There are many experts in Baixing chamber of Commerce.

Tianjie pharmacist and array experts are also under the account.

No matter how you look at it, you don't need a friar to return anything.

The steward is also curious about Jiang Fan's identity. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the origin of Jiang Fan, and the adult obviously didn't expect to reveal it.

Then Jia Lang waved his hand: "I don't need you to return anything. Let's talk about the white night city. Did you catch the three of the Xia family

Jiang Fan has nothing to hide.

However, the other side also tells the origin of the three people, the Xia family.

He nodded: "it's still in my cave."

"Dongtian Lingbao? No wonder the three men evaporated. According to the news from the white night city, there should be experts around you to protect you. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "there is indeed a senior who has protected me all the way."

Jia Lang nodded not surprised, but he didn't ask much about this person's identity, which was not important to him. He only valued Jiang Fan's identity, which came from Jiuhuang.

He said, "let the three people out. Didn't you kill them?"

"No! It might be useful later. "

With that, three figures appeared on the ground in front of Jiang Fan, who was still in a coma. Jiang Fan didn't plan to wake them up so soon.

They all see xiaobudian. Jiang fan doesn't want to expose xiaobudian's identity. It doesn't do him any good. After all, it's the dark cloud world.

The steward checked the three people's injuries and said in surprise: "the monk who protects you is merciless, but it's just right. He didn't kill them."

But then he frowned: "but for so many days, there was no sign of healing. Why?"

"The medicine has suppressed their ability to recover, and they are not going to wake up. But I'm curious why the Xia family should deal with me. "

"It's like a ledger. According to the news from the white night city, the information in the account book seems to have something to do with the Xia family. And that's why they're in such a hurry to catch you because they think the books are on you. "

Jiang Fan picks eyebrows: "account book? It's at the night gate. I gave it to ye Shaocheng. "

Jia Lang nodded: "the news from the white night city is in Ye Zheng's hands. Ye Zheng has read it to the spirit body. However, ye Zheng did not make it public. He should be afraid of the strength of the Xia family or have other plans. You may be in now

Hearing this, Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

"You mean ye Zheng is using me?"

Before Jia Lang could speak, the steward on one side shook his head: "Mr. Jiang, you can't talk nonsense. According to my understanding of Ye Zheng, he's not the kind of person who is good at scheming."

Jia Lang looked at Jiang Fan with a smile and said, "you see, they only said one word about your brother, which helps to make it happen."

Jiang Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the manager of Baixing chamber of Commerce in Tianfu city was Ye Zheng's elder brother.

The steward said: "although I don't know the whole thing, ye Zheng doesn't have the personality to say that he disdains to use outsiders. Maybe I just want you to shift the view of the Xia family. "

Jia Lang nodded: "that little bandit group has locked up his son for several years, and his character will definitely get revenge. It's not just the bandits, it's the forces that protect him. But he should not have thought that a small bandit group would involve the Xia family. "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan basically knew what had happened.

Simply combing, we can infer that the account book fell into Jiang Fan's hands after the bandit group's accident. Many people had seen it that day, so the Xia family's account book was in his hands.

Ye Zheng wanted to revenge, so the account book was not made public. He reminded Jiang fan that the Baixing chamber of commerce could protect him, and he was just planning to distract the Xia family.

As long as the Xia family is distracted, he will take revenge for his son at any time.

"It's just that. But what can a family in Tianfu city have to do with a group of robbers? And the books? " Jiang fan is puzzled.

Jia Lang said: "interest! It's a pity that the news of the account book didn't come over, and I didn't know that my spirit body had never seen it. But don't worry, as long as you don't leave Baixing chamber of Commerce, even if the Xia family has a hundred courage, they will never dare to come to me to ask for people. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I didn't come to Tianfu city to help Yemen as a target. I have my own business to do. I want to see someone

Jia Lang was a little surprised: "who do you want to see? As long as I'm not the head of the government, I can find a way to introduce you. "

Jiang Fan's eyes were looking forward to: "the youth in the dark cloud is supreme, the human genius who stepped into the extreme realm of life changing."

Hearing this, Jia Lang's eyes lit up: "Cheng Yi! What did you see him for? That's a problem. "

"I'd like to see how talented our Terrans are as good as royalty."

Jia Lang looks at Jiang Fan in surprise. He sees the war spirit in Jiang Fan's eyes, which shows what he wants to do.

"Boy, if you want to challenge that guy, you're going too far. At least you're far from it now. "Jiang Fan shrugged: "it's just a duel. It's not a fight. Will he kill me?"

