The effect of this Danzhu is different from that of zhuyandan. Zhuyandan is to keep youth forever, and this Danzhu can make people have better temperament, but they are all things that women like.

Zhong Cheng and bailuo have known each other since childhood. It's fate that they can get together.

Bailuo looks at Jiang Fan curiously. She has long been able to break through and step into the realm of changing her life. However, her master asks her to suppress the realm and make constant breakthroughs. Finally, she steps into the extreme realm. However, her combat power is obviously not as good as that of the young man in front of her.

The most surprising thing is Zhong Cheng's attitude towards him. Zhong Cheng has few friends, and none of them is human genius.

His initiative to make friends is enough to prove the importance of Jiang Fan. It can be seen that Jiang Fan's strength has been fully recognized.

Three Terran geniuses are sitting at the same table. Some people want to get on this table. Unfortunately, they are scared away by Zhong Cheng's eyes. This guy is a guy with few rules.

He is incomparable in fighting power and super powerful. He is not polite to the royal family.

For the Terran, he won't hurt his life, but he will teach a lesson. In his words, it's to encourage the other side to improve their realm.

But who wants to be beaten for no reason?

Although Zhong Cheng is a casual practitioner, his origin is not small. His master is a Terran master, attached to the royal family, and his status is close to Qiu Tian.

However, he did not let Zhong Cheng be loyal to the royal family, which shows that he was also a man with some thoughts.

Zhong Cheng is very proud of his human identity, and his goal is different from other people. He is going to become a master of crushing everything. He will be born against the sky with all means.

He had a good record in several battles with the Royal friars, and almost never lost. He had a great reputation among the Royal youths.

I believe Jiang Fan will have the same reputation soon.

The banquet was very lively. The three of them sat together and enjoyed the sight of many people. These three young geniuses may be able to support the whole human race in the future.

Senior level, Chu Lao is also a smile: "these three children are really good."

"There are so many surprises," Baishan said

"It's really amazing that you brought that. One against four, and you can suppress it like this. Your combat power has been changed at least four times. And the most rare thing is that he is not afraid of the suppression of the royal blood, which is a gift. It seems that we should have awakened some divine body, and the power of blood must be amazing. "

Someone asked, "Baishan, where did you find this baby. It seems that the strength of renhuangzong will be improved again. "

On one side, Chu said: "renhuangzong is not only good news. Pharmacist Qiao Qingyun will soon set foot in Tianjie pharmacist. At that time, you can send high-level pharmacist to renhuangzong and ask him for experience."

Old Chu didn't mention Jiang Fan. He and Baishan are very clear. It's better not to disclose Jiang Fan's identity. After all, the identity of the rank pharmacist that day is too unbelievable.

If you say it, it's easy to be targeted.

Kings are not afraid of Terran experts, but no one knows if such talented pharmacists will fight against them.

However, for the sake of Jiang Fan's safety, they think it's better not to disclose. After all, Jiang fan can't affect the pharmacists of the Terran for the time being.

At the same time, congratulations to Baishan.

"Renhuangzong's fortune has changed. It's really enviable. If every Terran power can do this, then the rise of the Terran will be just around the corner. "

Baishan said seriously, "take your time. It's much better than a thousand years ago. Now there are more and more talented people from generation to generation, and their qualifications are constantly improving. The situation of being suppressed by the royal family is much better than before. As long as the development continues, I believe it will not be far away. "

Some people look forward to it: "I hope so, but in the near future, we can send people to the Bailian secret place. How many years have we not participated in it?"

Chu Laodian nodded: "yes, before only bailuo this wench, but now more a Jiang Fan, can let them go together to try."

Bai Shan replied, "I have the same idea."

The two of them had already made up their minds. At this time, it was only symbolic publicity.

Zhong Cheng could hear the words clearly. He picked his eyebrows and looked at them: "Hey, you're going with us. Brother Jiang has to help me take care of my sister Luoluo. If something happens to her in secret, I won't spare you. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "brother Zhong, don't worry. If you even protect yourself, you will lose face. What's more, she's a beauty. "

Zhong Cheng's expression is strange: "don't move crooked mind."

Luo Luo covered his mouth and chuckled. Seeing Zhong Cheng's expression, he was obviously very happy. Jiang Fan seemed to see something and laughed without saying anything.

Luo Luo extended his little hand to Jiang Fan: "in the future, please give me more advice!"

Jiang fan is a little embarrassed. He squints at Zhong Cheng's expression. He also notices some playfulness in Luo Luo's eyes. It can be seen that their relationship is extraordinary.

