It's a pity that their elders can't let them come here to experience. The risk is too great.

There was even one person in the crowd who had changed his life nine times. His whole body was like gold casting. He had two heads and four eyes looking at Jiang Fan.

Qiqi came here and suppressed her breath a little. Not all of them were extreme monks. Her fighting power could only barely protect herself here, and she didn't want to make too much publicity.

She took a look at Jiang Fan, but found that Jiang Fan was very calm, no timidity at all, and continued to move forward.

In the face of all kinds of vision, Jiang Fan also turned a blind eye.

At this time, a woman in white came towards the crowd. She was very beautiful, but Jiang Fan could see that there was a hairy tail behind her, not a human race.

The realm is not weak. He has changed his life eight times. He is obviously a genius.

"Wuxiao, you are here. Is this your highness you mentioned yesterday?"

Hu Xiao said: "this little Highness has a bad temper. Don't say I didn't remind you."

The woman said with a smile, "I didn't offend your highness. I believe I won't embarrass you, will I?"

Jiang Fan said: "as long as there is no hostility, I won't do anything."

Hearing this, many friars took a look at Jiang Fan.

It is not uncommon for such a meeting to have talents who have stepped into the extreme, but few of them have such momentum.

They lead the way and take Jiang Fan to the White Deer courtyard. There is a courtyard in front of them. From the Huxiao, Jiang fan knows that it is the destination, where all the real talents gather.

Just into the yard, Jiang Fan's eyes jump, there are a lot of people here.

There are more than ten Terran friars here who are busy serving tea and water to these geniuses.

Jiang Fan didn't expect that there was no lack of genius when he carefully perceived the accomplishments of these Terrans. Two of them had changed their lives five times. They looked pretty and only in their twenties.

These people are wearing a silver collar around their necks, giving off a strong smell.

However, these Terrans are expressionless, as if they are walking dead. They are busy and don't speak. No one even looks at them and doesn't care who comes in.

Some royal geniuses see Hu Xiao bring Jiang Fan to come, eyes are full of goodwill, obviously they already know Jiang Fan will come.

A few of the more enthusiastic people came up to greet each other directly. Obviously, they wanted to get in touch first. No matter which royal family Jiang Fan was, it would not do any harm if they could make friends.

However, some people are suspicious and hostile, because Jiang fan doesn't have any appearance of ten thousand ethnic groups. He is a human race in any way.

In their eyes, the Terran is just a lower race.

Deep in the courtyard is a huge building with many positions, but there are only five most prominent positions. You can only sit in those five positions if you are recognized by others.

However, Wuxiao directly led Jiang Fan to the five positions. In front of all the people, there was a lot of discussion.

If Jiang Fan was a royal disciple, it would be meaningless to sit in these five positions.

But Jiang Fan was not polite at all. He went to a side seat and sat down.

Hu Xiao and the woman exchanged a few words with Jiang Fan, but they didn't talk any more. They turned and left to do other things. They were all kings in the city. They were most familiar with the White Deer courtyard, and they had to do a lot of things.

Jiang Fan didn't say much. He sat there with his eyes closed.

Whispered to Qiqi: "what's the matter with those Terran friars? It doesn't look like it's a Terran raised here. "

Qiqi's voice was slightly chilly: "hum! How could they have cultivated them? They were slaves. It's not only human beings, but also slaves of other races. There is no place in the world if you don't become a royal family. "

"There are some monks in it. If they continue to grow up, they will have a bright future."

Qiqi didn't have a good way: "you still have time to care about others. Here are not all Wuxiao monks. I believe you are royal. No accident, there will be someone to test you. You'd better think about how to deal with it. "

"Is there anything else I need to hide?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Qiqi suddenly thought of what Jiang Fan had said before, that if you want to open your identity, you will have to fight with the talents of all nationalities, and if possible, you will also attack the position of the youth supreme.

At that time, I felt that Jiang Fan didn't have a chance for a while and a half, but now it seems that Jiang Fan has created an opportunity. Now it seems that it's only a matter of time before he can make his identity public.

But at this time, no one chose to test directly. After all, Jiang Fan's strength is there. If he is really a royal family, they can't afford to offend him.

Because Wuxiao left, so let here for a time into the inexplicable atmosphere.

Although it seems that there is no change here, as long as you feel it carefully, you will find that everyone's eyes will fall on Jiang Fan from time to time.

