Fifty nine steps!

Sixty steps!

Jiang Fan feels the pressure surge again.

He turned back and looked down. There were only a few monks who could climb up. The one closest to him had already begun to practice sitting on the steps. Obviously, he gave up climbing, which was similar to Jiang Fan's previous calculation.

He put down bailuo and reminded her in her ear: "this position is not accessible to the royal family in general. Don't go down. It will be good for you to fight against the atmosphere here."

Bailuo's eyelids moved, which obviously reassured Jiang Fan.

Relieved, Jiang Fan moved his body and raised his mouth.

"Stop running and see how I can catch up with you."

The next moment, he took action again, and this time the speed was amazing. Originally, his speed had slowed down a lot, but after putting down barrow, he started a round of explosion, which was faster than the speed he had just approached.

Below, a royal exclaimed: "look at Jiang Fan, he is faster than his highness."

"What did he do? How can a human body reach that level? "

"It's a ladder to the sky. It's against the sky that he can carry a man to sixty stories. I didn't expect that it would break out again. It seems that my Highnesses have really met their opponents this time. I'm afraid Jiang fan is destined to rise. "

But Jiang Fan didn't say much, and his eyes were staring at each other all the time, which made the iron blooded people feel the pressure. Obviously, he didn't expect that the human was as difficult as the rumor.

Jiang fan can hear his heart beat, every beat is heavy and powerful, that is the desire for strength, and this time is also the first time compared with a monk with the same fighting power, he does not want to lose.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan jumped up and climbed the next step. At this time, he had reached the sixty-nine floor. Jiang Fan breathed, looked at Jiang Fan with a smile, and said calmly, "this is the same starting line!"

The iron blooded people looked at Jiang Fan, some did not think: "it's really not blowing, it really has some ability! How about following me later? I promise you'll make it

This is very common in this world. At the beginning, Qiu Tian and some Terran experts were like this. They wanted to ascend to the sky one step at a time, so they chose to rely on the royal family, so that their status could be promoted quickly in a short time. Only this way can they make their path of cultivation smoother, at least not care about the pressure of other ethnic groups.

At that time, the Terran had no status, which was the only way.

It was the rise of this wave of people that established the status of the human race.

But the royal family and the royal family's solicitation to the human has not stopped, many geniuses have gone on the way, loyal to the royal family and the royal family.

However, Jiang Fan's answer does not need to be considered at all: "in my opinion, it's better for you to follow me. I guarantee that your future is unlimited."

The iron blooded people said with a smile: "good courage! The Terrans who dare to talk to me like that are dead. You may be next. "

Jiang Fan didn't say much. He spoke according to his strength and went straight up to the 70th step. Then he turned back and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it because of your strength. I can only fart behind my back."

After that, he ignored each other. He wanted to rush to the top of the cloud to see what was there.

The genius of the iron blooded clan didn't expect that Jiang Fan would be so arrogant. For him, Jiang Fan's fighting power is really not weak, but he is not so arrogant.

"Don't let me catch you!"

He also continues to climb, but the speed is obviously a little slower than Jiang Fan. Although Jiang Fan's speed is not as fast as before, Qihai can constantly mobilize his spiritual power, stimulate his blood, make him quickly recover his spiritual power, and keep him in the best state all the time.

Jiang Fan would occasionally look at the bottom and see that no one could get close to bailuo, so he was relieved.

He kept going up, and the target was in the middle of the clouds.

After a full hour, he came to the bottom of the 80th step. He calmed down for a while and then began to try. His strength continued to improve. At last, a flame suddenly broke out under his feet and lifted him up to the 80th floor.

The next moment, a voice sounded: "alien!"

The voice came from the clouds. It was a surprised man's voice.

The whole people under the ladder heard it clearly, but no one was surprised, because long ago, they became alien.

The next moment, a light blocked in front of Jiang Fan, the voice sounded again: "foreign race can not move forward again. The inheritance here is left to the disciples of all ethnic groups. "

The voice came from the clouds. I don't know who it came from, but everyone knew what it meant.

One of the Royal disciples laughed wildly: "ha ha, this hundred refining secret place is the inheritance place left by the ancestors of ten thousand ethnic groups. How can it be cheaper for the Terran?"

"What if you're strong? It's hard to disobey God's will. It's the same here, and you won't be part of the final inheritance. "

Even Jiang Fan didn't expect that there was such a limit. He felt the barrier carefully, but it was just a powerful array.

He didn't care what the Royal clans said. He said in his heart, "don't you want me to inherit? I just want to show you. "The genius of the iron blooded race slowly caught up with him, with a wild smile on his face: "it seems that this place is doomed to be out of touch with you. It's not too late for me to get the inheritance first, and then deal with you!"