But the steward was helpless: "boy, don't look so optimistic. If you lose, you can only become his followers. There are 21 talents in his palace who have become his guardians and follow him forever. This is also the end of the challenge to him. My Lord said before that he was in trouble, not to deceive you. If you want to see him, forget it. "

Jiang Fan didn't expect that these two people reacted so strongly. What's more, he didn't expect that the young genius had such rules. It didn't sound good either.

He said, "I want to go. He can't keep mine. Even if the elder doesn't help me, I will try my best to fight with him. I just want to find some pressure and see how far away I am from him. "

Seeing that he was so persistent, Jia Lang nodded: "well, since you have decided, I can't help you to introduce you. Just go back and have a good rest and wait for my news. "

Jiang Fan nodded.

In the next few days, Jiang Fan would occasionally go to the street to have a look and make some pills when he could spare time. After that, he would make a good deal with Baixing chamber of Commerce and exchange all the materials he needed. Pills are undoubtedly the best way to trade.

But there was no airtight wall, and the news of Jiang Fan's arrival in Tianfu city spread.

After the news of Jiang Fan's appearance in Tianfu city came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people, of course, the Xia family was one of them.

Xia family.

"He came to Tianfu alone? Is the information accurate? "

"Yes, of course. Now he has entered the Baixing chamber of Commerce, and someone has seen him near there these days. "

Creak -

when the door opened, a man went out barebacked, put on his clothes and looked sharp.

"Now that we have arrived at Tianfu City, we have to be polite. Send someone to invite Mr. Jiang to come here at once."

But the man was embarrassed: "my Lord, Baixing chamber of Commerce will not release people. What shall we do then?"

"Do I have to deal with some trifles myself? I want him to appear in front of me, no matter what you do, coercion or inducement. "

Hearing this, the man nodded and then left with his fist in his arms.

The man with a bit of anger: "it's really a bad luck star, just left, Jiang Fan took the initiative to send to the door, had chosen that branch to go, I don't know if it was brain broken at that time."

On the other side, a man with a big stomach is driving a carriage out of Tianfu city.

He suddenly sneezed. I don't know if someone was scolding him.

He is the disciple of the bandit leader. He has reported everything. When he returns, there are many things waiting for them.

Baixing chamber of Commerce.

Two monks in Xia's clothes went into the chamber of Commerce, and one of them found the steward directly.

"Steward ye, my adults know that a guest has come from a long way, so they specially asked us to come here to meet the guest and have a chat with him at home. Could you please let us know? We can wait here, time is not a problem. "

The steward said directly: "we have a small shop here. If you want someone, you can wait outside. Don't occupy our space."

Hearing this, the two monks were also a little surprised. They didn't expect to be treated like this.

One of them frowned and said, "Ye is in charge! Our Xia family is also a force in the central district. Don't deceive people too much. "

The steward didn't care, so he turned to entertain others.

At this time, Jiang Fan came out of the inner hall and directly came to the counter. On the day he came here, he could feel several kinds of top-quality materials. Now he had some pills on his body. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity.

Seeing Jiang Fan, the manager's expression changed. Obviously, he didn't expect to appear at this time.

The two monks of the Xia family obviously knew Jiang Fan's appearance. They were stunned when they saw him, but they didn't do it immediately. After all, this is the territory of the Baixing chamber of Commerce. They didn't dare to do anything about it.

"Mr. Jiang!" They walked over with a smile on their faces.

Jiang Fan picks eyebrows to see, these two people he has not seen at all, from dress up can confirm to come from the same influence.

"Who are you?"

The steward came over and said, "Mr. Jiang, these two are monks of Xia family. I'm sorry to let them disturb you. I'll let them leave now."

The monk of the Xia family said, "the master of the family knows that the young master has arrived in Tianfu City, so let's wait to take you to have a talk. Won't Mr. Jiang refuse?"

Jiang Fan shook his head decisively: "I don't know you. What can I get together for? Go back and tell your family. Next time I think of a good reason, I may go. "

The two friars saw that Jiang Fan was so simple, his smile was completely restrained, and his face was a bit angry.

"Young man, don't be shameless. He who knows current affairs is a hero!"

Jiang Fan didn't seem to see them. He continued to look for something in the counter.

The two monks of Xia family looked at each other. One of them put his hand in front of Jiang Fan, then opened his hand, and an ear nail appeared in his palm.The monk's voice was cold: "it's your freedom to go or not. That's all. We'll wait outside. "

With that, he closed his hands and left the chamber with another man.

Jiang Fan's heart is not calm at this time. He has seen the earrings, which belong to Yuxiao.

His eyes twinkled and he walked in the direction that the two left.

As he walked, he said to the steward, "I have to go."

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