This is not over, the word running, heart like a ghost, a few flash has come to the leopard head.

The body is covered with golden awn. With a wave of the big hand, the huge fingerprints appear, and one palm slaps the opponent.

Gold fingerprints continue to grow, even the leopard head directly on the ground, followed by a series of explosions.

Bang Bang -

without mercy, Jiang Fan's hand is a killing move.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, he stood upright. In front of him, there was a huge palm print on the ground. The leopard's head was lying in the palm of his hand. His clothes were ragged and some places were burnt black. He was struggling to get up.

Jiang Fan stood at the edge of the pit with cold eyes: "now tell me how you can compensate for that elixir!"

Later, the two royal families froze in the same place, surprised to see the result, completely can't believe it.

That leopard head sits up, a mouthful of blood gushes out, then wipe off with sleeve, look at Jiang Fan, the eyes are full of fear color.

Although it was only the contact of lightning and flint, he was afraid and felt invincible.

"You hide the realm?"

Jiang Fan was unmoved: "don't talk nonsense, how can my spirit grass compensate? Can I wait until I kill you? "

What else did the guy want to say, but he saw that Jiang Fan's eyes were cold and showed his killing intention.

He suddenly got up and rushed to the two friars. He was very fast and could only see a yellow shadow. It was obvious that he was going to drag the two into the water. How could Jiang Fan deal with them?

Those two people also Leng next, didn't expect this leopard head unexpectedly so choice.

Jiang Fan raised his head and looked this way. He knew very well that this guy would not cooperate.

"You bastard really drag us into the water. I don't see you so active at ordinary times."

Although they said so, they didn't mean to leave. They moved their breath one after another.

It can be seen that at this time, Jiang Fan's identity still let them three stand together.

The leopard head said: "you've all shown up. If you let this boy go back to Yuxiao and complain, we'll be in a mess and have bad luck together."

Three people at the same time look at Jiang Fan, another person evil smile way: "human, you also heard, today you can't go."

Jiang fan is not in a hurry, youyou opens his mouth: "do you want to compensate with him? Keep the bag. "

"I think you're crazy!"


The two men shot almost at the same time and rushed to Jiang Fan from different directions.

"Little killing!"


Jiang Fan's breath converged, and seven lights appeared at his feet in the next moment, and then disappeared into the ground.

The leopard's gun flew back to his hand, took the pill, and rushed over.

When they were a few meters away from Jiang Fan, black fog suddenly appeared around them, and a poison array quietly formed. It was too late for them to react.


After the leopard was distracted, he looked back at Jiang Fan, but it was just a moment. Jiang Fan's body disappeared,

"join hands!"

The three reached an agreement almost instantaneously and got together quickly.

They all have good strength. They react at the first time. The poison fog is spreading, and they soon press on the three.

Jiang Fan's body shape is like a ghost, sometimes hidden and sometimes visible. The three people are highly concentrated and are on guard against Jiang Fan's sneak attack.

The three of them set up the magic power to resist the poison fog. As time goes on, the poison fog in the array becomes more mysterious and powerful.

"The more you ask, the more troublesome you are. Don't waste your time. Just rush out."

"Don't remove the spirit power. Move to the array boundary first."

But three people just moved next, Jiang fan body suddenly appears, expression is indifferent, the hand is suffused with special light, fiercely attack to three people.

The three men are not afraid. The spirit force array supported by the three men has high defense ability.

Jiang Fan's palm was soft, as if he didn't have much power, but the three men's shield was broken in an instant, which surprised them.

This is the strength to break the battle. The strength of these three people is not enough to resist.

In a flash, the poisonous fog poured into them, which changed the three people's faces.

"Don't let him run away."

One of them makes a sudden move and grabs Jiang Fan. No matter what array, as long as he subdues the master, he will break the array.

But when he touched Jiang Fan's arm, Jiang Fan's figure suddenly disappeared, turned into a poisonous fog and disappeared.

The fog began to erode the three and had different effects on them.

"No, we must break the battle as soon as possible. The poison is getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid we can't leave after a long time."

"Don't talk nonsense, just think about it. I didn't expect that there was such an array on this bastard. "

The leopard looked in other directions and said angrily, "human beings, we have the ability to fight head-on. Don't use these heresies."

The next second, just in front of him, Jiang Fan's figure appeared, like a ghost."You want to fight head on?"

There is no response at all. The three men attack Jiang Fan directly at the same time. This time, they don't try. They try their best.

Three powerful forces collided together, and the explosion sounded. Jiang Fan's figure was instantly shattered, but the three people knew that it was not the real person.

With the explosion, the surrounding fog was shaken out of an open space, which also gave the three people time to ease.

They took the elixir of inhibiting the toxin one after another to guard against the spread of the poison fog again.

