I saw the spirit cut through the space, and then entered it first.

Jiang Fan followed and disappeared in the temple.

Pang Hao two people run back, they have found that Jiang Fan's breath disappeared.

"What about people?"

The old man said: "I've been taken away by adults for trial. You can wait here or leave ahead of time. You decide for yourself."

Two people look at each other, rain Xiao mouth: "we'd better stay here and wait."

Then he looked at the old man again: "is Jiang Fan not in danger?"

The old man said: "we don't know, but according to the adult's words, there should be no life in danger. If he succeeds, there will be great benefits for him. "

Pang Hao looked envious: "where did this guy get his luck? It's unreasonable that good things happen one after another. "

Yuxiao did not speak, but she and Pang Hao thought the same, follow Jiang Fan, as if it is really easier to get inheritance.

Besides, he can accomplish many things according to Jiang Fan's wishes.

She also has a high spirit, but when she is with Jiang Fan, her light seems to be completely blocked, which is completely different from her usual situation.

They stay here, and the three elders don't limit them and let them do whatever they want.

On the other side, Jiang Fan was already in a bloody atmosphere. Jiang Fan could feel the blood boiling and was full of fighting spirit, as if he was in the middle of the battlefield.

The Spirit said: "in those days, the foreign people attacked on a large scale. In this array, I lost more than 900 Tiangong masters in Shentai. The damage of the foreign people was about three times that of the Tiangong masters. The breath you can feel is what the war left behind. That level of master, the power of blood is amazing, even after so many years, it is difficult to dissipate

In a simple sentence, Jiang Fan was shocked. How strong was that era? This is the number of Shentai masters. And this array is just a battle circle, there are other battle circles, more experts exist, that battle is almost unimaginable.

Jiang fan forced his breath to calm down.

"It's time to start."

The middle-aged man's voice rang out: "you can start at any time. You are already in the big array. I have closed all attack arrays. If you can't break the defense array, I can only wait for the real predestined ones to take me away."

His words have been very clear, reminding Jiang fan that this array will not cause too much harm to him, he can rest assured to show his ability to break the array.

Xiao AI has already been ready. She is more looking forward to the break than Jiang Fan. In this way, she can have a more direct contact with the key of the battle. For her, it is absolutely a huge harvest.

Jiang Fan sits with his knees crossed. His divine consciousness condenses and operates his special spiritual power. The Taoist chapter of the array also unfolds and infuses the breath into Jiang Fan's body.

When everything is ready, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness will be injected into the array.

The cyclone appeared around Jiang Fan and then poured into the ground and into the array.

At the next moment, I immediately feel that the array is resisting the injection of his spiritual power. Even if the spirit releases water, it must abide by some rules. This array is powerful enough and has strong self-protection ability.

However, for Jiang Fan now, all this is really nothing. Breaking through this spiritual power, his divine sense instantly injected into the array.

At the same time, Xiao AI follows Jiang Fan's spiritual power into the array. Xiao AI doesn't have much reaction, but Jiang fan is shocked.

With Jiang Fan's divine sense, he felt like a boat in the sea, very small.

That array of lines is more amazing, extending in all directions, so that Jiang Fan could not choose which direction to perceive.

The breath of each array is different and dazzling, which makes it difficult for him to distinguish.

"Calm down, young master!"

Xiao AI's voice rings out to remind Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan calmed down slowly. He was affected by the strong sense of war. He had to concentrate.

After he regained his mind, Jiang Fan began to carefully distinguish the arrays covered by these lines, looking for the line connecting them.

Although there are various arrays of breath interference, but Jiang Fan or gradually distinguish the differences between these arrays, and that is not obvious running line, mixed in, looming.

"That's it!"

Divine consciousness and spiritual power burst out instantly, Jiang Fan locked the line, and Xiao AI entered it.

Jiang Fan felt as if he was in the middle of the Milky way at this time. The stars were shining all over the sky. The number of arrays was like silver sand jade beads, scattered in this huge array.

"Young master, you didn't choose much. Give me some time to break this battle."

Of course, Xiao AI wants to stay in this array for a long time, so the more benefits she gets.

Jiang fan is absorbed in the array at this time. He is not in a hurry to break the array. Because of the Dao chapter of the array, he also needs to feel the strange array, which can make his understanding speed faster, which is also of great benefit to him.This array won't attack him at this time. It's the best chance to comprehend. How can Jiang Fan let go of such an opportunity?

