"How dare you say that? Today is the day of your death

The three elders yelled angrily, and the sword flashed a light. The next second, the spirit power was rampant and rushed to the Royal master.

Bang -

the huge explosion sounds, and you can see the light coming out. It seems that there are dozens of long swords in the sword. They want to pierce the opponent.

The royal family quickly resisted, but at this time it was the strong period of the three elders. No matter how he resisted, he was still very passive.

He couldn't really fight back. If he spent so much time, he would die.

Although he is a royal family, it's not easy for him to reach this level of cultivation. He doesn't want to die so hard.

Ouch -

he yelled angrily, and a spirit treasure exploded in front of him, blocking the aftereffect of the long sword.

"Come back!"

The two men broke away from the elder and retreated.

Ziyang and the elder also came to the three elders. They are full of fighting spirit. If they miss this opportunity, they will never have another chance.

The array of Ziyang's palm is shining continuously, and the space is completely locked.

"Don't leave any of them!"

"I want to go. Can you stop me? It's just a small world. "

The three kings bit their fingers at the same time, and three drops of real blood flew into the air.

Outside the array, Qiqi looked at the scene and frowned: "no, I'm going to run away."

Jiang Fan looked over there, and saw that the three drops of real blood, with different spiritual power, were connected together, and they kept flashing thunder, sending out a strong breath, as if to tear the void.

"The power to break the air?"

Yu Xiao nodded: "although the three guys are not of the same race, they all have the blood of the void race. They have the power to break the battle in their real blood, so they have been united all the time. Only one cast will do great harm to them, and they can't recover in a hundred years, so the number of casts is very few, and few people know that they have this ability. This small world and the forbidden air array in that man's hands can't stop them. "

Jiang Fan, the void clan, had never heard of it, but it was obviously related to the power of blood. He could break through the space and see the power of blood.

"The barriers of this small world can't stop them?" Jiang Fan frowned.

"I can't stop it! I don't know if these three guys can see me. Otherwise, after we leave, I'm afraid we'll be in trouble. "

Pang Hao said with a smile, "are you kidding me? Do you care what other people say?"

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled, and he did so much, did he let them escape so easily?

He said, "that's the power to break the air. If they don't stop them, they will escape."

His voice resounded throughout the array to remind the three Terran masters.

Ziyang heard this is also a Leng, obviously did not expect them to run.

But since Jiang Fan opened his mouth to remind him, he had to pay attention to it. He took out a token and activated it directly with his spirit power to enter the air the next moment.

Boom -

as the token flew into the air, a huge array appeared in the sky. Suddenly, a ray of light appeared, turned into a big hand, and grabbed it from below.

"Kill the devil!"

The sound is as loud as a bell.

The golden fingerprints came down from the sky and broke the three drops of real blood in an instant. They didn't stop at all. They shot directly at the three Royal experts.

There was a great roar and the earth trembled.

The array used to block the foreigners split in an instant, almost no aftereffects.

The three figures were photographed on the ground, and the two kings who were in a weak state had lost consciousness, and seven holes were bleeding.

The huge Royal master, with blood all over his body, was struggling to get up. He could not imagine that the human here could mobilize such a powerful force. The power of the array was terrible.

Jiang Fan's eyes beat. The attack made him feel small again. The power was terrible and even unexpected.

Even the rain around Xiao's eyes even jump, obviously shocked.

Hongye said at the beginning that the killing array in the strange array is very powerful. Now, I don't know if it's the one in his mouth.

The three elders didn't hesitate for a moment. They came forward with their swords and made a decisive move in order to get the result.

At this time, an animal roar from the mouth of the royal family, unimaginable power burst out.

"Oh Bastard human, I want you to carry on the back! "

His arms suddenly burst open, turned into blood mist, and then turned into arrows, instantly shot through the chest of the three elders.

There's no way to stop that.

The three elders had a body protection treasure in their chest, but at this time, a regular round hole appeared on the treasure, which was also penetrated. We can see how powerful the power was.

And the three elders' sword also stabbed each other's eyebrows.

For a moment, heaven and earth seemed to be quiet. No one expected such an outcome.As strong as the third elder, he was hit by the other party's life-fighting blow, and his life passed quickly.

"Old three!"

The elder breaks the peace and rushes directly to the other side to hold him.

Find out a pill and put it into the opponent's mouth. It's a heaven level pill. Its healing ability is very good, but it can only help the three elders save their lives temporarily.

