Jiang Fan has been in a bottleneck before, and Bai Haotian knows how difficult it is for Jiang Fan to further improve.

I didn't expect that he would take advantage of Hualong lake to change so much in just one month.

A few days ago, the Qin and Han Dynasties went there to collect herbs, and by the way, they observed Jiang Fan's condition from a distance. They were also shocked.

He's a pharmacist. He studies the body more than Bai Haotian. Jiang Fan's change at this time is hard for him to imagine.

In yaolu, the expression of Qin and Han Dynasties is dignified.

"The physical body is no longer in the category of human beings. That vitality is the breath of nature. Yes, the boy's life level is constantly evolving. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse. "

Bai Haotian nodded: "this should be the legendary destiny. I didn't expect that such a genius could be born in the broken Jiuhuang. I hope he can insist enough. In terms of aptitude, he has been above Qiqi. But he will not belong to the underworld. "

"I think we should send it to the head of the mansion for him to have a look!"

Bai Haotian shook his head: "don't worry. The master of the mansion is closing. He has no time to deal with these things. What's more, the boy has to practice here. Although he may not belong to the local government, if you can help him, you should help Jiuhuang. "

Qin Han said: "it seems that you really want to make friends. I hope he can really grow up. In this way of promotion, it will not be so easy for him to change his life. "

"I think he knows that. Where is the combat power of nine life changes acceptable to ordinary people? Even if it can be achieved, it is hard to imagine the pressure to break through. But for him, who has been robbed by the holy beast, there should be nothing to be afraid of. "

"Hope, after all, he may have to face the genius of the whole world. But one thing I'm worried about is, what if some big people mess up? "

Bai Haotian was stunned when he heard this. Of course, what the Qin and Han Dynasties said was experts of all ethnic groups. Jiang Fan may not be afraid of the talents of his peers, but he has no chance of winning in the face of the experts of Shentai. If such experts come to deal with Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan will be very dangerous. What Jiang Fan lacks now is protection in this respect.

At this time, a figure into the medicine room, and people Leng under.

The man was shirtless, showing bronze muscles, angular and very strong.

He is wiping the water on his body with his clothes, but before entering the medicine house, Bai Haotian and his wife didn't feel his existence at all.

He said: "I'll solve the problem of experts. I think wanzu will give me three points of thin noodles. But don't tell the kid

Seeing this man, Bai Haotian and his wife bowed their heads one after another and said, "see you!"

If Jiang fan is here at this time, he will definitely recognize this man, who is a super master in Hualong pool.

Bai Haotian said: "I didn't expect that the adults would go out at this time! Did you see that kid, too? "

The man nodded: "of course, I see it. It's very interesting. Just because he is the descendant of the old ghost, I will help him."

Bai Haotian seemed to think of something, nodded: "if you come forward, I believe not many people will not give face."

The man dried his body and turned to leave yaolu: "I'm gone. Don't look for me if you have nothing to do."

With that, the whole person disappeared outside the door and left.

Qin Han asked Bai Haotian curiously: "whose descendants is that kid? What does it have to do with this adult? "

"That's a long time ago, and I only know a little. This adult has something to do with the Jiang family. The boy is the blood of the Jiang family. It's better not to ask more about the specific reasons, so as not to offend this one. "

Qin and Han nodded and asked no more.

Bai Haotian looked at the place where the man disappeared outside the door and sighed: "with him coming out, we can solve Jiang Fan's worries."

When Qin and Han heard this, they obviously agreed: "of course, who dares to provoke Luo Xiao

Speaking of Luo Xiao, I have to say that it was an amazing move ten thousand years ago.

At that time, when ten thousand families invaded Jiuhuang, Luo Xiao was very angry and came out strongly. He swept all the heroes in the world with one man's power. In three months, he killed 16 Royal experts and 300 royal clan heads. He was called the God of killing by the royal family.

Later, under the siege of several royal experts, they successfully retreated. After that, they let out their words and killed ten thousand people to withdraw from Jiuhuang.

During that time, all the experts of ten thousand families were shocked. The royal family knew where Luo Xiao came from, but they were haunted and couldn't be subdued, causing heavy losses.

When the ancient civilization was wiped out, all ethnic groups returned to the world, and Luo Xiao disappeared without reappearing. However, the name and what he did made all ethnic groups remember clearly.

Maybe no one in the younger generation knows that there is such a murderer in the Terran, but the old guys know very well that the Super Master with no scruples and excellent fighting power is hidden in the world, very difficult to deal with and can't offend.

In terms of strength, he ranks second among the prefectures. He is only between Bo Zhong and the leader of the prefecture. He is the absolute pillar of the prefecture.He knew nothing about Jiang Fan. He put all his energy on cultivation. Jiang Fan was determined to get it.

As long as it can suppress the springs of all living beings, Jiang fan can exert his spiritual power at any time. At that time, he can nourish the breath of nature anytime and anywhere, complement each other, and let his power continue to rise.