In another room in the White Deer courtyard, Hu Xiao and the woman stood together and looked at a huge crystal stone. It turned out that it was the image on it, which was exactly what happened to Jiang Fan."Wuxiao, are you sure there is something wrong with Jiang Fan? If the other party is really Royal, we may get into trouble in the future. "

Hu Xiao looked at the woman with a surprised face: "Bai Yue, I didn't expect that the genius of the white lion clan who is not afraid of heaven and earth will worry about it!"

Bai Yue frowned and said, "I didn't worry at first, but after contacting Jiang Fan, I tried with my spiritual power, but I couldn't feel the essence of his body. This guy is extraordinary. Even if he's not a royal family, he's definitely a super genius in a royal family. If he offends, it won't do much good."

"Don't worry, it's not us who offend. There are bound to be people who can't sit still. "

Wu Xiao looks at the situation over there, and his mouth rises, as if everything is under his control. No matter what he does, he will try to find out Jiang Fan's identity, because it's not just he who wants to know, but the high-level people of white deer city who want to make it clear.

In the room, a woman of human race walks to Jiang Fan with Lingcha.

Jiang Fan looks at the woman and finds that she doesn't know what she is thinking. When she comes to Jiang Fan, she calms down and takes a look at Jiang Fan.

But this one see but let her a Leng, completely didn't expect to see a human here.

Jiang Fan responded with a smile, full of goodwill, which made the woman even more unexpected.

However, the woman did not say anything else. After putting things away, she bowed and left without staying too much.

Obviously, I don't want to have too much contact with Jiang Fan, and I'm afraid I'll get into trouble.

But so many eyes looking at Jiang Fan's side, immediately know the subtle changes here, Jiang Fan's every move they see in the eyes.

Is a royal family so kind to the human race? This is very rare in their impression.

On the other side of the room, two royal disciples looked at each other. One of them nodded and waved to the Terran woman.

In another room, Hu Xiao showed a smile on his face: "someone can't help it."

On Jiang Fan's side, the human woman walked directly towards the Royal disciple with a cold expression.

"Pour me tea!" The royal family pointed to the tea cup on the table and ordered.

The Terran woman picked up the teapot, filled it up for him, and then turned to leave.

But after turning around, he was caught: "how did you pour this tea? All over the table! Waste... "

The woman was stunned. The table was clean and there was no tea at all. This royal genius was just making trouble for her.

She wanted to break free, but she was caught firmly and slapped her next moment.

Although she is in a good state, she is far from the Royal genius in front of her.

The woman flew out upside down and landed in front of Jiang Fan. Her face turned white and her mouth was bleeding.

Seeing this situation, some royal geniuses burst into laughter with sarcasm in their eyes.

Qiqi frowned slightly, but did not speak, standing there, looking at everything, as if she had thought it would be so.

Not far away, the human woman who changed her life five times came to help her, but before she got to her side, she was caught by another royal genius.

"Do you want to rebel? Please remember who you are

Jiang fan is very clear that these Royal geniuses are testing him. He didn't intend to hide it, but now he is given the opportunity to show it.

"A group of Royal geniuses bully a woman. It's really shocking. It's really shameless."

Jiang Fan said this without taboo, got up and went directly to the woman, and then stretched out his hand to pull her up.

This practice surprised the Royal geniuses, even the Terran women.

Someone said: "Your Highness, you are a royal family. These people are just slaves. Don't you dirty your hands to help her?"

Jiang Fan raised his head slightly, looked at the monks on the scene, and then said, "you all come here."

This is for those people to listen to. Jiang Fan's position is one of the five most important. Of course, they have to listen. Although they don't know what Jiang fan is going to do, they still go to Jiang Fan and wait for orders without saying a word.

Many people look at Jiang Fan and want to know what he is going to do.

Jiang Fan raised his head, his voice was loud, the whole white deer courtyard could hear clearly.

"Wuxiao! Today I want you something more. I'll take all these Terrans with me. Make an offer. "

This speech, an uproar, did not expect Jiang Fan to take these people away.

Wuxiao's voice came from a distance: "my people are not cheap. What's more, there are two geniuses in it. They have very good fighting power. I usually let them act as accompanies. I'm really reluctant to give them away."

Jiang Fan said: "if you don't send me, then I can only take them away by force."

A royal genius said with a smile, "are you kidding? Isn't that the same as igniting a fire? It's just a few Terran slaves. With this collar, you can't turn over for the rest of your life. "

Jiang Fan's body has gathered on the power map at this time. Since he wants to do it, he can't do it secretly.He pulled the girl to her feet, and then with soft power in his hands, he helped the young woman heal her injury.

The woman could feel her injury recovering quickly, and Jiang Fan's strong vitality, which she would never forget in her life.

She never thought that a human appeared behind her and helped her out.

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