Red leaf looked at those elixir, some sigh.

"It seems that we don't know much about Shaozhu. We don't even know what he was like."

Su Qing nodded: "you are right. It seems that we need to have a good talk when we have time. At least let the young master also understand us. No matter how hard his road is, we can trust him. I believe it will help him. "

Jiang Fan heard what they said very clearly.

In the face of these experts, Jiang fan is still very scared. Although they came from hell, they need time to get along with each other.

Although they have become Taoists and Jiang Fan has revealed the secret to them, it does not mean that Jiang Fan's heart will be completely open.

However, there is no doubt about the strength of these Terran experts. Although they can't really help him fight now, it's only a matter of time before they recover. They are bound to become the absolute fighting power in his Tiange.

After thinking about it, Jiang Fan still didn't go in. Let's see off the cold night and find Yuxiao first.

These two things are undoubtedly the most important things now. Otherwise, the gods will send people out in person, and he and Yuxiao may be caught back.

Fortunately, Yuxiao's position has not moved, obviously waiting for Jiang Fan to go.

Cold night's body method is not slow, and the gods have obviously made some efforts to cultivate him, so that he has the strength no less than ordinary talents, which is similar to Zhong Cheng's four.

Jiang Fan finds out some pills to give him, so that he can be prepared for the journey and save his life in case of trouble.

He always has a feeling that his achievements in this cold night will never be low in the future. Maybe he can really become a general in his front, but whether it can be realized depends on God's will.

Because of the different routes, Jiang Fan and cold night separated the next day. With the hidden smell of Jiang Fan's pills, it's not easy for outsiders to recognize him.

Jiang fan is also on the road, meeting with Yu Xiao. The breath he feels from Fu Ling jade is half a day away at most.

All the way speechless, Jiang Fan came to a mountain forest in the evening, and soon felt a breath of prohibition. With the Fu Ling jade, Jiang Fan was almost sure that Yuxiao was hiding here.

With Jiang Fan's current ability, such prohibition can't stop him at all, so he directly intrudes into it.

Yuxiao is sitting on the ground practicing, very quiet.

She was dressed in a black military uniform, which was similar to Jiang Fan's dress. She felt Jiang Fan's breath, and then woke up from her cultivation and stood up.

Legs straight slender, tall, with a faint smile on his face, and before the gods in the forced smile completely different.

"Here you are at last."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "the road was delayed for a while to help the cold night get rid of the experts sent by the Heishan people."

"Is cold night OK? He is also a poor man. Being expelled from the divine realm is equivalent to beating him down. Although his realm is good, I don't know whether he can save his life outside. What's more, the black mountain people are so careful that they won't let him go easily! "

"It seems that you know all kinds of nationalities very well! But I think a little bit too much. Don't underestimate a human's desire to survive, let alone with my help, he will be all right. "

Rain Xiao looked at him with a smile: "anyway, thank you and aunt this time." "

Jiang Fan said:" don't be so polite. I know xiaoyueer's mind. He just wants to add me the status of son-in-law of the gods. In this way, the experts of all ethnic groups have to give the gods three parts to deal with me

Yuxiao said strangely, "who are you? Why does my aunt try to help you? From what I know about her, she is also a person who is afraid of trouble

"You don't have to speculate about my relationship with her. You know, just remember, she and I are on the same front. It's not too late. Let's leave the divine realm as soon as possible, and then I can send news back. Otherwise, your experts will come out and catch you personally, and I can't stop them. I don't want to be sent back to the gods to marry you. "

Hearing this, Yuxiao is a little reluctant. She is a goddess. In the world, many days' children admire her very much, but Jiang Fan seems to be a little disgusted. She found out when she proposed marriage.

"Am I not worthy of you? You're at a loss to marry me? "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "don't think about it. I'm a normal man. I appreciate beautiful things very much. But I also have a bottom line. What I shouldn't touch, what I shouldn't think. "

"Because of the girl named ling'er?" Yu Xiao asked

Jiang Fan was noncommittal and did not give a positive answer.

He changed the subject and said, "don't talk about it. What are we going to do now? Where are you going? Do you have any suggestions? It's better to find some better places to experience. "

But Yu Xiao shook his head decisively: "what's fun about the secret place? I'll take you to more interesting places. Don't you want to improve your fighting power? There must be something you need there. "

"Oh? Where? " Jiang fan is a little curious. After all, Yuxiao is a genius of the gods. He must know more than he does.Yuxiao finds out the map, and then points to a place of nothingness. In the southwest of the map, there is no mark on it.

