"Oh? What's going on? "

Jiang Fan couldn't figure it out, because he didn't feel anything wrong, and he couldn't feel any breath on the corpse. Who absorbed the spirit power?

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan frowned slightly and looked carefully.

At this time, Xiao AI went back here and said directly, "young master, there's no problem here. There's no special array."

Jiang Fan nodded and asked, "why did you see that guy's expression just now?"

Xiao AI didn't speak directly. His voice rang out in Jiang Fan's mind: "I've seen him before, in ancient times."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was stunned and almost exclaimed.

"Are you sure?"

Xiao AI nodded: "he once fought with the old master. At that time, I was born with a mind. My memory is much better than that of human beings."

Then Xiao AI disappeared in front of Jiang Fan and returned to Jiang Fan's sea of Qi.

Jiang fan is not calm now. Who is this guy? How could it have been in ancient times?

What Jiang Fan saw from the girl who was half human and half demon was what happened at the beginning. It can be said that the age was very long. What's more, the magic mountain secret has existed for many years. The black robed man has been falling here. Is it hard to go out to Jiuhuang?

There is a dead silence here. No one can answer Jiang Fan's question.

Jiang Fan tried again, showed a little fierce, and hit the body. The result was the same as before. The spirit power was absorbed instantly, and he didn't know where to go.

Still did not feel any vitality, AI also checked the sarcophagus, there is no array, this is really a bit strange.

Jiang Fan didn't think about it any more. Without saying a word, he directly summoned a clear water mass. It was the hengguqi water, the spring of all living beings, which he got in Hualong lake before.

"I'll see if you can absorb everything!"

With that, he didn't hesitate any more, but directly hit the other side. This is the ultimate spiritual power, which is completely different from the spiritual power released before.

I saw the sentient spring hovering on the other side for a while, but this time, the spiritual power was not directly absorbed by the other side, and the powerful breath burst out of the body. Jiang Fan integrated his own spiritual power into the sentient spring, and then directly penetrated into the other side's body, and this huge spiritual power burst out completely.

Wrapped by the spring of all living beings, Jiang Fan's breath can move in the body. The speed is not slow.

Then his face brightened, because he felt a mass of energy under the guy's neck, which was the treasure he was looking for.

Jiang Fan didn't need to think about it at all.

A trace of cool holding in the hands, Jiang Fan's face showed a happy look, Dan daopian has sensed what it is, is a kind of strange treasure, not out of the ice.

It's a strange thing in the world. It's very rare. Even Jiang Fan hasn't seen it. The ice will never melt. Even the fire can't hurt him. It keeps a constant temperature all the year round.

But what surprised Jiang Fan more was not just this. As the treasure was taken away by Jiang Fan, the breath of the body stopped suddenly, and his eyes were turning, as if he was about to wake up at any time.

"How do you live?" Jiang Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this thing might be alive.

But up to now, Jiang fan can't feel any vitality, so there is only one explanation, that is, alternative longevity, which is a spiritual practice.

Jiang fan can't feel each other's divine fire after careful perception, which is different from spiritual cultivation. Jiang Fan recalls what the little girl asked him to do, that is, destroy the place, lift the curse, and let them end their present life.

Looking around, there is no good thing. It's no good to keep this strange place. Jiang Fan simply calls out a red fire and lights it directly around.

Jiang Fan turned over and jumped out of the sarcophagus, and then prepared to go back the same way, trying to get out of the ghost place. You've got the hand, which is absolutely a huge harvest for him.

But Jiang Fan didn't go far away. He suddenly stopped and felt something was wrong. He suddenly turned back. The place that had been lit just now was all extinguished, quietly extinguished. Jiang Fan didn't even feel anything.

He suddenly felt a chill in his heart and felt that something bad would happen.

When he turned around and was ready to leave, he saw a figure blocking his way. It was no one else. It was the girl who was half human, half demon and had a little vitality.

"Don't go. You haven't destroyed the sarcophagus yet."

Jiang Fan said: "that guy doesn't know if he will wake up immediately. It's too dangerous to stay here."

"You took my things and the treasures here, don't you want to go? Then your life will stay. "

Jiang Fan felt the girl's breath, although it was not very strong, but it was strangely strange, which made Jiang Fan feel a threat inexplicably, which he didn't dare to think about before.

