All the people in Tiange know that after this time, Tiange has a bright future.

The monks sat cross legged, facing the direction outside the mountain gate and looking at the situation outside. Although some people were very nervous, they were very happy in Tiange, and no one wanted to leave.

Soon after, a row of figures appeared in the air in the distance. The first two people had strong breath and shrouded the whole Wanyun mountain.

The terrible momentum made the young people tremble involuntarily, which was extremely terrible.

Because of his divine body, qiansen is still calm and unaffected.

"Remember this feeling, don't want to suffer such humiliation, you should try your best to cultivate and make yourself stronger."

With that, he flew directly towards the mountain gate and looked at the monks.

"I didn't expect that the ancient people's God and Dharma Realm experts still need to give me a challenge!

Speaking of this, he Hua Feng turned around: "but this is Tiange, not the place where the ancient people can go wild. Leave now."

On the other side, the master's eyes were cold: "what are you? Let your steward come out and talk to me. "

Qian Sen is neither humble nor arrogant: "no, I'm the leader of this cabinet. Their identities are not enough to meet the elder of Tiange. "

This words a, let two people Leng next, the facial expression is gloomy come down.

A Shentai master nearby said angrily: "bastard, you dare to talk to the clan leader like this. You want to die!"

A ray of light cut out, into a long knife, instantly cut to Qian Sen.

The powerful momentum is frightening. There is a scream in Tiange.

But qiansen didn't move. The knife just stopped in front of him, half a meter away from him. He couldn't say anything.

Qian Sen's Indifference: "when you talk to your patriarch, will you interrupt?"

Bang -

the array radiated a ray of light, which exploded instantly, and the monk turned white, but he was bitten back. I didn't expect that.

"Do you have such a tone with a big battle? As expected, Tiange is just a small place. It can't be on the stage. Take your people out of Wanyun mountain and spare you not to die. Otherwise, no one will want to leave. Tiange will die today. "

Two super experts release their momentum, and the surrounding space seems to be broken. When they reach this realm, they can communicate with heaven, and their strength is amazing.

"Then fight!"

Qian Sen is extremely decisive and turns to leave, ignoring those ancient masters.

In the hall above, Meiniang opens the array.

At the beginning, Xiaoai left the control right to protect here at the critical moment, and it was really used at this time.

"Break the Tiange, all the rebels will be killed!"

With a single order, more than 20 experts burst into a powerful momentum at the same time. All kinds of spiritual power gathered, and all kinds of spiritual treasures appeared. They were full of combat power.

At this moment, the day suddenly turned into night, just a moment of effort, people can't imagine.

Stars all over the sky, constantly flashing light, everyone can see clearly.

This second, the huge spiritual power appears, instantly turns into light and rain, falls from the sky, covering the area where the experts are.

It's like a torrential rain pouring down on the earth.

A few of them reacted quickly, supported the defense and Lingbao for the first time, resisted the pouring spiritual power, and wanted to resist with the divine idea.

Boom -

the twenty odd figures were swallowed up in an instant, and their figures could not be seen at all.

In the air, stars appear one by one, and the huge spiritual power shows again. This attack is completely different. A huge red lotus appears and falls from the air.

No one thought that Tiange was the first to attack, not the ancient masters.

After half of the light of the rainstorm dissipated, the scene was unbelievable. Five or six monks of Shentai were floating in the air, but they had lost consciousness with their eyes closed. Some spiritual treasures were broken, and all of them were penetrating wounds. We can see how powerful the attack was just now.

For a moment, cheers came from the Tiange. They didn't know the strength of the array. They didn't expect that they would have a heavy impact on the comers just the first time. At least a few people lost their fighting power. How long has it been? Just the first one.

However, the most surprising thing was the two monks in the divine and Dharma Realm. If they hadn't supported and defended others in the attack just now, their losses would have been more serious.

What kind of array is this? Why is it so destructive?

That red lotus floats down, where dare they still wait in place, positive contact, absolutely can't take advantage of.

"Join hands to break this array." One man orders.

This time, the monks with combat power poured their spiritual power into the strongest monks one after another. There was only one idea: break the battle first, and then talk about other things.

Ow -

along with the attack, a huge lion head appears, opens its huge mouth and bites into the array barrier.

Boom -

the big array vibrated for a while, but it had no effect on the array. At this time, the huge red lotus exploded completely, and the heat wave swept across the sky, as if it had ignited all the sky.They didn't need to be close at all, and the clothes on the friars began to burn. What's more, they found that their spiritual power in the sea of Qi was slowly ignited and swallowed up, and the speed of consumption was amazing.

