"I have no malice, not to mention the renhuangzong is a Terran force, and I don't want to affect them."

Qiqi didn't feel nervous at all. On the contrary, she was very relaxed. Even in the face of experts like Baishan, she didn't have too much fear.

Baishan's eyes twinkled. It was the first time he saw the girl. As Jiang Fan said, the girl's breath was pure. Although she was only in the lethal realm, the breath released was far more than that of the friars in the lethal realm.

The fact that she was able to enter and leave renhuangzong freely without being found shows her strange ability.

"You're from hell?" Asked Bai Shan.

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed! Baishan is also a dragon and Phoenix among the people. You should know this thing

When she finished, she rolled up her sleeve. There was a black tattoo on her wrist, which was like a strange hand rope. But the pattern was very mysterious, and it was obvious that she had been given a strong spiritual power.

Seeing the tattoo, Hu Qingyun didn't respond, but Bai Shan's face changed.

"The goddess of hell! I didn't expect you to come to Jiang Fan in person. He De, how can I help you. "

Jiang Fan and Hu Qingyun did not expect that Baishan would have such a big reaction, and they were afraid of this woman.

Jiang fan is very curious about the identity of the saint.

Qiqi said: "it's not because of this guy! Shifu hasn't planned to let me practice in the world so early, but you emperor Zong has a genius who is still stirring up the wind and rain in that secret place. Shifu is afraid that this boy will fall before he rises, so he asked me to take him back. Don't you stop him? "

Baishan shook his head: "of course I won't, but this kind of thing depends on Jiang Fan himself, and I can't change his will by force."

Qiqi sweet smile, mouth up: "he just said to go with me, he again regret, only my master himself to catch him."

Jiang Fan said: "don't be wild here. Be careful if master Baishan accidentally pats you to death."

Baishan even said: "I dare not. This is a saint, which is equivalent to the status of sun yaokong in the ape family. I think you should understand what this means."

Qiqi said: "don't talk about those useless. When the spies of all ethnic groups surround renhuangzong, it's easy for us to show our feet."

"If you wait, I still have some things to do."

With that, Jiang Fan turned and left.

Hu Qingyun asked Qiqi, "do you want Jiang Fan to join the underground?"

But Qiqi loved to reply and said, "don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

At ordinary times, Hu Qingyun would be angry on the spot and scold each other, but the young woman in front of him gave him a sense of fear, and he couldn't tell the truth.

Baishan then said, "what can I do for you?"

Hu Qingyun then took out the medicine bottle and handed it to Bai Shan.

Baishan felt the smell of pills, and the corners of his mouth Rose: "finally, I'm looking forward to it. Congratulations."

Qiqi obviously also smelled the smell of Dan Dao and became a bit interested.

"It's supposed to be a hundred flower Royal elixir of the ninth grade of heaven. Did you refine it? It's not easy to step into the heaven level pharmacist. "

Hu Qingyun said: "thanks for Jiang Fan's help. Otherwise, I don't know how many years I can reach that level. To tell you the truth, I'm the Taoist guardian of Mr. Jiang Fan. If he has an accident in the underground, I'm sure I won't give up. I'll fight my life and never care. "

Qiqi looked at him: "no wonder he came with me. You are so nervous. That's the reason. But what about Jiang Fan? It's not up to me. Do you think this guy will listen to me? He goes his own way. "

Hu Qingyun nodded: "as long as the prefecture is not hard for him."

On the other side, Jiang Fan goes straight to a mountain peak, where Huang Yujie practices.

Because of Hu Qingyun's reason, Huang Yujie found a very good master. He didn't go out for training this year. It's quite leisurely to stay here to practice.

Coupled with his sociable personality, here is also a mixed wind and water.

He had been looking for Jiang Fan several times, but after Jiang Fan returned to renhuangzong, he began to close the door and had to wait for Jiang Fan to go out.

I didn't expect Jiang Fan to come to him in person today.

Seeing Jiang Fan, Huang Yujie was a little excited: "you are really amazing. It seems that in this vast world, you also block your light."

Jiang Fan felt his realm for a moment and said with a smile: "it seems that you have not made less profit this year, and you have improved two small realms. It's amazing to change your life five times. "

"It's thanks to the help of your Taoist priest, the help of pills and the introduction of experts to me. It's a very easy year. I'm waiting for you to show me around. If there is a way to return to crape myrtle mainland, I can compete with them

"I don't know how to go back. You'd better think about how to fight with the Royal friars. I said I would take you on a tour, but now I have no chance. Go with me. I can't keep you safe. "

"Do I look like Huang Yujie who is afraid of death? Take me. Maybe I can help youJiang Fan turned his eyes and became very serious. He said seriously: "you can be careful. Life is very valuable. When you go back one day, you have to fight against foreign invasion. That's the business. Although the world is dangerous, it is the best place to improve the realm. The power of the law is much stronger than ours, so the chance of cultivating speed and insight is much greater. If we seize such an opportunity, we will play a greater role in the future. "

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so serious, Huang Yujie said with a smile, "don't worry, my life is so hard that I can't die for a while and a half."

