Jiang Fan left the cave and went back to the carriage.

Don't rain Xiao mouth, he has noticed something wrong.

Although the carriage is still moving, it can be clearly felt that several thoughts are locking the carriage. It's not powerful. The strongest one has changed his life three times.

Yu Xiao said: "these people are not friendly. Do you want me to do it? "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "don't worry, just look at the situation!"

Just then, the carriage stopped suddenly, and the horses screamed.

The coachman was thrown into the carriage by the horse.

"Ouch! You son of a bitch, you can kill me... "

Jiang Fan went to help the old man, and then looked out of the car. It was obvious that the two horses felt something. They were too frightened.

Ow -

there was a roar from the forest by the road. The two horses were even more restless, struggling and trying to run away.

The old man rushed up and grabbed the reins.

"Egghead! What's the matter

He patted the bodies of the two horses. The two horses calmed down and did not struggle any more, but their eyes were uneasy and obviously worried.

Seeing this, Jiang Fan couldn't help looking at the old man more.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the forest. It was a huge black tiger, not counting its tail. It was 67 meters long and majestic.

He roared in the direction of the carriage with a fierce look in his eyes.

The old man stood on the carriage and looked at the black tiger with a twinkle in his eyes: "unfortunately, he was targeted by those guys."

Jiang Fan came forward, looked at the black tiger and said with a smile, "old man, you don't have such a good tiger skin as a cushion in your car. How about I give you one?"

On hearing this, the old man said: "I can't use it. This black tiger is the symbol of bandits and the symbol of black tiger gang. If you kill him, you will be in great trouble. The black tiger appears, and the bandits should be nearby. "

"Bandits? Is this a robbery? " Jiang Fan looks relaxed. Several robbers can't scare him.

A group of figures came out from the nearby woods, fierce, led by a fierce big bald head, with a burly figure and the strongest realm.

He went to the black tiger, and then he looked at Jiang Fan with a big knife: "want money, want life? You choose for yourself, and I'll spare you your lives. "

Although he was arrogant, he always felt Jiang Fan's breath with his divine sense, and found that Jiang Fan only took his life nine times, so he was really relieved.

Yu Xiao then goes to Jiang Fan and looks at the situation outside.

Seeing her, the man was surprised: "I think I'll change my mind. I want that beauty to come back with me, and the rest can leave. "

Yu Xiao looked at him with an eyebrow: "I don't know how to live or die. If you look at me like that again, I can't save you. "

The man was stunned, and then said with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect it was a little pepper. I like it, brothers. Take her back today and be my wife. What do you think? "

The other robbers began to howl and coax one after another, apparently without paying attention to the two young men.

Yuxiao steps forward and is about to get angry, but she is stopped by Jiang Fan.

"Don't dirty your hands. I'll take care of it. "

Yuxiao nods and simply returns to the car, ignoring the situation outside. Jiang fan can deal with these friars easily and doesn't need her hand.

Jiang Fan jumped out of the carriage and walked slowly towards the other side.

The old man said: "don't try to be brave, young man. I still have a thin face..."

Before he finished, he suddenly heard something falling to the ground, and the sound came from both sides.

Without looking in the direction of the sound, he found that the bandits who surrounded them were still laughing one second before, and they began to fall to the ground the next, one after another, without warning.

The robbers were shocked and began to retreat.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. With Jiang Fan walking around, there are still robbers falling to the ground.

That black tiger some nervous looking at Jiang Fan, toward this side roared a, ready to rush to Jiang Fan at any time.

The bandit leader knew that it must have something to do with Jiang Fan, so he took the long knife off his shoulder.

"Son of a bitch, what did you do?"

Jiang fan is very calm, looking at him with a smile: "disaster comes from the mouth of the truth, you will not understand."

Jiang Fan released some of his momentum, the eyes calm let the robber some can't believe.

"I'll kill you first, I'll kill you!"

The big man suddenly took out his hand. His hands were full of strength. He poured into the long knife and rushed to Jiang Fan.

The long knife was so fast that it almost instantly came to Jiang Fan. The long knife was raised high and sharp. It locked Jiang Fan's way and cut him out.

In an instant, the light of the knife turned into dozens of ways, cut down from all directions, and almost locked all the moving directions of Jiang Fan."The great five elements."

Jiang Fan drinks a low voice, and then his whole body is covered with gold awn. A light shield appears above Jiang Fan and blocks him instantly.

The five elements produce each other, and the great five elements play to the extreme in an instant.

A series of sparks appear on the top of the cover, but it's a pity that he can't split Jiang Fan. Even if his realm is above Jiang Fan, it's a pity that the other side is still strong.

