Rain Xiao see Pang Hao so, pick eyebrow way: "are you going to die?"

Jiang Fan laughed. "You can't go away, you can't use the news to your eyes, and you can see what you see at the entrance, otherwise you think why they think we are outsiders! They will definitely feel that you want to help, but they have to use it. "

Pang Hao, as the Holy Son of the underworld, of course put human beings first. Although the cultivation of human beings in this strange array is not very friendly, they are also the blood of heaven. They also come from Jiuhuang. If he can help, he will not hesitate.

Yu Xiao did not forget to remind: "are you sure there will not be another situation after you go? Not long after we came in, the entrance opened. Does this matter have anything to do with us

Hearing this, Pang Hao frowned slightly, and obviously agreed with her.

Jiang Fan said: "it's not necessary to remind them, but since you have the heart, we can help them."

seeing him say so, Pang Hao's eyes lit up: "will you help them?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "it's not me, it's them who need our help!"

It's absolutely impossible for him to be hot faced and cold buttocks. Although the strange array world is the human blood of Jiuhuang, after so many years of reproduction, it has already become a world of its own. I'm afraid there are few people who know about Jiuhuang.

Jiang Fan certainly won't be soft on foreigners, but he also needs to be kind.

Yu Xiao said, "are we going to enter the Yin Yang forest?"

Pang Haolian said: "in time, in time. With Jiang Fan in, we can leave at any time. We don't need to worry about opening or closing the entrance of this secret place. If you want to go around the corner, I will accompany you. "

Rain Xiao disdains a way: "I accompany with you?"

Pang Hao didn't worry about it either, with a smile on his face: "it's a big deal. You'll decide what you say. How about I listen to you for everything?"

Jiang fan then said, "OK, in that case, let's not waste time."

"Where are we going? It's no use waiting here. "

Jiang Fan obviously has made a decision. He looks to the entrance: "since you want to solve the problem, of course you have to go to the entrance. That won't be too distracting."

Hearing Jiang Fan's idea, Yu Xiao was a little surprised: "are you crazy? We don't know what's the limit of this secret place. If the monk jumps out of the divine and Dharma Realm, he won't beat us to death by then? "

Jiang Fan was very relaxed and not worried: "there won't be such a master coming in. If there were such a master here, the strange array would not be like this for a long time. I think we can only let the monks of Shentai realm into it at most. "

"Can you deal with the monk in Shentai?"

Jiang Fan explained as he walked: "we're just going to help. If we really meet such experts, of course we have to give them to deal with."

Yuxiao obviously has no idea of them. She is also a royal family. She has no hostile relationship with these ethnic groups. However, since Jiang Fan wants to fight, she certainly can't sit back and ignore them. After all, she will work together for a long time.

She was afraid that Jiang Fan would not care about her and leave alone. At that time, she would be caught among the Hui people, and the trouble would be great.

Pang Hao was very happy at this time. With the help of the two people around him, he felt confident and could foresee the result.

It will take them two weeks to get to the entrance from where they are now, even if they are at full speed for a week.

Because of Pang Hao's urging, the three people did not rest all the way to this side.

Xiao AI will tell Jiang Fan about the entrance array from time to time, which makes Jiang Fan a little familiar. After all, the strength of the opponent is unknown.

On the third day, the entrance to the secret place was completely opened, and immediately the royal family broke into the strange array, and then yelled, looking very excited.

In the distance, some monsters kept roaring. They found the alien and kept passing on the news to the Terran, so that the ancestral temple could know the situation here as soon as possible.

At this time in the ancestral temple, Ziyang's whole body has relaxed. Before chasing Jiang Fan, they feel a little tired. After all, they are only human beings, but only human bodies.

Unfortunately, without waiting for him to rest for a long time, he suddenly felt a strange breath. Soon afterwards, a guardian rushed out and told Ziyang which side of the entrance was.

"My Lord, the gate of the strange array has opened, and foreign people have come to join us one after another."

Hearing this, Ziyang was shocked all over and stood up directly.

"What are you talking about?"

The friar didn't refuse, but said again, with a dignified tone, obviously knowing the consequences.

"Entrance open!"

Ziyang's expression was solemn: "let the elder come to see me immediately. At the same time, I order all the guardians to gather and go to the entrance. "

"Yes, sir

The monk retreated. Ziyang's expression was very dignified. This was the second time he faced the entrance. But the last time he wasn't in that position, he knew what that meant.This is related to the safety of the whole strange array, and he did not dare to relax.

The elder obviously got the news. As soon as the friar left, he had arrived with a dignified face.

