"Who are you?"

The boy like Dan master asked, the voice is still old.

"Back to the master, junior Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan was very polite. He didn't know what age he was. He couldn't offend him.

"Come in with me!"

With that, he turned back to the medicine room, and the momentum was taken back, but it was also simple.

Jiang Fan with a smile, diameter toward the medicine Lu walked in the past, here is the underground, no outsiders, he is not afraid of each other to embarrass him.

On the other side, Qiqi's master's face showed some doubts. He could hear Jiang Fan's words clearly.

"Or a pharmacist? But the resolution is amazing. It's interesting that it can interest that old devil

After soliloquy, his voice sounded in Qiqi's ear: "girl, come here! Let me ask you something. "


On the other side, Jiang Fan walks into the humble medicine room, and a huge Dan furnace appears in front of Jiang Fan. This Dan furnace is the same as the Dan furnace in ancient times, with a powerful array, and the fire is strong and lasting.

There is obviously a space for array change in the medicine room. The area is much larger than it looks outside.

There are two rows of medicine cupboards on both sides. All kinds of materials are stored in different categories. They are blessed by array to ensure that the medicine will not disappear.

It can be seen that the master of Dan Dao is also very particular about Shan Dao. He can do it more easily.

"Whose offspring are you?" The master asked directly.

"I'm not a local monk. The elder asked me to find a place to practice here. I came along the way and happened to come to yaolu. I felt the quality of the pill. I really admire it."

His name is Qin and Han Dynasty. He is the only pharmacist in this area. However, there is no weak one in this area. Even if he is the only pharmacist, his ability is not comparable to that of the human friars outside.

I'm afraid only the royal family can have a similar existence.

Qin Han looked at Jiang Fan and then asked, "are you a pharmacist? Who will become a teacher? "

"He is an old man who lives in the wild. He doesn't know his name and calls himself the king of medicine. This is not worth mentioning. "

"The king of medicine? I haven't heard of it. As for you, you are a little modest. It's enough to distinguish the rank of Dan medicine by smell. It proves that you have great attainments in this field. What rank have you reached? "

Jiang Fan did not hide: "just stepped on the steps of heaven."

The eyes of Qin and Han Dynasty jump: "Tianjie? How old are you? What's more, how can you step on the steps of heaven

"Jijing! If you set foot in the extreme state, you can naturally set foot in the stage of the heaven level pharmacist with the lethal state. As for Dan Dao, the younger generation is not talented, and no one in the same generation can be ignored by me. "

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of absolute self-confidence. If we say that his fighting power is achieved through the efforts of the day after tomorrow. Dan Dao was born with the ability. Before he was born again, he was the king of medicine. Dan Dao had already reached a very good level. Even if a talented pharmacist wants to reach the level of Jiang Fan for decades, it's like a fool's dream.

Qin and Han Dynasties did not expect that Jiang Fan was so crazy. How difficult it was for Dan Dao to be superior to his peers. As a pharmacist, he certainly knew it very well.

"Jijing? The pharmacist is not a monk. He can't succeed in refining with combat power. If it's so easy for a pharmacist of Tianjie, he won't waste so much time to cultivate his own realm. "

Qin and Han Dynasties obviously did not believe Jiang Fan's statement. For pharmacists in this realm, Jiang Fan's age can be distinguished at a glance, so he could not believe that such a young man could reach that level.

Jiang Fan's mouth Rose: "try it and you'll know!"

Jiang Fan controls three different kinds of fire. His breath changes constantly and is divided into nine groups of fire. He suppresses the fire in different ways, which shows his control over the fire.

Qin Han's eyes twinkled, of course, he could see the way, some can't believe: "this fire control ability is really not weak."

But then another kind of flame rose on Jiang Fan, which was not the essence, but not much weaker than the other fire.

The flame was so strange that Qin and Han were stunned on the spot, and then frowned slightly.

"Is this the fire of the spirit?"

As soon as the color of the flame changes, the breath immediately changes, changing into another kind of spiritual fire.

If you have more abnormal fire, you may not have strong fire control ability, but as long as you can display the spirit of fire, you must have high talent and control power to fire method, both of which are indispensable.

On the basis of this spiritual fire, Jiang fan can absolutely reach the ability of the heaven level pharmacist in controlling fire.

"Good eyesight, master!"

Jiang Fan dispelled his mental fire, and then said: "according to the information I have obtained, in the archaic era, the way of refining materials of Dan Dao depended on the array, and the stable refining was ensured by the array. Only some high-level materials would rely on the dexterity to refine. Although dexterity can save the dexterity, in my opinion, the control of materials is the key to determine the quality and success rate of Dan medicine. ”

with that, nine kinds of materials appeared in front of Jiang Fan and were directly taken away by the nine groups of abnormal fire. At the same time, they began to warm up and refine.The nine elixirs are exactly the same in quality and variety, so that the Qin and Han Dynasties did not know what Jiang Fan wanted to do. But at the same time, controlling the nine flame warming elixirs really brightened his eyes. Of course, he could do it with his ability, but he did not know the subtlety.

