There are not many changes in Jiang Fan's body when he doesn't use the Wushuang body, but Jiang Fan's body looks more delicate now. This is the change that Wushuang body brings to him.

Jiang Fan has a smile on his face. The power of inheritance is stronger than he imagined, and the benefits are not small.

"Fortunately, the rules here are perfect. If I'm in crape myrtle, no matter how strong the power of inheritance is, I'm afraid I can't improve much. I'm afraid I have to break through that path. But now, there are more choices. "

He feels his change seriously. The extra inheritance is over, and the final inheritance is over. Jiang Fan suppresses the spiritual power, but there is still no waste.

This time, he can obviously feel his promotion. If he competes with sun yaokong now, Jiang fan is confident that he has a 70% chance of winning.

If this inheritance is given to sun yaokong, the effect will not be much weaker.

However, sun yaokong can't come from this real road. Without this no twins, the benefits of inheritance are half as less. Therefore, sun yaokong will give up the final inheritance and choose the inheritance in Bailian Mi valley.

When the last spiritual power is injected into Jiang Fan's body, Jiang Fan opens his eyes, shows his unique body and experiences it carefully.

After exerting Wushuang, a strange layer of spiritual power appeared on the body and suddenly injected into the body. Jiang Fan could feel that the toughness of the body suddenly increased. Although the strength did not become stronger because of the skill, the strength of the body was obviously increased by a quarter.

Jiang Fan's physical body is as powerful as Lingbao's. at this time, it is more powerful than before. With this powerful physical body, I'm afraid few of his peers can compare.

But there are so many races in the world. Jiang fan knows that there is a heaven in the world, and it is the only way to improve his fighting power.

Jiang Fan got up from the futon and walked directly towards the statue, with a cold look in his eyes.

Standing next to the statue, he directly asked Xiao AI, "if you assimilate the spiritual power now, can you erase the memory of the statue?"

Hearing this, little AI nodded: "if time is enough, it should be OK. Do you want to kill him?"

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to answer, Cannian said, "boy, you can't mess around. There's a reason why adults keep me down. You can't erase me."

Jiang Fan said coldly, "why? What's the reason? If the answer doesn't satisfy me, you're dead. "

With that, Jiang Fan directly infuses the spiritual power into the statue, feels the breath of the array around the statue, and slowly assimilates the power of the array. That is to let the other party understand that he has the ability to erase him, so that this guy can cooperate.

Sure enough, feeling the invasion of Jiang Fan's spirit power, he quickly said: "I am in charge of another inheritance, which is the treasure house in the temple. But you come from the real way and get the adult's unique body, so the inheritance of treasure selection in the treasure house can't be carried out. That's the rule, and I can't change it."

"Treasure house? Open it and let me see. " Jiang Fan said directly.

"No, I said. That's the rule. I can't change the rule. It's no use embarrassing me."

Jiang Fan's expression was still cold: "really? You've provoked me again and again, and you want to go through like this? Anyway, I won't have a chance to see you again. I'll erase your memory. Then I'll look for the treasure house myself. At most, I can't find it. It's no loss to me. "

His breath didn't mean to stop. He constantly ignited the spiritual power in his body, and the breath kept gathering together, sending out bursts of momentum.

Xiao AI's body disappears, and she goes directly into the array to find out where the array eyes are. When Jiang Fan's breath is assimilated, she can control the array eyes, and then kill the bad mouthed guy.

Feeling the threat, the voice sounded again: "you can't do this to me, you should leave immediately when you get the inheritance here. You can't imagine the means adults leave behind. "

Jiang Fan ignored it as if he didn't hear it.

This heritage site can't be closed for a while and a half. Jiang Fan has enough time to deal with each other.

When Jiang Fan's spiritual power was about to be completely assimilated, Cannian felt a strong threat and finally said, "boy, I'll give you another inheritance. You stop right away."

Unfortunately, Jiang fan is still the same as before, without any reaction, obviously not satisfied with his proposal.

"What do you want? That's all I can do. "

"Open the treasure house, I will spare you. This should be your last soul. If it's erased, it will be annihilated. You should know the stakes better than me. I don't want to talk nonsense. "

Hearing this, the voice stopped, and finally sighed: "I didn't expect I had today."

But next, there were bursts of breath in front of the temple, as if a border had been opened. The breath of treasure could be felt inside. Jiang Fan knew that this should be the treasure house in the temple.

Since this guy has independent thinking, he must have some power. Based on this, Jiang Fan concludes that there is another inheritance here, which is not surprising.