He didn't reach out and said, "don't worry, no problem. As long as I'm alive, you won't have an accident."Luo Luo squinted at Zhong Cheng: "brother Zhong didn't promise me so much."

Jiang Fan laughs and drinks all the wine in his glass. Bailuo is a bit interesting. Some people go to Bailian secret place together, which can be regarded as a helper.

As for him, he is not joking. He really has the ability to keep the other side. No matter how powerful he is, he can rely on his super elixir, which is the best guarantee.

After the banquet, Bai Shan left the hall with Jiang Fan, while Zhong Cheng found a place to sleep.

Baishan looked at Jiang Fan, his eyes full of curiosity: "how many meters have you left to show? I'm really surprised by your fighting power. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's just some means! That's it

He took out a pill and handed it to Baishan.

Baishan looked at the pills suspiciously, obviously some did not understand.

"Pills? What kind of pill is this

"This is Shenli Dan, which can make me double my strength in a short time. It is with this that I can completely suppress those people."

Baishan stared at the pills in his hand: "double? If you give it to me, won't I be invincible in the same realm? "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "this elixir can only be taken by the friars in the lethal realm. The stronger the strength, the higher the requirement for the body."

Baishan returned the pill to Jiang Fan: "can this pill be mass produced?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "the materials consumed in refining this elixir are close to the amount of Tianjie elixir. The difficulty of refining this elixir is even higher than that of the lower Tianjie elixir. Only a small amount can be refined to protect life."

Bai Shan said with a smile: "if it is so, if you can refine it at will, you will be developed. Even the royal family will attract you."

He then said, "did you hear what I said just now?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "it's OK to go with bailuo, but I want to know who I should pay attention to. I don't know about the young masters in the royal family."

"You can rest assured that I will give it to you after sorting it out. In fact, the most clear thing to know is the Butian temple, because they are also looking for opponents for bailuo. Besides, Zhong Cheng knows the Royal teenagers very well. You can have more exchanges. "

There's no need for Baishan to remind you of this. Jiang Fan will also do it.

"Can Zhong Cheng be trusted completely?"

Baishan nodded: "absolutely. You can rest assured that Zhong Cheng is from the ancestral land of the human race. He won't have any outsiders. "

"Ancestral land?" Jiang Fan was a little surprised, but it was the first place he arrived after he entered the world. He didn't expect that Zhong Cheng, a gifted man, came from there.

Jiang Fan still remembers all the things recorded there. Since he came from there, he must know the history of the human race in the whole world. This is why Baishan said that he could be trusted completely.

Baishan then said, "it's a magical place. Unfortunately, there are not many people in the ancestral land. I will take you there if I have a chance. I believe it will be very helpful to you, and maybe it will also be helpful to your mood. But I'm sure I can't take you there recently. I'll wait until you come back from Bailian secret place at the earliest. "

Jiang Fan nodded and said nothing more.

Later, during the day, he asked about the feeling of this battle and the feeling of the outbreak of royal blood. For the Terran, they all know the situation very well. There is no doubt that the royal family is powerful. Human beings can only continuously improve their ability.

Jiang Fan also told the other party some of his ideas. As for how much Baishan can study, it depends on his own nature.

That night, sober Zhong Cheng found Jiang Fan again, and he was in a good mood.

"Brother Jiang! Come with me

Without hesitation, Jiang Fan left the room and followed Zhong Cheng.

However, it's too common for Jiang Fan. He doesn't need to worry about anything.

Zhong Cheng took Jiang Fan to leave Butian Pavilion, and then he said, "the news of your previous battle has now spread out."

"The news of those kings?" Jiang Fan asked.

Zhong Cheng nodded: "yes! They spread the news by themselves, obviously to remind the Royal youths to be ready. They directly choose the Lingbao way to deliver the news, and the news can't be stopped. Moreover, the green road is far away, so I really can't help it. I'll take you to a nearby alien power, where there is little malice to human beings, but I can get news from the royal family. I believe you will soon get some genius about the royal family. Although you have strong fighting power and good physical body, you are still not optimistic when you meet the real rebellious royal family. After all, the royal family is too small. "

"Jiang would like to thank brother Zhong first."

"There's no need to be polite with me. Generally speaking, you and I are all human resources, and we are likely to join hands in the future. At a young age, you and I are friends now. Of course, we should complement each other and help each other. I'll ask you for help when I need help. Please don't give up on me then. "

This is obviously a joke. Of course, Jiang fan can understand it. He smiles: "brother Zhong is joking. Jiang won't refuse."They laughed, and then quickly flew in the same direction to the royal power.

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