For fear of disturbing Jiang Fan, ye Shaocheng stood aside and did not dare to make a sound.

There is a second item on the auction table. The auctioneer is a beautiful woman who knows how to stir up emotions.

And the quality of the auction is very good, this second piece makes Jiang Fan's eyes shine.

Now that he has finished the calligraphy of treasure, he can distinguish the quality of the treasure, which is the most suitable time.

"This exquisite stone has nine faces. It's really rare. It's the best material for setting up an array. I don't know how many people know the goods. "

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, ye Shaocheng opened his mouth.

"Master, if you need it, shall we take a picture of it?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it depends on the situation."

With Jiang Fan's current array way, of course, he can use this treasure. This exquisite stone can be used for unlimited times, and the effect is much better than the spirit stone. If it's not too outrageous, Jiang Fan will really take it and keep it.

Sure enough, there are many people who know the goods and push the price up almost instantly.

The auction here is based on the nine grade pills of the prefecture level. The Linglong stone ginger is estimated to be about 100 pills.

The speed of bidding is very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it has already called for 90 pieces.

Jiang Fan directly bid to 100, not followed by a little bit up call.

The price has been raised so much that the friars below are stunned. They also want to know who is selling in the VIP room. They are so rich.

At this moment, another monk in the VIP room said directly, "I'll give you 110 pieces!"

Hearing this voice, many people are talking, ye Shaocheng frowned slightly.

"Master, it's Wei Yuxing who's making trouble."

"Wei Yuxing? The one you didn't like just now? "

Ye Shaocheng nodded: "he is the master's disciple, people are very troublesome."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "trouble? How much trouble can it be? "

Speaking of this, he looked at the auction table and said, "one hundred and five!"

For Jiang Fan, it's not difficult to refine the pills of this quality. This boy is clearly looking for trouble. Of course, he won't give in so easily. Even if he does, he has to let the other party fall into the ditch first.

Hearing this, the friars immediately took a cold breath. It was obvious that Jiang Fan was so rich.

Ye Shaocheng raises eyebrows: "master, the price is not worth it."

Jiang Fan said: "someone's telling me! What are you afraid of

Sure enough, Wei Yuxing was silent for a moment and said, "I'll give you one hundred and six."

The auctioneer has a strong smile. He likes such buyers.

"It's one hundred and six. Is there anything else to increase the price? This exquisite stone is absolutely the best of the best. If you miss it, you will regret it. Now the price is 160 pills, but is there any price increase? "

"One hundred and sixty-one!"

"One hundred and sixty-two times!"

"Three times! deal! Congratulations to you in the VIP room

Wei Yuxing is suffering at this time. The Linglong stone is useless to him. His bidding is to make trouble for Jiang Fan, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to give up.

He had to spend a lot of money to buy this exquisite stone, which made his teeth itch.

"You have seed!"

On the other hand, ye Shaocheng said with a smile: "master, that guy may be crying now. If you raise prices indiscriminately, you will reap the consequences. "

Jiang Fan smiles without saying a word and continues to wait for the next auction to come up.

But although the next few qualities are good, Jiang fan doesn't need them.

About half an hour later, the first batch of pills came out and turned into a pill of high quality.

Jiang Fan urges the breath of Mo Longjing to add Longqi into the pill, which is almost perfect.

Although ye Shaocheng's realm is not very high, his vision is not weak. The elixir is full of treasure, and a special breath hovers above it, as if it had been a real dragon. It is almost certain that the elixir is absolutely extraordinary.

Jiang fan controlled and let the pill fly in front of him. Then he said, "take it now and start practicing. As you are, the skill should not be too weak. I won't teach you anything else. Don't be distracted when practicing."

Ye Shaocheng trembles and takes the pill. He has some expectations in his heart. Now he is just an ordinary man. He also wants to practice as soon as possible.

According to Jiang Fan, he took pills and began to practice as soon as possible.

Jiang fan uses Dan daopian to help him absorb the power of medicine, while observing his situation and looking at the things on the auction table.

Because ye Shaocheng's meridians have no spiritual nourishment, they have begun to decline at this time. What Jiang Fan wants is this situation. Then he changes his meridians with the power of pills to make his meridians more tenacious and powerful.

Jiang Fan abandoned his cultivation, not only to help him expand channels, but also to help him lay the best foundation, which is very important.

His talent is excellent. If he doesn't develop it well, it's a waste of time. What's more, his level is so low that it won't take long to rebuild.

Ye Shaocheng looked at his meridians and was ecstatic.The power of the pill made him completely unexpected. The blocked meridians were constantly opened up. In a short time, there was a trend to surpass the previous one. It seems that before long, his meridians will surpass the previous one.

He was very serious and felt every change of the body carefully, which was of great help to his later cultivation.

Seeing him like this, Jiang fan is also relieved that ye Shaocheng already has the heart to win and will not be too weak in the future.