"I didn't expect to open it at this time. I'm going to ask Lao San to go out."

Ziyang nodded, but he wanted to say nothing.

The elder frowned and said, "what do you think of?"

"Is it related to those three kids? Could they have opened the entrance? "

The elder was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't think in that way: "who knows? But there are so many experts around them. If they want to make trouble, they won't wait until now, will they? Don't think about it any more. Let's settle the matter in front of you first. "

On the sixth day, Jiang Fan had returned to the forest.

The entrance to the strange array is in the middle of the forest. With Xiao AI as the guiding light, Jiang Fan will not make any mistakes.

Pang Hao's spirit has been highly concentrated at this time, and his divine consciousness is outward, perceiving the wind and grass around him.

"Why don't you see a royal family?" Pang Hao frowned. You

Yu Xiao is obviously calmer than him at this time. She said: "these guys have such brilliant array skills. Do you think they will not transmit array? So their reinforcements have already arrived. Even if we are fast, we will be a few days late. "

Jiang Fan was not surprised because it was the same as what he thought.

This is the fate of this strange array. They fought against foreigners and struggled to survive. Jiang Fan helped this time, next time, and next time. At that time, there was no one to help. They had to rely on themselves.

Jiang fan can't move away from such a big strange array.

Pang Hao didn't say much. He could only speed up as much as possible and try to reach the entrance as soon as possible.

Half a day later, they felt a murderous gas coming from the entrance.

Far away, they can feel the sense of war and the smell of blood, which is very sensitive to them.

It's not close yet, but you can feel the fierce battle from the smell.

Pang Hao takes a look at Jiang Fan, only to find that Jiang fan is still calm at this time, as if nothing can affect his mind. It is the same with the master of Shentai before, and it is still the same now.

Yuxiao sacrifices Lingbao at this time. He knows that he will fight soon. It's no harm to prepare in advance.

As they could sense the impact of spirit power, Jiang Fan and his three men speeded up again and were ready to fight.

When the war situation came into view, Jiang Fan found that several arrays were in the open state, which restricted the foreigners to break out. Constantly, some human friars rushed into the array, and several people besieged a royal friar.

After all, this is the strange array world. The number of Terrans is absolutely dominant. They don't know how to be afraid. They keep rushing to the array, even facing the royal family, they are brave and fearless.

To Jiang Fan's surprise, the monks here didn't feel too much about the suppression of the blood of the royal family. This shows that these people's blood is very pure. Although they have no divine body, they are still not afraid of the blood of the king.

This also proves that they are the blood of Tiangong soldiers. When Tiangong ruled the world, how could the power of blood be weaker than the race in the world?

Jiang Fan felt that it was a pity that if these monks could return to Jiuhuang, they would become a powerful force in the future. Unfortunately, this strange array is their home.

However, although there are a large number of people, the strength of the royal family is not blown out.

Several people still can't get the upper hand, some are suppressed.

Looking around, the blood in the array flows into a river. The corpses of the royal family and the corpses of the human family lie in all directions. It's very tragic.

Seeing this, Jiang Fan opened his mouth and said, "that array can't go in or out. I'll directly use the medicine method to cover you. Don't doubt it."

Pang Hao nodded, and before Jiang Fan could make a move, he rushed out and went straight to the array.

Jiang Fan plans to cast the medicine King domain. The elixir is ready. There is still 30 meters to summon the fire. The elixir smashes and turns into medicine instantly.

At this time, Ziyang just saw the three people who suddenly appeared. They were greatly surprised for fear that they would do something wrong.

Just about to stop him, he found Pang Hao's momentum broke out, rushed into the array, and attacked a royal family who had just rushed over, blinking and colliding with each other.

Pang Hao's power is amazing. The royal family who changed their lives seven times was directly shocked out. Pang Hao was powerful and rushed up with weapons.

The fog appeared and covered the whole array in an instant. Yuxiao rushed into the fog and cut off two people mercilessly. In the blink of an eye, the situation became one-sided, and the royal families became weak one by one, and the reaction slowed down.

Although it is not enough for Mermaid meat, it has been retreating and completely suppressed.

"This Is this helping us? " Ziyang frowned.

The elder said with a smile: "it seems that it's time to turn enemies into friends. What the three adults said is true. The people outside are also human beings! "

The elder looks at Jiang Fan and shows a kind smile. Jiang Fan nods and doesn't say much. Because of the limit of the realm, his medicine method can't give full play to his strongest ability.Take now for example, the effect of Yaowang domain on the royal family who changed the life realm is at least half weaker. If his realm is improved, the number of foreigners who are killed now is definitely more than that.

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