Pang Hao went over, took off his mask, and a young face appeared in front of them.

But what surprised Jiang Fan even more was that he was a human, not an alien.

"Human? Is the civilization here created by human beings? " Pang Hao was a little surprised.

After all, this is a vast world. Although it is a place of nothingness, the number of human beings has not been much. If we can find a human civilization here, it's really a great discovery.

When the man woke up, he was surprised to see the three people in front of him. He quickly got up, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

Jiang Fan said: "don't be so nervous. If we want to deal with you, you can't wake up at all. We have no malice. "

The friar said hastily, "no harm. Why do you arrest me? My father said, "outsiders are very dangerous."

Pang Hao frowned and said, "we were trimming in the forest. You came to attack us. Now we are caught and say we are dangerous. What's the logic?"

Yu Xiao is more direct: "we just want to know something. If you cooperate, we'll let you go in a moment. If you don't cooperate, you don't have to go anywhere. Just stay here and wait for death. "

This startled the young man. He was just a young man. He didn't have so many cities. He was taken down immediately.

"Don't Don't kill me

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "relax! What's your name? "

"My name is Bai Xing."

Seeing his cooperation, Jiang fan then asked, "tell me, why did you attack us?"

Baixing was a little timid, but he explained to Jiang Fan: "because you are foreigners, our monsters have begun to track you as soon as you appear. And then we'll send someone to deal with you. Try to kill all of you. "

"Kill? Have we offended you? What about outsiders? This is just a secret place! " Pang Hao frowned.

"Outsiders are our enemies and evil beings. Every time an outsider comes into our world, he will kill a lot of lives. He is very cruel and doesn't regard us as life at all. They are as powerful and difficult to deal with as you are. Every time we lose a lot. Do you have to be reasonable in the face of enemies? Of course, it's better to start first. "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan had thought of something.

"Foreigners! It seems that when this secret place was opened before, it should have been entered by monks of royal or other races. In the face of human beings, they really lack scruples. "

Pang Hao frowned and said, "are we not implicated? There are really no good things for foreigners. "

As soon as his voice fell, a long sword was already on his neck. It was Yu Xiao who said, "please repeat what you just said!"

Pang Hao said with a smile: "I'm not talking about foreigners, you're not included. Calm down!"

Pang Hao doesn't dare to offend Yuxiao. Yuxiao's strength is above him. Although he has many means to protect his life, it's too late to do anything at such a close distance.

He is the son of hell, with his own destiny, where dare to take risks? The other side is the royal family after all.

Yu Xiao takes back his sword and hums coldly.

From this young population, we can basically think of what happened. It must be that after the foreigners broke into the secret place, cholera spread everywhere.

Although there are not many monks in nihilistic land, after the secret land is opened, there will be more and more monks, among whom there are many masters. These human beings are the same as the aborigines, so they can't afford such devastation. If things go on like this,

will not happen frequently, but it will happen every once in a while. So these people will arrange their Eyeliner at the entrance. Jiang Fan has just been here when they have just entered the three place.

Whenever there is a chance, they will launch an attack and try to kill Jiang Fan.

These monsters are trained by them on weekdays. Originally, they thought that they could suppress Jiang Fan with the advantage of number, but they didn't expect that Jiang Fan was so powerful that they didn't give them any chance at all.

This young man has heard how evil outsiders are since he was a child. Now he feels very scared. It is obvious that there are not many fights in this secret place. Although this young man is the same age as them, he is much younger than them.

Pang Hao said: "you don't have to be nervous. Are the foreigners who came in before different in appearance? Are they the same as us?"

The young man thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head: "although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, my father said that those things are strange in shape, just like monsters become spirits. They are just monsters, but they are very terrible and merciless."

Pang Hao nodded: "that's a good guess. They are not the same race as us. They are enemies in the outside world, and they take you as enemies here. But we are different from them. We are also human beings! "

Young people do not understand, but from Pang Hao's eyes can see that there is no intention to kill.