At this time, Jiang Fan suddenly felt a strange breath, Dan daopian shook, but the breath was not obvious.

At this time, I saw a woman carrying a simple wooden box to the auction table, which was obviously the next auction.

The wooden box was opened slowly. The next moment, the breath appeared completely. Dan daopian responded immediately.

This must be the treasure of Dan Dao, otherwise the breath of nature would not react so strongly.

A strange fragrance spread across the auction house in an instant, and everyone exclaimed.

Jiang Fan's heart trembled when he saw the things in the wooden box.

It was a withered root, only finger length, can not see what it is.

But Jiang Fan stood up directly, his eyes a little incredulous.

"Withered fairy root?"

This is not a common treasure. You can imagine the attraction to Jiang Fan.

Although the immortal root withered, it was not hopeless. Every immortal root contained huge energy, but this section was obviously just a part of it. I didn't know what I had experienced.

At this time, the auctioneer said: "the best appraisers of our chamber of Commerce have not determined the kind of this elixir. However, from the perspective of drug properties alone, there are few elixirs that can be compared with it. The owner who knows the goods can take it back. I believe the pharmacist will give full play to his role. Maybe he will not live long after taking it. If you don't say much, the starting price is 30 pieces of panacea. "

Jiang Fan stood at the window and did not bid. He was not worried, but he was determined to win the withered root.


"I'll give you fifty!"

Some people said angrily, "fifty is what you mean? I'll give you fifty-one! "

There was a hiss all around.

After a few rounds of bidding, kugen has already called 110 elixirs.

When it comes to this, people begin to give up one after another. The strength of a panacea also depends on the pharmacist's ability. If the refining fails, the panacea will be wasted.

How much elixir does more than 100 earth level elixir need? It really doesn't pay to keep on shouting.

However, as long as you smell the fragrance, it will make you feel fresh and refreshing, and the absolute quality is very high.

Seeing that no one was bidding, Jiang Fan said, "one hundred and two!"

When Wei Yuxing saw Jiang Fan open his mouth, he immediately said, "125!"

Jiang Fan did not hesitate: "one hundred and five!"

Wei Yuxing's teeth are itching. Before, Jiang fan used this move to make him buy a Linglong stone at a high price. At this time, he used this move to drive up the price.

"Asshole, do you think I'm an idiot? You still use that? Do you think I'm an idiot? "

All the people in the store could hear his words clearly, but Jiang Fan didn't respond.

The auctioneer said with a smile: "don't be angry, Mr. Wei. Auction is not a fight. There will be good things for you later. There must be something suitable for you. Do you have anything else to bid for? One hundred and fifty times. "

"One hundred and six." A lazy voice came from the first floor and attracted everyone's attention.

Jiang Fan looked in that direction, frowning slightly, a little surprised.

It was an old man with a bottle gourd. He looked sloppy and drunk.

However, Jiang fan can feel the breath of Dan Dao from him. He is obviously a pharmacist, quite strong.

Seeing this man, the friars around began to talk. They were all surprised. It can be seen that the old man has a great reputation.

At this time, the auctioneer was embarrassed: "pharmacist Moyu, our chamber of Commerce has rules. You can't sell your own things."

The old man lifted the bottle gourd drunkenly.

"I'd love to! It's not that I don't give you pills. If I want to take them, I'll take them. If I can't take them, I'll pull them down. "

The auctioneer said hastily: "You raise the price in such a disorderly way. In the end, you can't make a deal. It's the pharmacist who suffers."

The old man was still confused and said vaguely, "I'd rather not sell it than give it to those who don't know how to buy it. If I sell this kind of pills, I'll have to drink less wine! Leave me alone... "

Before he could finish, Jiang Fan said, "two hundred!"

The price caused bursts of exclamation, one after another in the direction of Jiang Fan.

The pharmacist pointed out his thumb to Jiang Fan and said with a smile: "you have eyes! I'll give you two hundred and one! "

Jiang Fan knew that the price had to go to the other party's heart price. In the realm of the old pharmacist, he must know that the withered root was extraordinary, so he was so confident.

"Two hundred and forty!" Jiang Fan continued to call.

But the old man was still dissatisfied.

Jiang Fan simply said, "three hundred!"Everyone's eyes are wide open. There are not many elixirs that can be taken out at once.

From the sound point of view, the other party is just an ordinary person.

The old man nodded: "sure enough, there are people who know the goods."

He got up wobbly and said to the auctioneer, "when my things are ready, send them to me. I can't get a pill."

The auctioneer was a little speechless, but kugen was surprised to find such a high price.

"Is there any higher bid? One Two Three deals! Congratulations to you in the VIP room. "

She doesn't worry about Jiang Fan's default. She can sit on the second floor, and each of them has a high family background.

And Jiang fan is a little excited. Xiangen is too attractive for him. If he can find a way to save him, the harvest will be unimaginable.

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