"Don't underestimate the monks in the world. They are the genius of the royal family. They have the fighting power to change their lives seven times. Your cultivation is far from perfect. "

Huang Yujie nodded: "I've heard about it, but this time you can take the lead in the Bailian secret place. I believe your fighting power will not be much worse than that of the Royal genius. I didn't expect that such a genius could appear in our crape myrtle mainland."

"Don't look down upon our world. Once upon a time, the world was only ruled by our world, but now we look at the status quo of the human race. You have such a low status in this world. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the situation of our crape myrtle mainland is no different from that of the human here, and even more stressful. In ancient times, the whole civilization was destroyed, which is more miserable than the human beings in this world. That's why there is a chance to turn over. "

Huang Yujie looked at Jiang Fan with a bitter smile: "don't you still want to change the whole world? It's too small a person. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "isn't this with you! Besides, I don't want to change the world, I just don't want to be influenced, and I don't want to even have no chance to resist in the end. "

"I just don't want to take me out to play. I just don't want to go. It's not nice to stay here and have fun."

"It's best for you to think that way. In fact, it's good for you to stay here. When you improve a little, you can go out with others to experience. When I leave, if you encounter something that can't be solved, go to find Hu Qingyun. He will help you as much as possible."

Huang Yujie nodded: "understand!"

The two chatted for a while. Jiang Fan left. This time he left renhuangzong. He didn't know when he would come back.

Jiang fan doesn't know what's going on in the prefecture, but anyway he wants to go to Xiao yue'er to see how she is now. If she wants to leave, Jiang Fan will take her regardless. If she wants to stay, Jiang Fan won't be angry. Maybe she belongs here.

When he comes to Baishan's residence, Hu Qingyun has left. Qiqi is eating lingguo. It's very relaxed, as if he takes this place as his home.

"Ready?" She asked directly.

Jiang Fan nodded: "let's go, can't we leave you for dinner?"

Baishan said, "be careful all the way."

"Don't worry. I cherish my life. Thank you for taking care of me Jiang Fan said goodbye.

Baishan said with a smile: "it's all small things. You can grow up smoothly. That's what I want to see. I hope you can always keep your heart

Three people no longer talk, Qiqi left the room first, Jiang Fan followed.

After Qiqi, she found that she was still dressed in renhuangzong's clothes and swaggered along. She chose to walk down the mountain gate.

"Aren't you in a hurry? Why don't you worry now? " Jiang Fan asked.

She will not head, the rest of the core to the side of the woods, replied: "you are so stupid, I'm helping you and Emperor. At least let those guys outside know that you have left renhuangzong, otherwise they will always think you are hiding in renhuangzong, and then they will be busy. "

Jiang Fan immediately understood her meaning, which was exactly the same as what he thought when he left Jiang's house that day. Unexpectedly, the girl looked very troublesome, but her mind was so meticulous.

"You're not afraid of exposure?" Jiang Fan asked.

And at this time, Qiqi suddenly took out a mask to wear on her face, the next moment her face began to change, turned into a Hu slag uncle.

Although the appearance has changed, but the walking posture has not changed completely, graceful, let Jiang Fan Leng under.

"Are you all idiots?" Jiang Fan has no good airway.

"They don't know who I am. What's the impact of my disguise on them? If you want to check, I can. It's their ability to check. If it wasn't for the easy way to wear a mask, do you think I'd like to change my face into this virtue? "

Jiang Fan followed her behind with a smile on her face. He didn't think much about what he said. For him, she did not need to say much more at this time. She left her emperor first, and threw off some eyeliner.

Not long after leaving the mountain gate, Jiang Fan felt that there were several divine thoughts falling on them, and there were some strong ones among them.

In terms of breath, it's not human.

However, they did not act, there are a few followed by the two, it is obvious that Qiqi mouth spies.

Their breath is different, did not expect him to come back so few days, some royal spies have followed.

Qiqi reminds Jiang Fan: "we have to leave a day away from renhuangzong and then hide away. You have to be careful. I'm afraid that someone can't help it. You and I don't know if we can resist it."

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