But Jiang Fan later reaction, the other side said is not to see him, but to see Xiao AI.

Before Jiang Fan could speak more, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind.

But Jiang fan can only hear the footsteps, but can't feel the power of life. He has the breath of nature. If he can't feel the breath, how strong is he?

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the footsteps, but his brow was raised because he saw a middle-aged man coming.

He was dressed in a robe, which was inlaid with exquisite gems. However, Jiang Fan and his wife both knew very well that the formation of the gems was very complicated, and at first glance they were dazzled.

However, Jiang fan can conclude at a glance that this person is not a living creature, and the breath is very similar to Xiao AI.

"The spirit of the array?" Jiang Fan frowned.

Xiao AI's eyes jumped, and then the same array appeared on her body. Although the array was different, it was also mysterious and not easy to understand.

It can be seen that when the spirits meet, they don't want to show weakness.

"Nice to meet you here, little ones."

He took the lead to speak, with a smile on his face, but only looked at Jiang Fan, more attention focused on Xiao AI.

Xiao AI's voice sounded in Jiang Fan's mind: "this is an old monster. From the breath point of view, it was born much earlier than me."

Jiang Fan responded: "is there a threat?"

"Yes! But when I enter the childe's atmosphere, he can't help me. From the level of life alone, I am better than him

See Jiang Fan two people didn't speak, that work properly the corner of the mouth to rise, direct way: "you don't need to worry, I won't embarrass you."

Speaking of this, he looked at Jiang Fan: "it's a pity that the blood of Jiuhuang is very thin. It seems that the great change of Jiuhuang heaven and earth has affected something."

Jiang Fan said: "after the heavenly palace, the world has destroyed the civilization of Jiuhuang several times. Now the law of Jiuhuang is not complete, and it is not as powerful as it used to be."

Hearing this, the three elders were silent, and the spirit also looked in the eyes, and then said: "I didn't expect that Jiuhuang had been reduced to the point of incomplete rules, which is hateful for foreigners."

But speaking of this, he looked at Xiao AI: "you are made by the human race?"

Little AI nodded: "the old master is gifted and gifted. He is a civilized array wizard in Jiuhuang."

"I don't deny that, but you are very powerful. As an array spirit, you can break away from the array that gave you birth. Is it your old master's reason or your own reason?"

Speaking of this, his eyes lit up, it can be seen that he is very interested in this issue.

After the formation of spiritual consciousness, the spirit of the array will soon be similar to that of the living beings. Especially when they come into contact with human beings, their desire will become stronger and stronger.

Who wants to be stuck in one place all his life?

Although he is smiling, Jiang Fan sees some expectation in his eyes. Maybe he wants to go out to experience and see the world like Xiao AI.

He was born far more than Xiao AI. Because of this, he wanted to know how Xiao AI could follow Jiang Fan.

Maybe it will also be an opportunity for him to leave here.

But Xiaoai eyebrows a pick: "with you? How can I tell you? "

Jiang fan knows little AI very well. It's not a loser. She's not afraid of being suppressed by other arrays. She's also very arrogant. Jiang fan doesn't like to embarrass her about what she doesn't want.

You know, she was willing to follow Jiang Fan to leave, otherwise this guy controlled the array of ten thousand yuan, even ten Jiang Fan would be blasted to pieces.

At that time, Jiang Fan still remembers the red killing array that harvested life in the world of ten thousand array. It's hard to guess the power of Xiao AI. It's very powerful.

The three elders frowned, but they didn't speak. It can be seen that the position of the spirit was the highest here.

"Interesting little fellow! But I can also understand that you are afraid that if I go ahead and get the right way, it will affect the fate and finally hinder your ability to break through. "

The middle-aged man's mouth rose as if everything was in his expectation.

What he said is right. The spirit of the array will influence the way of heaven after it gains the Tao, which has a great influence on the later spirit of the array.

But Xiao AI said, "my life level is above you. Why should I care about your ability?"

"Oh? Don't you care? Do you care about these things? "

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the next moment there was a light on the top of the temple, and the array emerged one by one, which was much more complicated than the array they had seen before.

But the array was fleeting and disappeared.

Xiao AI frowned, because these arrays are the key ones she told Jiang Fan before, which are of great help to her array way.

When the other side releases it, it can be seen that he and AI know the role of those.

With a smile on his face, he is not afraid that Xiao AI will not bite. In fact, he also wants to see Xiao AI's array. Unfortunately, Xiao AI's array is not here.

And Jiang Fan from her expression at this time to see, know that this Ni son has begun to hesitate, visible has moved the heart."If it doesn't matter, tell him." Jiang Fan spoke.