Jiang Fan suddenly put out his hand and saw that his hand was covered with a layer of golden awn. He grasped the long sword from dozens of Dao lights and stood there steadily.

The bald man couldn't believe it, because Jiang Fan's realm was much weaker than his, and how hard was it to make up for the gap? He is very clear.

He pulled back the sword, but it didn't move. Jiang Fan's palm was like Lingbao, and he was not afraid of it.

The coachman looked at all this with twinkling eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Fan had such ability.

At this time, all the robbers who didn't reach the change of life fell to the ground and fainted.

Ow -

with a huge roar, the black tiger jumped directly at Jiang Fan from the other side, opened his mouth, and obviously wanted to help the big man.

Jiang Fan turned back, and the shot was a punch. The giant tiger was very powerful, but he was still hit on the head by Jiang Fan and fell to the ground.

Absolutely strong.

The bald man knew that he had kicked the steel plate. He could not imagine that a young man would be so powerful.

He injects the spirit power into the long sword, which suddenly turns into a ray of light and breaks away from Jiang Fan's control.

Then the man stepped back and said, "I'm not your opponent. I'm sorry to hear that today. Let's go. "

He is OK, but how can Jiang Fan just forget it?

"Go? I don't want to go yet. I'll eat tiger meat tonight. "

Jiang Fan didn't care about him, so he turned around and ran to the black tiger.

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the black tiger's hair stood up, obviously very scared, struggled to get up, turned and ran.

Jiang Fan just want to chase, the big man directly stopped in the middle of them: "you can't move him."

Jiang Fan looked at him coldly: "you stop my carriage, frighten my horses, and tease my people, just want to forget it? Let me let the cat go. I'll pay for it. "

Hearing this, the man nodded again and again: "there's no problem with compensation. We can talk about everything."

Jiang Fan turned around and looked at the driver: "old man, do you know the location of their stronghold..."

Before Jiang Fan finished, he saw the old man's angry face and reminded him, "be careful behind."

I saw the big man, holding a long knife high, cutting directly at Jiang Fan, with fierce light in his eyes.

But the next second, his whole body suddenly burst out of flame, followed by a series of explosions, the whole person flew backwards.

Jiang Fan turns around slowly: "it's useless to keep a person like you. Be a good person in the next life."

This time, Jiang fan made a decisive move and killed him directly.

After entering the world, even if Jiang Fan has a grudge with human beings, he will try his best not to kill them. After all, they are likely to be the elite friars of your race in the future. But this time, he has no hesitation and no pity at all.

The old man on the carriage was a little ugly. He said, "it's getting into trouble."

Jiang Fan looked at him suspiciously and asked, "why do you say that?"

"It's not for no reason that this guy can survive here for so many years. There are big people behind them. Now you kill him, and then there will be trouble."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I don't just want to kill him, but also get back the compensation for wasting our time. Where are their strongholds? You have so much contact with them that you should know something about them, right? "

"Don't you think it's too much trouble? Are you not afraid of the Revenge of the experts? "

"Revenge? I am doing harm to the people. Do you always say whether to go or not? "

After thinking about it, the old man nodded: "I'll send you, but I said in advance that we'll leave as soon as something happens."

Jiang Fan nodded: "no problem."

The old man drove them away, but except for the big man, others were just in a coma. Jiang Fan didn't kill them.

On the bus, Yu Xiao was puzzled: "what are the robbers doing with them? It's also a disaster to kill directly and keep it. "

"Of course, there is a reason for their existence. We can take advantage of it. We don't have to worry about it. "

The car was very fast. Jiang Fan sent a message to Yu Xiao: "the coachman should also pay attention to it. It seems that it's not as simple as we look."

"Oh? What do you find? "

"It's just intuition."

While driving, the old man said, "I've been to that place before I was forced to send someone off. It's not a place to break into. There are array guards, and there are a lot of robbers. I still don't recommend you to take risks. "

Jiang Fan said: "you are only responsible for pulling us there. You don't have to go in."The old man said with a smile: "I won't go in with you, my old arm and old leg. If something happens again, you'll have to distract your attention. I'll just wait for your news outside the stronghold. How do you feel about taking you on the road at any time? "

About half an hour later, the speed of the carriage began to slow down.

The old man said, "you two, it's not far ahead. Do you want to prepare?"

Jiang Fan shook his head decisively: "you don't need to prepare anything. Just stay here. We'll finish it as soon as possible, and then we'll come out the first time."

"The old man said:" then you pay attention to safety

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