Yuxiao reminds Jiang Fan.

"Be careful!"

Jiang Fan nodded and laughed at her. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

Jiang Fan left the barrier. In a flash, those evil spirits rushed to Jiang Fan. They saw the green flame rising from Jiang Fan and flew directly in front of him.

Affected by the dark green flame, the evil spirit was constantly ignited, frantically scattered around, obviously very afraid.

This is the northern netherworld fire, which directly affects the soul and has a high degree of restraint on spiritual cultivation.

Although the evil spirit could not be regarded as spiritual cultivation, it was also restrained by the flame, which was the reason why Jiang Fan was not afraid. Unless that super strong breath appears, nothing can stop Jiang Fan.

He was so fast that he was close to the door.

Pang Hao stares at Jiang Fan to see what this guy is going to do.

He stopped in front of the door, raised his hand and touched the pattern on the door. He stood there with his back to them, motionless.

Jiang fan is very clear that this is the place of seal. If you find this place, the place of inheritance must be nearby.

The most direct way is to feel the place of inheritance through the seal array. There must be a great connection between the two.

Xiao AI helps Jiang Fan, so that Jiang fan can't be disturbed by the array here. After all, there is a super devil sealed here. He doesn't dare to let Jiang Fan take too much risk.

The spiritual power converges and runs continuously. Jiang Fan constantly distinguishes where the breath is, hoping to get some harvest from it.

At this time, Jiang Fan's face with a smile, because he felt a super power, which came from a super life, but at this time the breath was completely suppressed, it should be the super existence sealed here.

Jiang Fan didn't disturb him. For him, what he wanted was to inherit and let him improve his fighting power as much as possible to reach the real peak of the lethal realm.

This stop is a whole hour. Yuxiao is constantly resisting the attack of evil spirits. Because there are too many, taking risks is not good for the war. Yuxiao has a lot of pills on her body, which is enough for her to supplement.

At this time, Jiang Fan suddenly opened his eyes, a light from his body running out, the next moment directly on the door.

The next moment I saw that the light was running on the door, and then spread outside the door in the array.

The light is moving in the void. Only Jiang fan can see that he is moving according to a hidden line of the array. Jiang fan is sure that this line is connected to the inheritance place.

Everyone looked at the light and wanted to know what Jiang Fan had in mind.

at this time, it seems that Jiang Fan's ability has been amazing. Evil spirits dare not get close to him. This Yin Yang forest is not dangerous to him at all.

But only Jiang Fan knew how dangerous it was.

He didn't say much. He waved to the crowd and motioned them to follow the light.

The light moved about 90 meters in the night sky, stopped suddenly, and fell towards the ground at the next moment.

It was like a slow version of the meteor, slowly falling to the ground. There's nothing strange about it. There's not much lushness in the woods. There's not much strength in the air.

However, when the light fell on the ground for a moment, it seemed that the flame fell into the oil bucket and lit up the whole ground instantly.

Lingli turns into several light groups and begins to swim on the ground. The line is a huge array. It's been a long time since the time of layout.

At this time, however, Jiang Fan's gang flashed a dazzling light, and the evil spirits bared their teeth and glared at the crowd, obviously very angry.

But Jiang Fan didn't care how they were, he said directly: "enter the array."

People can't wait to walk towards the array. Jiang Fan's breath is running all the time.

They didn't respond to the array. It can be seen that these Terran friars have no fate here, and they can't make the array work.

But it's not difficult for Jiang Fan.

Without saying a word, he directly turns on the spiritual power. The spiritual power in his body is ignited and the Taoist chapter of the array is opened. Jiang Fan directly assimilates the spiritual power and forcibly turns on the array.

Hoo -

the breeze blows, and the powerful vitality is injected into people's bodies. The next moment, the array runs, and the spiritual power is constantly blessed on people.

Several Terran friars were ecstatic, and finally a smile appeared on their faces.

They didn't expect that Jiang Fan could do so many things in this situation. He actually led them to find an inheritance. It seems that it's not easy. At least they haven't felt so strong vitality here for so many years.

Jiang Fan said: "don't mess around for a while. I don't know what's going on inside."

After a jolt, the crowd stood firm.

The surrounding area has been completely transformed into lush forest, which is exactly the same as that of Yin Yang forest in terms of tree species.

But it's full of life and vitality.

Some spirit beasts shuttle in the forest, obviously disturbed by Jiang Fan and others.The middle-aged man was a little excited: "this Is this the legendary source of life? "

Almost everyone looked at him, apparently not having heard of the name.