"No map? Does this place really exist? "

Yu Xiao closed the map: "of course, it's unimaginable that there is a vast world. I'm afraid the places on the map are only one percent. There are too many nihilistic places that haven't been opened up to protect the civilized world. However, there are civilizations in those places that haven't been marked, so you don't have to worry. Just follow me. It's relatively safe here Some of them. "

Jiang Fan suggested: "what about the north? It is said that there are many treasures there. "

Yu Xiao shook his head: "don't you die? Even if you want to go to the north, it's not something that monks in our realm can explore. It's like digging your own grave. "

He knew that Yu Xiao was not joking. At the beginning, Bai Lao also told him that Jiang Fan could not cope with the power of the northern uninhabited land.

But Yuxiao looks as reliable as Qiqi, and her strength is much stronger than Qiqi. Jiang fan is looking forward to this trip.

They set out and left directly in that direction, but Yuxiao still didn't release her breath. She didn't dare to make it public before she left the divine realm. After all, it's about her fate. She spent so much effort to slip out. If she was caught and married, it would be a tragedy.

However, Jiang fan doesn't hate her. On the contrary, she is curious about Jiang Fan now. After all, this person who can make Xiao yue'er help him wholeheartedly must have his merits.

Soon after, Yuxiao got the news that Jiang Fan was in the secret place of the magic mountain. She was very surprised.

"How could you hurt you? That guy is very strong. I'm only 30% sure to beat him, but it's not easy to hurt him seriously. You're just in a lethal situation. How can you do that? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I'm not his opponent now, but he also looks down on me. People who look down on me usually have bad luck, so you have to be careful."

Yuxiao inquires about the secret place of the magic mountain. She has been to the secret place, but she has not found anything good there. However, Jiang Fan's entry has made the monks there more than several times. Among them, there are some royal geniuses, so it affects the rules of the secret place and opens several high-quality heritages. Jiang fan is also one of them Appropriate.

The change of magic mountain's secret place also makes Yuxiao a little surprised. She regrets that she didn't join in the fun this time.

Jiang Fan saw her face depressed and said with a smile: "fortunately you didn't go, otherwise you and youzining would join hands to deal with me. Even if I have three heads and six arms, I'm not your opponent."

Yu Xiao did not have a good way: "I will not join hands with the enemy, not to mention to deal with you, my aunt can not deal with me?"

A few days together, the two have not started that kind of restraint, although they have not left the realm of God, also did not encounter any danger, but rain Xiao can feel Jiang Fan has been keeping vigilant.

Another thing that made her curious was Jiang Fan's ability to collect elixirs.

The main waste of time along the way is Jiang Fan's collection of elixirs. Almost every day, she stops several times. However, as long as she stops, Jiang fan is bound to get something. The quality of these elixirs is still very high, which makes her envious.

Although she wants to know what method Jiang fan uses, it's not easy to ask directly. After all, it's also a very private matter. She doesn't want to offend Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan would disappear at night and would not appear until the next morning.

She knows that Jiang Fan has Dongtian Lingbao. She asks Jiang Fan what he is doing in Lingbao. Jiang Fan's only response is to alchemy.

Since the peer, Jiang Fan will not be stingy, directly take out some good quality pills to rain Xiao.

Although Yuxiao is a royal genius, she has many high-quality pills, but those may not be suitable for her use.

But Jiang Fan's pills are different. Let's not say that Jiang Fan's pills have unique effects, but the quality is not what ordinary pharmacists can refine.

In addition, Jiang Fan intends to refine some for her, which is of course the most suitable for her at this stage.

However, Shen Li Dan and Shen Feng Dan Jiang Fan have not been refined. The materials used to refine the two kinds of pills used to change the life environment are amazing. I'm afraid Jiang fan can't produce several heats of all the materials.

He won't consider refining until he makes a breakthrough.

Yuxiao also has a unique vision. She can feel that these pills are fresh, which undoubtedly confirms the reason why Jiang Fan refined them.

But she didn't know that Jiang Fan was more to help the master heal, and the pill was just refined by the way.

If you let other pharmacists know, I'm afraid you'll lose your chin.

When they left the divine realm for a month, Yuxiao was very happy. She opened her hands to the sky and took a deep breath.

Joy said: "the taste of freedom."

Jiang Fan took out a piece of jade and sent the news back to the Shenling clan.

"I have found Yuxiao. Let's practice together. Don't read it!"

After the news is sent back, the gods will no longer send people to look for them. In addition, Yuxiao also opens her seal. Something in the family can sense her direction. In case of danger, the gods will send experts to rescue her as soon as possible.

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