He said: "the human race is too petty, but it's just a monk who has stepped into the extreme. It's ridiculous to have to publicize and entertain so many people."

Hearing this, some Terran experts frown one after another, while the Terran teenagers who are sitting there are very angry.

A boy who changed his life four times came forward and said angrily, "this is the Butian temple. Please show me some respect. Even if you set foot in the extreme, I can still send you out. "

"You are not welcome here!" Another teenager stood up.

But the foreigner looked at them with a sneer: "there's so much nonsense. The master didn't speak. Are you barking here? Do you want to hold me down? "

At this time, the old man in front of the Butian temple said, "don't argue. Since you are here, you are all my guests. As for the young master's words, I also want to answer that our people are hospitable and have no better talent than your royal family. If there are disciples who have set foot in the extreme situation, of course we should make the people happy. Will your elders not be happy when you set foot in the extreme

The foreign youth said with a smile: "I will be happy! But it's inevitable for me to set foot in the extreme, and I'm not happy. But you Butian temple said that the disciple had set foot in the extreme situation, and I don't know if the tester would release water, for fear of hurting the little girl. So it's not counting. We're here today to see what the strength of the saint is. But now it seems that it's just sloppy, and I can't see how good it is. I think it's just a facade. "

He spoke very impolitely, and everyone understood that this man must have come here to provoke.

Those who come are not good, not to mention four.

A young Terran who took his life twice said angrily again, "I don't think you can reach the extreme. Shall I test you myself? "

Barrow stood in front of him, frowning slightly, and apparently did not expect anyone to make trouble.

The foreign youth suddenly broke out and glared at the young man who opened his mouth. He suddenly stepped back, his face was blue, and he was afraid.

"Blood pressure?" Jiang Fan whispered.

The foreign youth looked at the place coldly: "beyond measure."

With this blood suppression, the monks who changed their orders three times or less were not his opponents at all.

The elder of the Butian temple said calmly: "are some princes of the royal family here to make trouble? Deceive me to mend the temple of heaven? "

The young man listened to him button down such a big hat and said, "how dare you. The Bunian Temple invites all nationalities to come here to show the strength of the youth genius of the Bunian temple! How dare we not pay attention to the Butian hall? "But speaking of this, he raised the corner of his mouth, looked around and said with a smile: "we just don't pay attention to the Terran youth."

As soon as these words came out, some Terran teenagers were furious.

It's a pity that those with a high level dare not fight, while those with a low level are not rivals. For a moment, everyone hesitates and doesn't know how to respond.

Bailuo steps forward to refute, but is held by the BuTian Temple master, and then gently shakes her head, does not let her go.

The Royal genius laughed when he saw the situation: "these are the so-called pride of the human race? If you don't even have a little courage, you'd better marry the saint of Butian temple into my royal family. "

When he finished, the three people behind him all laughed, not caring about the face of the Terran.

At this time, a voice rang out: "in the daytime, all kinds of dogs and cats dare to stand up and shout. Is it great to set foot in the extreme? "

Jiang Fan looked in the direction of the voice, and his eyes jumped.

In the crowd, a young man in green looks relaxed and stares at the four Royal geniuses, but his realm is so high that he changes his life six times.

This can't be described as genius. It's incredible. He's only a few years older than Jiang Fan. Such a realm is too powerful.

The four Royal geniuses were stunned to see him.

The guy at the head picked his eyebrows and looked scared: "Zhong Cheng!"

Speaking of Zhong Cheng's name, all the teenagers present were surprised. Then someone exclaimed, "it's Zhong Cheng. That's a super genius who changed his life six times. I didn't expect that this time, too."

"Brother Zhong Cheng, you have to stand out for us."

Speaking of Zhong Cheng, it can be said that he is the pride of a generation and has a very high status in the world. He became famous when he was young and has a very high talent. When he was young, he set foot to change his life. It seems that there is no bottleneck, and he broke through one after another.

In his own words, stepping into the extreme situation is just a matter of whether he wants to or not. He did not choose to suppress it. He had been strict earlier. He wanted to step into the extreme situation when he changed his life. It can be said that his heart is higher than heaven.

Not everyone can have such momentum.

He is even more famous among the Royal geniuses. He has defeated the experts of various nationalities several times and has a high reputation.

Zhong Cheng then said, "do you look down on the pride of the human race? I can kill four of you by myself, can I trust you? "

His words were very relaxed, obviously did not pay attention to these four people.

The Royal genius at the head said, "Zhong Cheng, you are really strong, but we are not in the same realm as you. It's no skill for you to suppress us with the realm. If you want to fight, go to those who don't suppress the realm and try to see who is stronger. If you deal with us casually, those guys in the royal family will certainly break the agreement, and you will be responsible for the consequences at that time. "

Zhong Cheng is still relaxed: "those guys who are known as the supreme youth? If they don't agree with me, they can come to me at any time. I will fight at any time, including you. "

The Royal genius obviously didn't want to fight with Zhong Cheng, and said directly: "don't talk too much nonsense. You Zhong Cheng pressed us alone, but we didn't agree! Isn't there a young man in the Terran who is equal to our realm who dares to stand out? Such as the saint of Butian temple

These people obviously came for the purpose of making trouble, and almost always provoked barrow.

Obviously, it is to embarrass the Terran. Apart from Zhong Cheng, other people dare not stand up at all. Even loyalty secretly shakes its head and is dissatisfied.

At this time, some people stand up and are beaten up. So many Terran masters are here, and they will be able to keep them. But it's not terrible. What's terrible is cowardice.

"In broad daylight, all kinds of dogs and cats dare to come out and shout! Is it great to set foot in the extreme? "

The same words sounded again, and the one who opened his mouth was a young man in black. He was pretty and killed nine times. It was not others, but Jiang Fan in the crowd.

Almost instantly attracted everyone's attention, surprised to see the Terran youth.

At this time, in the fog forest, Bai Shan and Chu Lao are looking at what happened in the hall. Seeing Jiang fan stand up, Chu Lao said with a smile: "it seems that this boy is not afraid of the royal family. There are not many such teenagers. You must train well. Don't waste his talent

"You see, the good play is in the back."

Chulao frowned and said, "don't you think he can suppress the four of them by himself? Even if add white Luo that wench, 2 to 4 also don't have very big chance

Bai Shan smiles but does not speak, continues to look at Jiang Fan's performance.

But Jiang Fan's sudden appearance, lets everybody not think.

The Royal genius looked at Jiang Fan coldly: "who are you?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "unfortunately, I'm a cat and dog beater. From now on, just four of you, I'll fight every time I see you."

He talks very easily, but he is more overbearing than Zhong Cheng.

The Royal youth suddenly burst out of blood and suppressed Jiang Fan with momentum. The other three people showed a grim smile and were obviously waiting to see a good play.

But Jiang Fan leisurely came over, completely not affected by the momentum, still relaxed.He pretended to be surprised: "ah, it's really a cat and a dog. It's a good skill to stare and show your teeth."

The elder of Butian Pavilion takes out a piece of Lingbao in his hand and directly makes it out, blocking the guests on both sides with barriers.

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