Jiang Fan and his wife came back the same way and met the group of foreigners. However, they were chasing in the direction of the three people's departure. Obviously, they had found the direction of the three people's departure.

They are not surprised. The strength of the foreigners here is not weak. They can catch up so quickly, which is obviously related to the previous foreigners.

Yuxiao felt the foreign breath in front of him and said, "Jiang Fan, we'd better be careful, or we might poke the hornet's nest."

Jiang Fan released his divine sense, and after carefully perceiving it, he shook his head: "these things can still be dealt with. I have to get Jinyang Lingquan."

Yuxiao is not very worried. There is only one master of Shentai realm among these foreigners, who has just set foot in Shentai realm. Although she and Jiang Fan may not be able to fight each other, they can still protect themselves.

They didn't rush to catch up. At this time, they started fighting. I'm afraid the three guys didn't know where they were. Jiang Fan didn't want to cut them off.

The speed of the two sides was very fast, but the three people must have known that there were foreign pursuers behind, so they did not dare to delay at all and fled as fast as possible.

But even so, in less than an hour, several foreign friars with high level still caught up with them and surrounded them directly.

It's no wonder that after the first World War, they had some injuries. Although they had taken pills, they had no chance to stop and recover.

These foreigners are stronger than the others just now. The friars of the three clans are a little unwilling. They have tried their best to leave as soon as possible, but they still can't leave.

"Two brothers, I've brought you into the water this time. You shouldn't be allowed to go through the muddy water with me."

"What are you talking about! The three of us have known each other since we were young. You need help. The two of us should do our best. We should die together. We'll be brothers 18 years later. "

Another licked his lips: "I want to die for the three of us! You have to pull a couple of bastards on your back

The man at the head had some helplessness. He stood in the front, facing the monks of Shentai realm, and his momentum completely fell.

"We know we are invincible. We are willing to hand over Lingquan. Can we let us go?"

The foreigner's eyes were cold: "let you go? You've killed so many of my men, and that's what you want to do? "

In the distance, Yu Xiao looks at Jiang Fan with a smile: "it seems that you are going to be betrayed."

But the man's reaction let rain Xiao some did not expect, he said: "those friars of life I use life to pay, with my brothers have nothing to do."

"What's the use of all this nonsense now? None of them can go

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "do you know what human sentiment is this time?"

With that, Jiang Fan's breath changed, and then he swaggered out. Yuxiao knew what he was going to do, so he followed him, not nervous.

With so many foreigners, it may take some time to fight. Anyway, they have to contact the black cloud tribe. It's nothing to show their identity here.

Jiang Fan didn't even think about it. He directly applied blood resuscitation, and blood suppression appeared immediately.

Two people's breath instantly attracted the attention of the other side, for a time several foreign experts have frowned, some can't believe it.

These experts have all made pilgrimages to the royal family. Of course, they have felt the breath of the royal family. Although the breath is not exactly the same, the pressure on them is the same.

"Royal family?" The foreign people at the head were a little surprised and obviously couldn't believe it.

At this time, Jiang Fan said, "these three human beings seem to be good. They belong to us. You can go. "

Jiang Fan's words were simple and direct. He didn't turn at all. He even used the tone of command, as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

These people don't even have the blood of a royal family. Jiang Fan's breath makes them feel extremely strong pressure.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Fan said: "you have already said our identity. Is there any doubt? However, we are not the black cloud people, but come from all over the world, and these three people are given to us. In addition, tell us where the black cloud tribe is now? We have something to do with other people. "

"The world? How did you get in? "

Jiang Fan sneered: "it's just a small world. What is it to the royal family?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the three men.

The three friars opened their eyes wide. They couldn't believe it.

Because not long ago, Jiang Fan also rescued them. What are you doing now? Royal family from outside? This identity is a little scary.

The foreign friar stopped Jiang Fan directly, but he didn't do anything: "wait a minute. I don't know how many years no royal family has been here. How do you prove your identity? "

At this time, Yu Xiao's momentum increased again, and silver lines appeared on her eyebrows: "do you have any questions? Can you afford to be disrespectful to my family? "

At this time, the two figures approached from a distance. When they arrived here, they were stunned to see the rain.

"God Lord GodWith that, they went straight forward, kneeling on one knee, very respectful.

Yu Xiao glances at them and finds that they are the blood of the royal family. No wonder she can recognize her identity. The gods have been in the world for a long time.