"I've opened the treasure house for you. Stop it now. However, I would like to remind you that there are still ten minutes left for the closing time of the heritage site, and then you will be sent out directly to the Bailian secret place. It's up to you whether you can get the treasure or not. "Jiang Fan didn't say much, so he stepped directly into it.

Beautiful and splendid.

It's really a treasure house. It's full of treasures, but the quantity and quality of the treasures on the shelves are more excellent.

However, Jiang Fan could feel that there was prohibition and suppression on the top of these treasures, and then a voice sounded, which was the voice of his undivided body.

"Welcome to my home, but the treasures are limited. You can only choose one of them. Everything depends on fate."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan no longer hesitated. He felt the quality of the treasures around him. It would be perfect if he could have a elixir.

Xiao AI appeared at this time and quickly swam in the treasure house. She said: "little Lord, the array here is blessed with the power of the secret place. It takes a long time for us to crack it. Now obviously time is not enough. Choose a treasure and we can leave."

Jiang Fan was not surprised. He also carefully perceived the situation here, which was similar to what Xiao AI said.

So the most urgent task is to find a useful treasure for him.

Dan daopian constantly reminds him that there are so many treasures in this treasure house. Jiang fan is surprised by their quality. There is a small piece of immortal gold. However, such a little immortal gold is of no use to Jiang Fan. On the contrary, he is more interested in the elixir.

After a careful perception, we find that there is no immortal root here, but there are also several high-quality elixirs. Even if they are sealed here, the spiritual power is still not lost.

But there are five kinds of one, which makes Jiang Fan difficult because he wants them all.

However, he had to choose one of them first, and then try to see if he could break the barrier. Only in this way could he get another one.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to let him down. Because there was too little time, he could not break the barrier at all. Finally, he was wrapped by a powerful spiritual power, and then he could feel the whirling of heaven and earth, and the whole person disappeared in the secret place.

The statue was relieved: "it seems that the Terran really has a very bad existence. I don't know whether it can rise up, but I'm a little grumpy."

Jiang Fan felt that he was constantly breaking through the barriers, and then the breath of the world gathered around him, and there were many figures around him, which were monks of all nationalities.

At the same time, count to the powerful idea falls on him, this can let Jiang Fan for one Leng.

No matter what these people think, he must give way.

"Come here!"

The voice of white mountain rang out in his ears.

Jiang Fan locked the breath of Baishan and ran directly in that direction. At this time, taking advantage of the large number of people, he had to go to Baishan and old Chu first to be safe.

But when they were 30 meters away from Baishan, they suddenly lifted up a barrier and fell into the array.

Jiang Fan didn't expect to have such a trap. It's too late for Xiao AI to remind him.

Jiang Fan with calm color, breath gathering, began to crack the array, outside things to Baishan them to solve.

Bailuo has now been collected by the Chu elder into the Dongtian Lingbao. When they see that Jiang Fan's face is changed, they directly burst up and quickly fly to Jiang Fan's side.

Because of the large number of people at this time, no royal experts immediately attacked. In addition, they had been ready for Baishan, so they arrived at the first time.

Baishan glared at the gathering direction of the royal family and said angrily, "who did this? Is this a provocation to both of us? "

Old Chu said coldly, "let's get rid of the array. I'll wait to leave. You are also elders. Don't you feel ashamed to do such a thing?"

Among the royal families, some people said with a smile, "don't be arrogant. Be careful that the boy in the array turns into meat mud carelessly. It's too late for you to cry."

Old Chu suddenly took out a piece of Lingbao. He saw that the Lingbao gradually grew larger, and finally turned into a huge cage, directly enveloping the Royal disciples in an area.

"If Jiang fanruo lost a hair, all the Royal disciples were buried with him. I don't think you can afford it. "

Some people in the royal family were furious: "Chutian bear! You don't need to be arrogant. If it wasn't for Lord Chou Tian covering you, the Butian temple would have been leveled by other nationalities. Do you really think you can threaten us? "

Chulao sneered: "without Chou Tian's support, I can tear your mouth easily. I don't want to talk nonsense. "

When he finished, the cage was full of powerful momentum, and the trapped Royal disciples shivered and felt great pressure.

Some royal experts came forward and glared at Chutian bear.

"Mr. Chu, what are you doing? There are so many royal families here today. If you mess around, I'm afraid Baishan and you will stay here. Is it worth the risk for a kid? "

Bai Shan said with a smile, "is this to tear your face? take advantage of one 's or sb . else 's power to bully people? Are we alone? "

Bai Shan's voice fell, and more than ten figures came out slowly in the distance. He was a strong, unified human master.

If so many experts join hands, their combat power will never be too weak.This is the helper called in by Bai Shan, who is lying in ambush not far away.

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