Xiao AI is following Jiang Fan's spiritual power in the array at this time. If she dares to release her own breath, she will be killed by the big array. Although she is an array spirit, she is also likely to be wiped out in this array. At that time, she will no longer exist.

However, with the protection of Jiang Fan's spiritual power, Xiao AI can almost completely hide in the array.

From the perspective of array, really big array is extremely detailed, and it's higher than Xiao AI's array. Maybe that's why Xiao AI's ability is not as good as his.

Jiang Fan changed his breath through the special way of spiritual power operation, and became almost the same as the breath of the array. Because of this change, the spiritual power became completely the same as the array.

He just wants to crack the array now, not by his fighting power. Otherwise, even the fighting power of Shentai will not be broken.

With Jiang Fan's understanding of the array and the help of Xiao AI, it is not impossible for him to crack the array.

As time goes by, Jiang Fan finds out the route of the main array among the countless arrays, which is becoming more and more clear in his mind.

The array is constantly running. Jiang fan can feel the change of the breath. As long as the array is fully displayed, he can find the eye of the array, and then try to break it.


One wait is seven days.

Pang Hao and Yu Xiao are not in a hurry. These days, they have asked the three about the array.

Although they don't have much talent against Dao, it doesn't do any harm for them to master some array related methods, which will improve their ability to break in the future.

Perhaps because of Jiang Fan, the three old men also asked questions and answered them, and even told them some tips and special opinions. They also benefited a lot.

Ziyang they have not come, as if to forget the things here.

After listening, Yuxiao will understand it carefully, while Pang Hao is more direct and asks for the array directly, asking the three of you to give him some array to protect his life.

Although they can't leave the temple, each of them has a lot of good things. For these array masters, the number of battle flags on them is not too small.

Because they already know Pang Hao's identity, and they also want Pang Hao, so they are not stingy. If they give Pang Hao several array flags with good quality, they will surely be of great use at the critical moment.

At this time, the nihilistic land has already been noisy.

No one dared to challenge dange for many years, but now he is challenged by a human teenager.

The secret place opened suddenly closed, and the life and death of the three kings of Shentai realm were uncertain.

The animal tide arrived as scheduled, causing a large number of casualties again.

After the animal tide, Dan Pavilion offers a reward to find all the news of the Terran youth who follows the deities. Unfortunately, the youth seems to disappear, even Yuxiao has no news.

Outside the entrance of the strange array, there were a large number of monks of all nationalities, including some experts. After all, this time the secret place was closed suddenly, and many talented disciples of the royal family were trapped in it. I don't know what's going on inside now.

They also want to know the situation in the first time when they come here, hoping that the secret will be opened again, and then they can go in and save people.

Unfortunately, they have been waiting here for a long time, and there is still no news.

"The situation is not good. The breath of our genius has disappeared, and the lamp of life and soul has gone out. It seems that it is more or less dangerous."

"Our situation is almost the same, but I heard that the breath of the grey blood clan is still there, and their disciples should still be alive. We didn't know the situation inside, so we didn't explain it when we went back. Wait a minute. Maybe it will open again soon, and we can figure out what's going on inside. "

Several experts gathered together and talked about what they knew. Unfortunately, there are few foreigners who can really feel the breath. Most of them have been killed in the strange array world.

Dange stronghold.

Three day rank pharmacists gathered in front of a hospital bed with a dignified face.

In the hospital bed, an old man was in a coma, and his breath was intermittent and unpredictable. It was the old man in Dan Ge who was in trouble with Jiang fan that day.

"Still not! This toxin is really strange. We tried several ways to treat it, but we couldn't deal with it. The three of us had no effect. What's the method of poisoning? What's the origin of that young man of human race? "

Another pharmacist said: "no matter what his identity is, if he doesn't let this guy die, he's just provoking us. If he can't cure this man, we'll lose face."

The man who didn't speak all the time had a calm look in his eyes and suggested: "if you don't take a chance, I'll try the poison. I think only in this way can you tell the ingredients and effects of the poison most directly. As long as you can find out the materials used by the other party, it won't be so difficult to crack."

Hearing this, both of them were surprised."Absolutely not. You can't have an accident. It's too dangerous. We have no clue now. We can't mess about."

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