The three Royal masters died in battle, and the foreign friars in the array trembled one after another. They could almost imagine the outcome waiting for them for a while.

At this time, the cracked array suddenly collapsed and completely broke.

This sudden change made no one think of it.

And those foreigners had a strong desire to survive at this time. They took out the big move Fu and the small move Fu one after another, and didn't want to stay here for a second.

Even if we can't leave this secret place for the time being, the most important thing now is to save our lives.

Many people's attention is on the three elders, and they don't react for a moment. When they want to stop them, there are few foreigners left.

Although the strength of these royal families is good, they can't have a great influence on the strange array. As long as the guardians spend more energy, they will be found out one by one.

Jiang Fan did not move, looking at the state of the three elders at this time, his brow slightly wrinkled.

Although the elixir given to the three elders just now is not weak, it was obviously refined a long time ago. In the strange array world, the array way is extremely high, and the ability of the elixir way is unknown.

If only the ordinary Tianjie pharmacist came to treat him, he would not be saved. His heart was broken down and evil Qi entered the body. Now, although he relies on Tianjie pills to protect the meridians, it will be more unbearable to wait for him when the efficacy disappears. Even if he picks up a life, his cultivation will surely be abandoned.

Pang Hao looked at the foreigners who disappeared one after another and frowned: "it's a pity that so many people should run away."

Yuxiao said: "it's just to live a little longer. Unless they can hide until the next entrance is opened, they will die. They don't have Jiang Fan's ability to break the battle."

The Terran friars joined hands to get rid of several foreigners who didn't run away. Then they gathered together. At this time, many friars looked at Jiang Fan.

Their eyes all fall on that purple pupil clan body, visible they are still making his idea.

This time, more than one person came, a total of four people, the realm is not weak, the monk was not among them just now, but these four people are obviously related to him.

The man at the head was very straightforward: "can we give this alien to us? It's not good for you to protect him. "

Jiang Fan gave him a cold look: "go away!"

He is not polite. What he said before is very clear. Now these people are pressing forward step by step, so he won't give face.

The four didn't expect that Jiang Fan was so straightforward and didn't talk to them at all.

One of them was discontented and directly reached out to the Zitong people, ignoring their existence.

Pang Hao frowned slightly. At this time, of course, he was on Jiang Fan's side. Jiang Fan did everything in a proper way. This time, he just wanted to protect an alien. Of course, he would not object.

He was afraid that things would be too stiff, so he simply blocked each other's hand and said, "don't make trouble for yourself. We are here. You can't take this alien away."

"You young people are too arrogant. Do you really think you are invincible?"

These four people were much older than them. They were not brothers of the same generation. In their eyes, Jiang Fan was too young.

Pang Hao said: "others don't know who we are. You should be very clear. You two adults can't leave us. How dare you provoke us? Get out of here, and let it go. "

In the distance, the monk came again, this time he seemed a little impatient.

"This is the only way to solve the foreign affairs. Don't trouble yourself. There's no one here to protect you. Those three people outside Shentai were killed. How dare you three young people make mistakes? If we don't hand over the alien, don't blame us for offending. "

Pang Hao wants to say something else. Yu Xiao suddenly moves around him. The huge momentum suppresses the five people and shakes them back at the same time.

Five people are a little surprised, obviously did not expect such a delicate little girl fighting so powerful.

"How strong do you think you are so arrogant? It's just common. Don't provoke us. If this guy gets angry, you'll have bad luck."

Yu Xiao's words made these five people blush and a little angry. They are stronger among the guardians. When did they say that?

"You dare!"

At this time, several beams of light suddenly fell from the sky, directly trapped the five people in the middle, as if they were suddenly locked in a cage.

"Do you want to trouble my son?"

Xiao AI came down from the sky, of course, this array is her performance.

The five people were surprised again. They were all proficient in array. Of course, they could feel the strange smell of Xiao AI, as if there were array running on her all the time.They tried to break the array, but Lingli was bounced back as soon as it touched the light column.

"Are you going to turn over?" One man said angrily.

Xiao AI sneered: "turn over? If it turns over, it will be the killing array. Don't be too arrogant. Since my son can close the entrance, he can open it. How many experts in your small world can be consumed by foreigners? "

She did not give in, almost every word in each other's heart prick, Leng is to let these five people can't refute.

The five of them joined hands to try to break through the array, but they found that the pillar of light was very resilient. However, it was not arranged in one array, it was more like many arrays were linked together, which was very strange.

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