AI nodded, then looked at each other: "it's OK to tell you, but I'll see the array first, and then I'll tell you. If you don't agree, forget it. "

Hearing this, the middle-aged man laughed: "I'm not afraid of you running away. There is a disgusting smell on this kid. He has restraint on the array. In addition, your understanding of the array can indeed crack many arrays. But this temple is not comparable to those ordinary arrays. I promise you will regret it before you escape. "

"I'll keep my word. I'll never break my promise," said AI

The middle-aged man nodded and didn't say any more. He directly summoned those tricks to let them have a panoramic view.

Jiang fan doesn't want to waste his time. This array is also very important to him. To improve the Dao chapter of the array, he also needs to understand different arrays, which will be of great benefit to him in the future.

Little AI said nothing, staring at the array above.

She was very careful and not in a hurry, but she was in a good mood.

When Yu Xiao and Pang Hao wake up from the inheritance, they are stunned to see the situation outside. Obviously, they didn't expect that there are more people here. Their breath is so mysterious that they can't feel it.

But seeing the state of Jiang Fan at this time, they didn't disturb and stood quietly waiting for Jiang Fan to come back.


In the strange array world, some royal families have been hidden for a long time. They need to live and wait for the secret to open next time before they can escape from the heaven.

Some royal families gather together through the mark, with their realm, several people unite together, the combat power is super strong, one or two guardians have no way to take them.

This group of people are constantly wandering, there is no law to speak of, they just want to save their lives, divided into several groups, in the secret kept running.

The ancestral temple sent people around to encircle and arrest them. Unfortunately, these royal families are like loach.

Fortunately, they have done nothing destructive to the Terran. They hardly show up.

But these days, the elder and Ziyang went to yaolu several times. They can clearly feel that the breath of the elder is improving every day.

Although the healing time is not short, it is the biggest gain to save his life and cultivation. The three elders can also afford the loss. What's more, after the healing, he believes that his strength will become stronger.

On the whole, the opening of the strange array did not really bring much loss.

The stability of the human race is the only requirement of the ancestral temple.

And in that temple, Jiang Fan and his disciples realized for three days before they stopped.

Xiao AI's speed is a little faster, and Jiang fan is close behind.

The middle-aged man was a little surprised, because he didn't expect that Jiang Fan had such a fast speed of enlightenment.

Maybe some talents can help to break the array, but the power of breaking the array can't be compared with the ability of understanding the array. He thought Jiang Fan relied on Xiao AI and the special breath to break the array, but now, Jiang Fan obviously has more than that ability.

"It seems that I underestimate you!"

Jiang Fan didn't respond and didn't need to explain anything.

His eyes fell on Xiao AI: "you have seen the array, can you tell me now? You said you would not break your promise. "

Xiao AI said with a smile: "don't worry. I mean what I say. It's not difficult for you to get out of the array, but it's very difficult for you."

This is ambiguous, the middle-aged man did not answer, but continue to look at her, waiting for her next words.

"First of all, there must be a monk who is strong enough to break your array. Then this person also needs to have enough physical strength and a condition that he must have. This person can't understand the way of heaven, that is, he must be a monk below the divine platform. If you meet these three points, you can recognize the Lord and break away from the array and always accompany the person."

Speaking of this, Xiao AI said with a smile: "that is to say, you need to find a super talent, or a talent who breaks the battle. Only in this way can we leave. But you can't ask for such a monk, and you can only wait slowly. "

Hearing these demands, the three old men were all stunned to break the spirit array? That's almost impossible.

Not to mention the possibility of the monks below the Shentai realm, the first point is almost impossible.

Middle aged people are not surprised: "so it is! The first point is not a problem. Don't talk about my array. If you don't want to, your array will never be broken by a kid who takes life. However, as long as a little bit of water, it is not difficult to be cracked. It's hard for the monks below Shentai to crack it, and the physical body can bear my spiritual power! "

Xiao AI said with a smile: "you are not confused! I've told you how to do it. If you can find such a monk, it depends on your luck. "

The middle-aged man looked at her with a smile, and she felt something was wrong.

The middle-aged man said, "hard to find? It's really hard to find at ordinary times, but in this extraordinary period, isn't there one to send to the door? "

With that, he looked directly at Jiang Fan, his eyes full of expectation.Jiang Fan didn't expect that this guy would think of him. He still vaguely remembers the situation when he met Xiao AI. He didn't expect that he broke the battle because Xiao AI let go the water.

But in front of him, Jiang Fan felt a little scared, and he didn't feel the same about Xiao AI.

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