The middle-aged man resisted his inner excitement and said, "this should be the biggest legend of the Yin Yang forest. The first patriarch of that year created the Yin Yang forest and died soon after. However, before the fall, he said the four words "the source of life", but he didn't finish his words, so no one knew what the patriarch of Dazu said at that time. Later, some people speculated that the source of life might be related to the Yin Yang forest. Unfortunately, until now, no one knows what the big clan leader's unfinished words are

He looked around and felt the vitality: "I think that's what the patriarch said. I just didn't expect that there was such a place of inheritance hidden in the shade forest. "

Speaking of this, he had to give Jiang Fan a thumbs up to show his admiration.

After a careful perception, Jiang Fan said: "this is a small world. There should be more than one inheritance. How much you can get here depends on your own ability. We can act separately."

These Terran monks nodded one after another. Of course, they would not miss such a good opportunity. More than that, they did not want to share the inheritance with others, so it was best to act separately.

Yu Xiao and Pang Hao also left alone. The small world is not too big. As long as it is not too scattered, they can still be supported.

Jiang Fan walked alone in one direction, but he didn't go far to find that someone was following him all the time.

From the breath, Jiang Fan knew who it was.

"Benefactor, can I follow you?"

It was Chen Nian who didn't speak to others. At this time, he was a little excited. He had already seen Jiang Fan's strength.

They are just in the same realm, but Jiang Fan's strength makes him marvel, even completely beyond his imagination.

He is also proud of himself, but he can't really improve his fighting power in recent years.

In addition, he was eroded by the demons, so he lost a lot of time. This time, he was saved by Jiang Fan and let him recover. Of course, he was extremely grateful.

Otherwise, there is only one outcome waiting for him, that is death, the real death. There is only one way to stop the demonized monks in the strange array world, that is Zhu Sha.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Fan shook his head: "you'd better practice hard. I'm an outsider. You belong to this strange array. Go to find your inheritance. Don't waste your time."

Jiang Fan reported his identity and kindly reminded him.

Hearing what he said, Chen Nian was stunned. He couldn't believe it. He was still very young, and had never experienced the invasion of foreigners. However, he had talked about the horror of foreigners since he was a child, but Jiang Fan felt completely different at this time.

He said seriously, "you are human. How can you be an outsider?"

"Your ancestors are also outside the human race, but now they call themselves a world."

With that, Jiang Fan turned and left.

Chen Nian was not discouraged by Jiang Fan's refusal, so he went in another direction. He could talk about it with Jiang Fan after his realm was improved. Maybe Jiang Fan would not hesitate at that time.

Jiang fan keeps on walking. He has chosen a good direction since he entered here.

He is very clear that there must be something about the inheritance of the seal, but he has not found a place yet.

At this time, Jiang Fan suddenly saw that there was a hill in the distance. He just thought about it and went straight there without saying a word.

The hill is not far away. When Jiang Fan looks at the top of the hill, he can see the route of the spiritual power. Obviously, there are array seals on the hill.

Jiang fan doesn't care and continues to move forward. Xiao AI floats above Jiang Fan and looks ahead.

"Young master, the array here is connected with another array. If you guess correctly, it may have something to do with the seal place."

Jiang Fan went to the other side. He also wanted to find out what was different here.

As soon as he got close, Jiang Fan could feel the gloomy atmosphere, which made him feel out of place.

Jiang Fan will feel the power of the group, and then found that the power is extremely fierce, very strong. Even constantly stimulate Jiang Fan's arm, sending out the smell of not being weak.

"Evil spirit? It's really this kind of spiritual power Jiang Fan frowned slightly, looking a little disgusted.

It also reminds him of what he saw.

It was in Jiuhuang, when he experienced this kind of creature in his inheritance. They are also alien, but they are not from the world.

Every demon has super combat power. They are also natural predators. They have super combat power and are hard to deal with.

They control people with the magic seed, and assimilate them. When the magic seed takes root and finally erupts, their blood will begin to transform, and finally they will completely transform into demons, forming a new devil, and continue to cause trouble to the living beings.

But Jiang Fan didn't show anything else. He continued to interfere with the array with his spirit power.

Xiao AI said: "this array can completely refine the evil Qi and transform it into vitality. It's a little unexpected. Because even if you and I join hands, it's not easy to change the essence of evil Qi. "

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