Sure enough, this array has no obstacles for him, let him easily through, continue to climb.

However, after arriving here, the pressure has affected the flexibility of the body. Even if the talent of the blood clan is good that day, it is not easy for him to reach the ninety-nine level.

Jiang Fan stood quietly in front of the barrier, and the iron blood clan was getting farther and farther away from him.

The voice in the clouds sounded again: "the first one who reaches the top can accept the inheritance."

When the iron blooded disciple reached the ninetieth floor, he directly sat on the ground with his knees crossed and practiced. At the same time, he recovered his strength and prepared for the final sprint. He was sure of this inheritance.

But soon after, the royal families below screamed, obviously can't believe it.

"Look! How could it be that Jiang Fan went through the barrier! "

In full view of the public, Jiang Fan smoothly passed through the barrier, then made a big step, continued to climb, and chased the iron blooded monk.

He's not slow. He's not far behind in half an hour. He's only two steps away.

Feel Jiang Fan approaching, he dare not waste time, Jiang Fan climbing speed is much faster than he imagined, in this moment, his pressure doubled.

"I won't lose on a cold night."

Jiang fan knows that it's a burst of blood power, which can improve his combat power in a short period of time, and even enhance his explosive power.

Obviously, he didn't want Jiang Fan to catch up so easily. Only the last nine steps are left. If you hold on, as long as you arrive first, you will win Jiang Fan.

After Jiang Fan stepped the ninetieth step, the barrier appeared again, directly in front of Jiang Fan, blocking his way.

The royal family was relieved, but the next second they found that Jiang Fan easily passed through again, just stopped for a moment.

Someone exclaimed, "that's impossible. Isn't Jiang Fan a human? It's a friar? Or does he have all kinds of blood? "

People have speculated, Jiang Fan showed the ability to let them unexpected.

Of course, they don't understand Jiang Fan's ability to break the battle. As for blood, he and Xiao yue'er have completed blood fusion. I don't know whether this is true or not, but now he doesn't want to reveal the secret. Maybe it's his last use to protect his life, and his back hand still needs to be hidden.

Ten minutes later, he and the cold night walked up ninety-three steps at the same time.

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "what if I let you go first? Have I not overtaken you yet

The cold night was very angry.

He wanted to fight with Jiang Fan here, but Jiang Fan didn't give him the chance and went straight to the next step.

At this time, it was difficult for him to walk. It was a test of willpower. At this point, Jiang Fan had a great advantage. He was a pharmacist. In terms of concentration, he was far from a monk.

When Jiang Fan climbed the 95th step, lengye climbed to the fourth. And the gap between them can only be widened.

"Sorry, I'll take it."

Jiang Fan said, his eyes became very focused, completely staring at the clouds above. He didn't know who was speaking just now, but one thing he knew very well was to break all this.

On the ninety eighth step, Jiang Fan sat down. He felt great pressure. Seeing the last step in front of him, he felt the danger, which he had never felt before.

His hunch has always been accurate.

Do you want to give up now? It's obviously not Jiang Fan's way. He has a deep obsession. Since the decision is made, it doesn't matter if he is in danger.

Returning to his best state, he did not stay any longer, but started to climb the last step. At this time, he only climbed to the 96th floor in the cold night.

He looked up to the sky and said angrily, "master, the alien race is about to ascend the summit. Please interfere."

The barrier appeared and directly blocked Jiang Fan. It can be seen that something really controlled everything.

But Jiang Fan's eyes were a little disdainful: "this barrier is useless to me at all."

Sure enough, his spiritual power flows and covers his whole body. The barrier can't stop him at all. He directly passes through it and jumps up fiercely. Flames and thunder constantly appear around him. In this way, he climbs to the last level. His whole figure disappears into the clouds and disappears into the public's view.

The next second, black clouds surging, and finally slowly dissipated, into a clear sky, and Jiang Fan's figure also disappeared on the steps.

That cold night was very angry. Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan's first battle ended in failure. Although he didn't know Jiang Fan's fighting power, his ability at this time was far beyond other human beings, which made him deeply afraid.

He suddenly turns back, looks at the position of bailuo on the 60th floor, and rushes down directly. Obviously, he wants to capture bailuo, and then when Jiang Fan appears, he will talk to Jiang Fan.

Bailuo felt the strong power approaching. She opened her eyes and looked surprised. At this time, she was oppressed by the pressure and could not resist at all. When the other party arrived, she was afraid that she had to give up.But when the cold night arrived at bailuo's side, her figure disappeared strangely.

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