But it's not over yet. Another array appears. It's another red lotus. Its breath is stronger than the one just now.

Boom -

this time, the surrounding temperature began to soar, then Qian Sen made a few finger rings, and the array kept appearing in the air, as if the stars in the sky were composed of arrays.

Each big formation exudes a strong atmosphere, which makes the two experts completely unexpected.

All kinds of attacks appeared in the air, and they smashed into the crowd. Some of them were so fast that they could not even compare with the monks in Shentai, and they were hit instantly.

To crush is to crush the monks in the Shentai realm, and does not give them any chance to resist.

Up to now, they have only once successfully attacked the array together, and the other two have been directly interrupted.

"No way. How can this kind of quality array appear here?"

Qian Sen floats in the air and looks at all this. He also sighs that the other side is much stronger than him, but this array can deal with it easily. It's amazing.

The two masters looked at each other and said in a low voice, "you step back. Let's try again."

These two people are next to each other, and the speed is amazing.

If there is an attack, they will join hands to resist, just as they think so, the two of them are very strong in the team.

The barrier effect of their melee attack array is not very good. Their attack is directly released at the moment of contact with the array and transmitted to the whole array. Let alone the two of them join hands, even if several experts in their realm join hands, they have little chance to break the array.

What's more, AI's array is not only super defensive, but also has strong counterattack ability.

Stars still appear, a series of explosions sound outside the array, just split to the two people.

At this time, Meiniang's figure appeared. She floated in the air and said, "now that you're here, don't leave. The ancient people came out to take advantage of our Tiange Pavilion. They wanted to be beautiful. However, the reputation of Tiange will depend on you this time. "

Meiniang kept putting out her finger formula, and the last breath poured into the sky. Then a huge net came down from the air, which was composed of spiritual power and sent out precious light, and went straight to them.

"No! Separate

Two people feel that breath, separate directly, avoid that big net.

But the second big net came into being and fell from the sky.

They want to retreat, but they hit the barrier behind them.

They did not know when a barrier appeared in the rear to block their retreat.

At this moment, they have understood how hard Tiange is to chew.

A few monks in Shentai wanted to help, but they couldn't get through the barrier for a moment.

Those two big nets are very flexible, as if they are controlled by people. If they are trapped, they don't know what to face.

You can imagine how depressed these two are at this time. There are only a few monks in Shentai realm in the whole Tiange. They thought they could be captured easily, but they didn't expect to be so embarrassed.

In the distance, some monks of other forces looked at the situation from a distance and couldn't believe it.

"Withdraw first, you can't attack."

The other nodded, then a Hunyuan bead appeared in his hand and threw it directly towards the rear barrier.

Boom -

a huge explosion sounded, the whole Wanyun mountain was shaking, and the barrier began to crack. They quickly got together, broke the barrier together, and were ready to take people away.

"Do you want to go now?"

Meiniang a Jiao drink, the sky stars row down, like a series of lightning fall.

Bang Bang -

a series of explosions hit the retreat direction.

Those two masters can only support Lingbao to resist. If they evade, the people in the rear will be hit directly and die.

He clenched his teeth and powdered his arms.

Another humanitarian: "hurry to take people to leave, we rear."

At this time, those clansmen were very clear about the situation and did not dare to waste their time. They took the comatose friars to jump down Wanyun mountain and took the lead in evacuating.

In the falling stars, there is a silver spear, which seems to be melted by moonlight, but with cold light.

When they found the long gun, they couldn't dodge and took the attack with Lingbao.

The smoke and dust from the explosion completely covered people's sight. When the smoke and dust dispersed, they saw that their body protection treasure had been broken in half, and one of them was hit hard by a silver long gun.

The whole Wanyun mountain is quiet. They are two ancient masters who surpass the Shentai realm. How powerful are they?

But at this time was seriously injured one person, another person is also a huge consumption.

Meiniang is a little excited. She has the chance to win.Two long guns appeared again in the air, with cold light, but they were scared in their eyes.

The next moment, two people in front of a black three birds, directly grab two people, flapping wings fly away.

Just flapping the wings, the figure has appeared thousands of meters away.

Looking at the three giant birds, Meiniang frowned: "ancient alien?"

The huge head turned to look at Wanyun mountain, and there was a chill in his eyes.

The two long guns broke away in an instant. The other side didn't dare to stay, turned around and left, and disappeared in the sky.

The spirit power on Wanyun mountain gradually calms down, the array stops gradually, the sky turns bright quickly, the day is back, and everything is calm.

The next moment is cheers, from the disciples of Tiange.

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