When the foreigners saw this situation, they would not dare to stop and kneel down one after another. "See you, my Lord."

Jiang Fan looked at the three monks, winked at them and motioned them to come.

The three did not hesitate and walked directly towards this side. No matter what identity Jiang fan is, they have to choose to believe it at this time. What's more, Jiang Fan helped them once before, and at least they won't die immediately if they follow Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan turned around and looked at the two royal disciples: "get up. Where are the black clouds now? Are there any other guests recently? "

The situation of the heiyun people is no secret among the royal families. After all, there are only ten ethnic groups in the royal family, and they usually gather together.

"I haven't heard of other guests arriving. Is the passage to the outside world open? How did two adults get in? "

"The master of Xuetong clan is plotting something in the dark cloud. We follow him when he opens the channel. There should be disciples of Xuetong clan coming here. But I didn't expect that the black cloud was controlled by the Terrans, so we went all the way here to see if we could unite with the black cloud and see if there were any other benefits. "

"The two adults can leave with us later. We will send them to the royal family in person."

Jiang Fan nodded and then asked, "is it OK for me to take these two away?"

The Royal friar even said: "since the adults have spoken, of course, there is no problem."

After that, he looked at the other foreign friars and said angrily, "which of you has offended the adults just now?"

Several monks looked frightened. The monk in Shentai state was embarrassed. He bowed his head and didn't speak.

Jiang Fan waved his hand and said, "it's OK. I don't mean to blame them. We can go. "

Finish saying, take three people to walk toward the distance directly, rain Xiao follows behind, not in a hurry.

The two royal disciples said, "let me have the news right away. There will be other royal blood coming. Let everyone pay attention and don't offend me. If you meet the blood of the royal family, you should inform them immediately. "

"Yes, sir The foreigners are in the same voice.

Finish saying, they two people also tidy up the clothes on the body, then chase toward the direction that Jiang Fan they leave.

After all the people left, the monk in Shentai state was a little depressed: "it's really bad luck that he lost the spirit spring and jumped out of the blood of two royal families. It's really bad luck."

"My Lord, are the identities of those two OK? How could it happen that two royal families passed by? "

The monk of shentaijing glared at him and reproached him: "misfortune comes from the mouth. Don't talk disorderly. The blood of the royal family won't feel wrong."


Jiang Fan sent a message to the three people and said, "fortunately, I'll come back, or you three will lose their lives."

"Are you an alien, too?" The man asked, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Do you think I'm foreign? Just lying to them! If I'm a foreigner, why save you? Just let them kill you. "

When they saw Jiang Fan before, Jiang Fan's breath was different from what it is now. At that time, Jiang Fan was 100% human.

But now, Jiang Fan's breath is very strong, but it lacks the unique breath of the human race, so they have no bottom in their hearts.

But since Jiang Fan has admitted it, they have nothing to worry about and choose to believe it.

"Now what? Then there are two royal families. How can we get rid of them? "

Jiang Fan said: "I'll let you go. It's not a big problem in itself. As long as you leave the area just now, those foreigners can't find you at all."

"How do you get there? The royal family wants to escort you to the side of the black cloud tribe. Don't you two fall into the trap there? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's this time. You don't have to think about us. I came back to you because of Lingquan. Are you going to do it? I can recycle it at a high price. "

The man even said: "hand? Little brother, I really despise the three of us. I can't repay you for saving my life. How about giving this spring to my little brother? "

Jiang Fan waved his hand: "No. You're licking blood on the tip of a knife for this. I don't want to embarrass you. Here are two pills of the fourth grade of Tianjie, which are about the same value as that Lingquan. If you go back to the Terran area and go to the Baixing chamber of Commerce, you can sell as much as you can. "

Three people are a little excited, these two pills can be regarded as sky high price.

Although they don't understand the value of this holy spring, they know what the fourth grade of heaven represents.

This is a hot potato. If it wasn't for Lingquan, they wouldn't have been hounded for such a long time.

Now Jiang Fan bought Lingquan at a high price, which is also a good thing for them.

Before the two royal families catch up, Jiang Fan directly gives the pills to each other. The Terran hesitates, but then accepts the pills. If the royal family sees it, it will make trouble for Jiang Fan."Thank you very much."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "just take what you need. After that, I'll find a chance to let you get away, and you don't have to hesitate to go straight away. "

Three people nodded, did not forget to remind Jiang Fan: "two must also be careful to deal with."

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