Qiqi is not optimistic about Jiang Fan's choice. She still thinks that Jiang fan is not familiar with the land of his life and doesn't know much about the world. According to his temperament, he will definitely run into a wall.

However, she is not worried. She has no less experience outside. She believes that even if Jiang Fan gets into trouble, she can deal with it.

They had been together for some time before, and they didn't feel anything wrong.

Qiqi occasionally sneaks on Jiang Fan, but finds that Jiang fan is always on guard, not against her, but with a strong sense of self-protection.

If it wasn't for repeated temptations, she didn't even see that Jiang Fan would be like this.

Not long after he left Fudi, Jiang Fan began to inquire about the recent situation outside, hoping to see how the foreigners reacted. After all, more than half a year has passed, and he hopes that the popularity of Bailian secret land has passed.

However, the result made Jiang Fan a little confused, and there were some royal families who had no contact with him to solicit him.

According to Bai Shan, there should be many foreigners who will deal with him. After all, killing Jiang fan is more direct. What's more, Jiang Fan has offended so many royal geniuses in Bailian secret place. How can he be easily let go?

Obviously, seeing Jiang Fan's doubts, Qiqi said: "you don't have to guess. About a few months ago, the wind direction outside suddenly changed. Before, many ethnic groups wanted to deal with you, but later all the royal families stopped talking about you. Only the young generation of monks threatened to kill you. Several big royal families have been calling in one after another. "

Jiang Fan picks eyebrows: "is it the royal family that has such a great influence?"

Qiqi explained: "you can't imagine how powerful the royal family is. The royal family is like a mouse seeing a cat in front of the royal family."

Speaking of this, she suddenly lowered her voice and said mysteriously, "but one thing is very strange, that is, this time, the royal family did not speak out first, but the royal family stopped first. It's like being threatened by someone, but it's strange. You're just a little monk from Jiuhuang. You don't know anyone here. How can someone help you? "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan also had some doubts and couldn't figure it out.

But it's a good thing for him. No matter what the reason, it will be revealed in the future.

All he has to do is keep growing.

It's at least half a year's journey from here to the divine realm. Jiang Fan wants to come to the map from Qiqi, so he's not in a hurry.

After arriving at the world, Jiang fan knows little about it. He has to adapt and understand everything. Qiqi's map is very unusual. It records the location of some secret places. These are all the wealth accumulated by the prefecture for so many years.

Qiqi takes this map so that she can go all the way. Basically, many high secret places are marked on it, so Qiqi can also go to it at the first time and take advantage of it secretly.

"It's a good map."

"Of course, there are only three copies of this map. One is in the master's place, and the other is with me." Speaking of this map, Kiki is obviously very proud.

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "there should be one more. Where is it?"

Hearing this, Qiqi is obviously very upset: "in a bastard that."

Seeing her appearance, there must be a story in it. Jiang Fan said curiously, "asshole? It seems that this man is guilty of you

"Don't tell me about that guy, look at your map!"

Jiang Fan smiles and no longer says much. He looks at the route carefully.

Usually Qiqi acts alone, and will go to each area directly through the underground transmission formation.

However, because Jiang fan is an outsider after all and has no authority to use the teleportation array, they have to rely on themselves to get on their way.

Soon, Jiang Fan found that there was a secret place on this route to be opened in the near future, and the area was near the divine realm.

He pointed to the map and asked Qiqi, "what's the situation here? Will it take a long time? "

Qiqi glanced at it and said, "are you sure you want to go here? This is the secret place of magic mountain, but it will be opened once every three years. It has already been touched clearly, and it is near the realm of gods. There must be nothing good. "

Jiang fan knows the abilities of the gods very well.

"I'm on my way anyway. I can't waste all my time on my way."

Qiqi's fingertips move on the map, and finally fall on another point: "this is the secret place of Lingshan mountain. Although we need to make a little detour, this secret place is opened once every 30 years. It has a lot of heritage and is worth visiting."

Jiang Fan looked at the route. It was only half a month's journey, but according to Qiqi, the Lingshan secret place is much better.

He carefully measured it on the map and said, "from the geographical position, the geomantic omen of the magic mountain is better."

Qiqi shrugged: "you decide for yourself, master, let me listen to you."

Obviously, Qiqi doesn't want to argue with Jiang Fan. When he gets to the secret place, he will tell who is right.


No longer hesitating, the two officially set out.

A month later, they crossed an area and entered the White Snake area. Before entering this area, Qiqi reminded Jiang fan that from here on, the number of Terrans dropped rapidly, and the hostility of each race to the Terrans would also be strengthened.Jiang Fan didn't care, but on the third day he saw a scene that he couldn't accept.