At this time, Jiang Fan's voice sounded behind the three: "fusion of different fire."

Two different fires interweave and reach the balance point in an instant.

Three people turn round, that flame just appears in front of them, instantly explodes.

Because of the influence of the poisonous fog, the reaction of the three people was slower. Before they could retreat, the deafening sound sounded in their ears, followed by heavy damage.

Bang -

the three were engulfed by the fire.

The scope of the poison array is expanded, and it is not affected by the explosion.

Three people lie on the ground, the flame is burning the flesh body, suffers the heavy blow, lets three people incomparably embarrassed.

In the smoke and dust, they can hear a footstep slowly walking towards them. The smoke and dust gradually disperse. Jiang Fan's figure appears not far away from them, overlooking the three people.

How can they not be surprised?

A life seizing monk is fighting against three with one. All three of them are young masters who have changed their lives eight times. What is Jiang Fan's real combat power when he is crushed in this way? I'm afraid to think it over.

Jiang Fan's mouth slightly tilted up, with a smile: "treasure bag for life! Do you want to change it? "

Although Jiang Fan was laughing, they felt the killing intention in his eyes, and there was no cover up at all.

They are all foreigners. They live in this nihilistic place. They are definitely evil people. Especially for the Terrans, the pressure they bring is huge.

At this time, in their eyes, Jiang fan is absolutely a devil, incomparably strong, but also unfathomable.

At the same time, they have a feeling that as long as they refuse, they will lose their lives immediately.

The leopard had already been seriously injured. Although he still had the ability to fight, he knew that it was difficult to leave the poison array. Jiang Fan had not fully used his means so that they could not see the depth.

"Pay for it and let me go."

He found a panacea and took the lead.

Jiang fan is very strong: "don't you understand me? What I want is a treasure bag. "

The treasure bag is equal to all their wealth. They saved these treasures in this nihilistic place. Who would like to give them away?

"Human beings, don't deceive people too much."

Jiang Fan goes up and kicks him directly. Then he pulls off the bag of treasure on the other side's waist. Jiang fan doesn't need them to untie the mark.

The toxins have begun to eat into their bodies, changing almost every second.

In the forest in the distance, several figures quietly retreated. These people have strong or weak fighting power, and even Shentai realm experts. They all came to see Jiang Fan's strength.

The experts of the one horned clan are also among them, and their eyes are a little surprised.

He was a little worried before, and finally came to see the situation. If he needed help, he would help to protect Jiang Fan's life.

He no longer stays, returns to the rain Xiao side directly, the rain Xiao smiles looks at him.

"Uncle Wu, is Jiang Fan OK?"

He nodded: "it's worthy of your admiration. Your fighting power is beyond the mark. I'm afraid there are few opponents in this generation, including royal geniuses. I can't believe that human blood can be so strong. "

All this is in Yuxiao's expectation. She has been with Jiang Fan for so long, and she already knows Jiang Fan's fighting power. Her evaluation of Jiang fan is unpredictable. Jiang Fan shows different things every time, which makes her unexpected.

But this is what attracts Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't kill the three people, but let them live and die.

Jiang fan is also satisfied with the three treasure bags. After carefully perceiving the thoughts around him, no one will continue to follow him. All those who want to explore have already tried to understand that these three unlucky guys are just three young people. They are the first to jump out and help Jiang Fan to make Wei.

For Jiang Fan, this is just the beginning. Even in this vast world, he will never be willing to be ordinary.

After Jiang Fan left, some foreigners appeared one after another and took the three away. Jiang Fan picked up the nearby elixir as fast as he could, and then returned to the black vortex.

Jiang Fan went back to Yuxiao with nothing happened. He sat cross knee with three treasure bags in his hand.

"One for you, choose one."

Rain Xiao know Jiang Fan's ability, also don't refuse, directly in inside randomly selected a, and then give Jiang Fan.

The big man couldn't come for a while. Jiang Fan just sat there and began to break the battle.

Although Xiao AI and Na linzhan haven't woken up yet, Jiang Fan's breaking speed is much faster than before because of the strength of breaking the array and the Dao chapter.It took only half an hour for him to erase the mark on the bag. Then he handed it to Yu Xiao without looking at it.

The one horned master on one side was a little surprised. This skill is a bit terrible. It's hard to crack the treasure bag. He knows very well that if the villain has this ability, he may be able to accumulate huge wealth in a short time.

But this young man of the human race can easily erase the soul mark on the treasure bag and look relaxed. Where does this skill come from?

This can't help but let him see Jiang Fan more.

Yu Xiao looked at the things in the bag with her divine sense and showed a smile. She was obviously very satisfied.

Then some refining materials appeared in front of her. She said with a smile, "I can't use these!"

Jiang Fan didn't say anything, so he took it all away.

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