"You really don't kill me?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "why kill you? We have no loss, but we are so kind, do you have to do something? "That kid Leng next, connect busy way: "what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry. What else can we do in the daytime? After that, I'll let you go, but you have to show some sincerity. "

"What do you want me to do? As long as it's not betraying my family. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I'm not so shameless. What's the name of your world? Who created it? Is there inheritance here?"

Hearing this, the hundred stars said, "I don't know who created the strange array world here. I don't know what your inheritance is. I haven't been out of this forest for so long."

It can be seen from the boy's eyes that he didn't lie.

But this surprised Jiang Fan. Even the monks who had never been out of the woods could change their lives. What kind of talent is this?

Jiang fan is not wordy, but grabs each other's wrist. Pang Hao and Jiang Fan know what Jiang fan is doing and wait with their eyebrows. They obviously want to know the result.

After checking, Jiang Fan found that although this guy's qualification is good, it's impossible to change his life at this age.

You can see from his expression that this boy is not gifted, but the strength acquired from cultivation.

"How do you practice?" Jiang Fan asked.

Bai Xing said: "we usually practice in the patriarch's place. There are array aids there. We can get twice the result with half the effort."

Jiang Fan did not tangle with this question, and then asked: "what is the most powerful monk in your family?"

"I don't know. The strength of the patriarch has always been a mystery."

Jiang Fan suddenly found that he couldn't ask anything here, the other side didn't lie, and you didn't know any useful clues.

Yu Xiao said, "do you want me to ask?"

Pang Hao said directly: "it's no use asking. He didn't lie."

Jiang Fan nodded, with their ability, of course, we can see if what the boy said is true.

The hundred stars reminded the three: "if you don't want to kill me, you'd better go now. After a while, the people will come to me, and some stronger ones will be sent. Because of the previous fighting, they won't be so careless. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? Don't you speak for us? "

Baixing shook his head: "it's not that I don't help, or that it's useless for me to help. You can't imagine what kind of damage outsiders have done to us here, so they won't be able to change their mind just because of me."

"Do you have a map on you?"

Bai Xing nodded: "I have this. It's my rite of passage. Unfortunately, the patriarch doesn't let me go out for training."

With that, he took out a map and gave it to Jiang Fan.

After Jiang Fan opened the map, he was stunned and his eyes beat.

Yu Xiao and Pang Hao come to look at the map, but they don't find anything different. They are very curious about why Jiang fan is so excited.

"I want the map. Go back now. But remember my words, we are not enemies, but if you dare to mess around again, you will be responsible for the consequences. I don't want to be your enemy. "

Hundred star got up: "thank you three, I will try my best to help you when I go back."

With that, he quickly left the array and soon disappeared into the woods.

Yu Xiao frowned and said, "just let him go? And what's on this map? You're so lost in it. "

Jiang Fan said: "I can't get any useful information from him, but this map is very interesting."

After that, he unfolded the map and explained to them: "this is not only a map, but also an array map. Moreover, the array is very mysterious. It seems that the master who created it has made great achievements in the array."

But after careful observation, they still don't think there is any difference between this map and ordinary map. They can't see the array map mentioned by Jiang Fan at all.

Jiang fan knows that he can see it because they have no experience in the Daoist chapter, so they can't see it hidden in the map.

"It doesn't matter if we can't see it, but this small world is bigger than what we see. It doesn't indicate where their ethnic group is, but look at this forest. It only covers such a small area. I think there should be more power in this area. It seems that we have to dress up. "

"Listen to you, you look more reliable." Pang Hao said with a smile.

Yuxiao nodded and did not object.

The position Jiang Fan pointed out is near the eye of the array. According to the array distribution, the spiritual power nearby should be the strongest. The forest is just on the edge of the land, but it still creates a strong group. So Jiang fan doesn't dare to underestimate the small world, and he must remind them.

But now there is no service from the monks here. We can only wait and see.

Now that you have a map, it's much easier to follow. After determining the direction, Jiang Fan takes the lead and goes towards his goal.Just after they left, a figure appeared at the place where they had just arranged the array. However, the figure disappeared after staying for a while. It was very strange. I didn't know who it was.

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