He looked at the nine flames, and then his eyes began to look surprised.

He found that the smell of elixir in each flame became different. If he hadn't seen it before, he couldn't even believe that these materials came from one kind.

Jiang Fan said at this time: "I have studied many ancient books of Dan Dao, and my understanding of Dan medicine may not be subtle, but I understand a truth. You can feel it!"

He said, breath gathered, nine groups of flames rushed together in an instant.

The northern netherworld fire and the red flame live and grow, each occupying one side, one Yin and one Yang, turning into a red stove.

Purple thunder Xianyan converges on the top, condenses black clouds, and presses on the position of the furnace mouth. It seems that it turns into a furnace cover and is constantly involved in the Dan furnace with the force of thunder, stimulating those materials.

The naked eye can see the changes of the materials in the Dan furnace. Each of the nine materials continues to change in the Dan furnace.

Of course, the effect of the elixir made from different fire is not as good as that with the help of elixir, because it also needs to be distracted to control the different fire. If there is a slight difference, the elixir will not have a chance to succeed.

However, Jiang Fan obviously intends to do so. It is impossible for him to refine Tianji pills in such a short time, but some methods are absolutely not what ordinary pharmacists can do.

The smell of materials was different long before they were put into the furnace. At this time, after constant warming, it was completely impossible to sense that they came from the same material only from the smell.

The Qin and Han Dynasties were a little frightened. He already knew what Jiang Fan was going to do.

"Does this boy want to use a kind of elixir to make pills? It's impossible

Jiang Fan has become completely focused at this time. For a full hour, Jiang fan does not move, and the materials gradually begin to change.

The material is gradually crushed and turned into dust. With the air waves brought by different fire converging together, it continuously rotates and absorbs the surrounding elixir dust with the core force.

The pill gradually takes shape, and then it is quenched slowly with flame to become perfect.

Although the smell of the elixir had been completely blocked by the abnormal fire, the Qin and Han Dynasties knew that the elixir would be refined successfully.

But it is not useful to make pills. As long as the means are enough, stones can be made into pills, but there is no effect.

Although Jiang Fan showed strong control and fire control ability, the pills he made had no medicinal properties, which was failure.

However, he had already raised his interest at this time, and he wanted to know whether Jiang Fan's refined pills were really effective, and whether it was really possible to refine pills with only one kind of material?

After a few hours, two people's eyes are in the fire of the Dan furnace.

The Qin and Han Dynasties were also observing the pills. He knew something about Jiang Fan's ability at this time, because he felt that when he wanted to change the flame temperature several times, Jiang Fan could change it at the most accurate time, sometimes even faster than he thought. This is a powerful understanding of the medicine.

A thunder, purple thunder Xianyan disappeared.

Then the Dan stove formed by the different fire disappeared, leaving only one pill floating in front of Jiang Fan.

There is no shelter, danxiang spread instantly, let the Qin and Han Dynasty in front of a bright, completely unexpected.

Because the quality of this elixir has at least reached the eighth grade. Although this quality is nothing to him, it is not easy for him to produce this elixir in such a short time. What's more, the young man only used a kind of elixir, and there is no elixir and other aids. This is not a little more difficult.

Jiang Fan's finger points forward, and the pill flies directly to the Qin and Han Dynasties. It's obvious that he's tasting it.

The Qin and Han Dynasties didn't talk nonsense either. They held the pill in their hands, then threw it into their mouth and took it.

For pharmacists, there is no more direct way to identify the efficacy of drugs.

Jiang Fan didn't stop him. He knew what he was doing.

Qin and Han closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He was not afraid that it was a kind of poison. Pharmacists in his realm had strong immunity to poisons.

About a few seconds later, Qin Han suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Jiang Fan and asked, "the effect of this pill is similar to that of Baipo gumai pill. How did you do it?"

Jiang Fan said: "the elder is really powerful. Although the efficacy is not as good as Baipo gumai pill, the value of the material is only one tenth of his. As long as we know enough about the properties of pills and don't refine them according to the prescription, we can also refine high-quality pills. The same material can be warmed up in different ways, and the effects and properties will be different, too. "

Speaking of Dan Dao, Jiang Fan's words are endless.

In ancient times, the way of refining medicine in archaic times continued, and even cultivation was similar to archaic times.

I don't know why. In their civilization, the way of refining medicine and the way of cultivating monks have changed. From those super experts to the younger generation, it seems that they are exploring a new way, and so is Dan Dao.

The Wang level pharmacist he followed at that time was a super pharmacist who survived in ancient times, but his Dan Dao and Jiang Fan's cognition were completely different.More precisely, in this civilization, monks and pharmacists are innovating, as if to get rid of the shackles of ancient times. Perhaps only in this way can their fate be changed.

After the rebirth of Jiang Fan also deeply understand this truth.

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