If the final suppression, Jiang Fan will have three kinds of ultimate spiritual power, distinguish the representative of water, fire and wood.

Jiang Fan believes that there is a great chance to find two kinds of ultimate spiritual power in this world. When the five kinds of ultimate spiritual power complement each other, his ability will certainly be improved at that time, and the great five elements will reach a new level.

Jiang Fan has a big goal. Whether he can achieve it depends on whether he has run out of Qi.


In the twinkling of an eye, Qiqi went out to practice and returned to the blessed land. Her cultivation state continued to suppress, but her breath had changed a lot compared with half a year ago.

The first thing she did when she came back was to go to Jiang Fan and see if Jiang Fan had been promoted in the past six months.

To Hualong lake, you have to pass yaolu. As soon as she passed by, she heard the voice of Qin and Han Dynasties in yaolu.

"Girl! Come in

Qi Qi Leng next, Qin Han pharmacist but she is most afraid of people here.

When she was a child, in order to strengthen her physique, her master asked Qin and Han Dynasties to use all kinds of top-quality materials to help her refine her body. Every time she took medicine, she would have severe pain, which made her still remember.

Although she resisted, she still went into the medicine room, saw the Qin and Han Dynasties, bowed her head and said, "I've seen a pharmacist!"

Qin Han looked back at Qiqi: "girl, you won't come to me when you come back!"

"I'm coming! All the pills given to me last time have been used up. It's very dangerous to go out this time, but the harvest is also good! "

Speaking of this, Qiqi seemed to think of something, and quickly grabbed the treasure bag to search inside.

Finally, take out a panacea, the top bear fruit, colorful, pearl shaped, smooth and mellow.

"This is for you!"

The Qin and Han Dynasties were a little surprised to see this plant: "lingzhucao? It's a rare elixir. I'll take it. I'm ready to take your pills to your master. You just go straight to him. What are you doing here? "

Qiqi said, "I'm going to Hualong lake to see if Jiang fan is lazy?"

"Jiang Fan? You don't have to disturb his cultivation. You have to work hard. Although you are growing up in the past six months, Jiang fan is growing up faster. He is not far away from the combat power of changing his life nine times. "

Hearing this, Qiqi opened her eyes and couldn't believe it: "impossible! How can he be promoted so fast when he is closed here? "

"You will know later. If this boy can really succeed, you should get along with him in the future. If you can go with him, it will be very good for you. "

Qiqi wanted to see it, but Qin and Han prevented her from going to Hualong lake.

She can only go to the master first and ask him about Jiang Fan.

Beside Hualong lake, the barrel is empty. Jiang Fan has poured the remaining water into the lake.

Standing by the lake and looking at the clear Hualong lake, Jiang Fan swallowed his saliva, as if he was doing a psychological struggle.

Compared with half a year ago, his breath is strong, his whole life is full of vitality, and the weeds at his feet are growing rapidly. Where we have been is full of life.

Now his physical body has become extremely tough, and great changes have taken place in Qihai. In the past six months, he has been constantly consuming and absorbing, which has greatly improved his combat power. Conservatively speaking, he has definitely reached the level of changing his life for the eighth time, which can be described as rapid progress.

The capacity of the barrel obviously can't satisfy Jiang Fan's absorption. A few days ago, he tried to suppress the spring of sentient beings, which has achieved initial results. But after all, the spring of sentient beings away from Hualong lake has no soul and can't be suppressed.

If he wants to continue, there's only one way. There's going to be a try in the lake.

Shenmu Sutra has undergone earth shaking changes. With this change, Jiang Fan's self-protection ability has reached a new height.

And the body's resistance to this spring has increased a lot, and now is the time to make up your mind to enter the lake and continue to try.

The feeling of falling into the lake for the first time is still fresh in my memory. Because of this, Jiang Fan hesitated on the shore. But he also knew that he would try to get into the lake after all.

At the other end, Bai Haotian is in the room, making a water curtain by means of means. It's Jiang Fan who is on the upper side. He observes all this, and his heart is full of expectation.

"Master, I'm back!" Kiki's voice rings.

Bai Haotian took a look at her and said with a smile, "yes, I've made a lot of progress this time."

Qiqi was disappointed. Obviously, she didn't expect that Shifu's attitude was so flat, which was totally different from what she had thought before.

"Master, what are you looking at? I'm not so happy to see my apprentice

While saying this, she went to the front of the water curtain and saw the picture above. She was stunned: "Jiang Fan? What do you think he does... "

Before she finished her words, she saw that Jiang Fan took a step forward. The next moment, the whole person fell into the Hualong pool and sank down, unable to resist."Is this asshole crazy? That's Hualong pool. Master, go and save him

But Bai Haotian didn't move. He looked at the water curtain with a smile on his face: "I hope I can succeed!"

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