He said, "the sarcophagus is made of special materials. Do you have a way to break it?"The girl nodded, then pointed to the highest statue and said, "there is a switch on the top of the statue. As long as you turn the switch, the sarcophagus will open completely, and then it will be easier to destroy it. You just need to turn on the switch. But you have to be careful. It's not as easy as you think

Although Jiang Fan didn't know what she was talking about, he could only try it now.

No more words, turn around and fly directly towards the statue. Jiang fan is not slow, but before he gets close to the statue, Jiang Fan feels a trace of special spiritual power.

It seems that something is moving. Jiang fan lights up the surroundings with a flame, but he finds that the bones in armor around them have a special smell. The eyes of the bones are red and their momentum is rising. They seem to be activated by people, with a strong breath.

They suddenly turn to Jiang Fan, the next moment is hoarse roar, all the breath in this moment all lock Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't think of the sudden change, but he really wanted to rely on these things to deal with Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's spiritual power was constantly improved, as if it was completely exploded in an instant.

This time, however, it was not ChiYan, but the cold northern Youming fire.

The flame spread around. Before the skeletons came near, they were ignited by the dark green flame.

During the burning spiritual cultivation, the burning speed of the northern netherworld fire seems to add fuel to the fire.

Those skeletons are not afraid of life and death, and rush to Jiang Fan crazily. They don't care about the fire on their bodies, and Jiang fan doesn't say much. His power erupts again, making the northern nether world more prosperous.

The skeletons had turned into coke and scattered on the ground before they got close.

Jiang Fan went straight to the statue and was very agile.

The tall stone statue is like walking on the ground for Jiang Fan, and soon comes to the position that the girl said, and the mechanism is really here.

Don't want to, press directly, Jiang Fan just want to finish here as soon as possible, and then leave this ghost place.

Boom -

there was a loud noise below. The stone slabs around the sarcophagus fell down at the same time. The sarcophagus was more like a stone bed at this time. The guy was still in it, and there was no change in his appearance.

But at this time, Jiang Fan saw the half human and half demon girl rushing towards the sarcophagus, with a happy look in her eyes, and even revealed a trace of greed.

It's totally different from when he saw the girl before.

"Cheated?" Jiang fan can't help asking himself.

He jumped straight down and got in the way of the girl.

The girl was stopped by Jiang Fan, obviously very upset: "get out of the way!"

Jiang Fan said directly: "tell me the way to go out first, or you don't want to go there."

Then she saw the girl pointing up, and the next moment an exit to the outside appeared. Her eyes had been on the body, and she didn't want to entangle with Jiang Fan at all, with a little impatience.

This makes Jiang Fan even more surprised. This guy obviously aims at the flesh.

Looking at the exit from above, Jiang Fan suddenly didn't want to leave and wanted to see what would happen next.

But to avoid trouble, he flew up to the exit.

At the edge of the exit, Jiang Fan stopped and looked down.

Then I saw the girl who was half human and half demon. She ordered several times in succession. The next second, a black pill appeared in her hand, with a trace of magic.

Seeing this pill, Jiang Fan frowned and felt a strange breath.

"So it is!" Jiang Fan suddenly wanted to understand something, and then he didn't intend to say more, and he didn't want to stay. He flew out of the exit directly. He didn't intend to get involved in the matter here.

When he came out, he found that Qiqi was coming this way. Except for the temple, the town outside has completely disappeared, and everything I experienced before seems to be an illusion.

But the immortal black ice in the treasure bag proves that everything he had just said was true.

Soon Qiqi arrived and saw Jiang Fan in a daze. He said: "what are you doing standing here? I've been looking for everything over there. You haven't moved the place for a long time. I thought you found something good. I didn't expect it was just a broken temple. What have you got? "

Obviously, compared with this temple, Qiqi wants to know what Jiang Fan has done.

"We can't stay here long. Let's go." Jiang Fan didn't tell her anything more, but directly reminded her of the current situation. Then he didn't say much, and pulled her to another direction.

Qiqi didn't know what was going on at first, but soon she heard a silver bell smile coming from behind.

She turned abruptly, but saw nothing. Not to mention her, even Jiang Fan didn't feel any problem at this time.

"Something's following us!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan said directly: "don't worry about the things behind. Leave here as soon as possible."Qiqi saw a trace of worry from Jiang Fan's eyes, which is different from his usual, but it also shows that it should be very dangerous here.

Sure enough, without waiting for Jiang Fan to speak more, all kinds of breath burst out, and a powerful momentum also burst out in the temple, which was much stronger than the breath of the two of them.

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