All the way up the river, they saw a fence. There were several Terran children in it. They were very slovenly, not covered in clothes, but they were all playing.

Jiang Fan walked over, but the children were frightened, as if they were very afraid.

"Who locked you up here?" Jiang Fan asked with a frown.

But those children watched Jiang Fan warily, huddled on the other side of the fence, and no one spoke.

Qiqi then came, with a kind of indifference in her eyes: "don't ask, these people don't know the language at all."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan obviously didn't understand: "why do you say that?"

Qiqi said: "they are just in captivity here. Can't you see that? They don't know what fate is, they don't know how to practice, there is only one way to wait for them. "

With that, Qiqi said no more and went around the fence to leave.

But Jiang Fan didn't think of her choice.

"That's it? Don't you save them? "

Qiqi stood still and looked back at Jiang Fan, with some helplessness in her cold eyes.

"Help? How much can you save? Even if you destroy the fence now, they won't go. What's more, as far as their ability is concerned, they can't get out of this fence, and they are dead. I used to ask such questions, but gradually you get used to them. "

Jiang Fan kicked the fence with one foot, and his voice was cold: "I can't get used to it."

But what he didn't expect was that after he broke the fence, the children even bared their teeth at him, with a fierce expression, just like wild animals.

Qiqi sees all this in her eyes, and her tone is full of irony.

"To them, you are the enemy, that's all."

Jiang fan is still calm: "it's just not enlightening! No one teaches you. You're no different from them. "

Qiqi wants to refute, but finds that Jiang fan is right.

Jiang Fan exudes a strong vitality, but also with the help of such power, so that the children did not have so much hostility.

Jiang Fan slowly approached, and then his eyes flashed a layer of purple. The next second, the purple light turned into several, and injected into the eyebrows of these children.

Qiqi looks at Jiang Fan in surprise and knows what he's doing. It's a simple inheritance. It's also a way to enlighten them, let them have the consciousness of normal people, and make up for the lack of teaching.

This is the most direct way to enlighten them. For the first time, she felt the difference between Jiang Fan and the stubborn in her bones.

Although it's very dangerous here, Jiang fan is very patient and stares at the children in front of him.

These children's eyes are also changing rapidly. They gradually understand the language and have personality.

Although the words are still not very clear, but can be simple communication.

They said thank you to Jiang Fan, then they knelt down to Jiang Fan and kowtowed to him.

Jiang Fan said directly: "you don't need to do this. It's the only thing that can help you. How to survive depends on you. I've passed you a skill. If you have the qualification, you can practice it. I hope you will still exist in the future."

With that, he walked out of the fence and left with Kiki.

The children also quickly left and disappeared in the woods. They looked a little flustered and knew nothing about the future.

Qiqi whispered beside Jiang Fan: "don't you think it's cruel to them? Originally they were muddled and didn't need to face hardship at all, but now they have to keep working hard to live, and even die more miserably and worry more. Is this really good for them? "

"The decision on the future is in their hands, not in the hands of foreigners."

Jiang fan is also a small figure, rising step by step. He is not a bad person, but he has a very firm belief. If he thinks it is right, he will do it to the end and will not hesitate.

But before they got far away, they heard a sound coming from the distance, which was exactly the direction they had met the children before.

"The fat people ran away! We must let them know the consequences. We don't need to fatten them. We should take them back. The patriarch likes the tender ones. "

"Come and see, the fence seems to have been destroyed from outside. I don't know who is making trouble. I don't pay attention to my family at all."

Then there were children's cries in the forest, which made Jiang Fan's face cold. He knew that none of these children could really grow up, but he couldn't bear to die in such a muddle headed way.

Did not consider, directly turned towards the direction of the nearest cry.

Qiqi surprisingly did not ridicule, followed Jiang Fan, eyes flashing, with a bit of appreciation.

Soon, Jiang Fan saw a wild boar headed creature, carrying a child's waist, meeting with other people.

His tusks were more than one foot, his arms were big, his waist was round, his height was more than three meters, and he was very strong. The child had no resistance in his hands.

Without negotiation or speech, Qiqi suddenly finds that Jiang Fan's body has disappeared. After a few flashes, he has come to the back of the alien. The next second, the huge boar head flies out, spins in the air for several circles, falls to the ground, and even doesn't howl.Jiang Fan's blood did not touch his body, so he stood beside the alien, caught the Terran child and put it on the ground gently.

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