Jiang Fan grabs Cheng Yi's wrist, and the dazzling flame appears in an instant, spreading to Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi feels the burning flame and dare not stay. His breath suddenly breaks out. He directly breaks away from Jiang Fan's hand and retreats to distance.

The fire from the sky smashed at him, and the miraculous power turned into ordinary power to resist in front of him.

It's a pity that the golden flame will ignite those spiritual powers as soon as it touches, and the sky fire will burn more vigorously.

Cheng Yi feels a lot of pressure.

They had met the golden flame in the previous battle, but Jiang Fan did it at last. He always thought that it was just a kind of Lingbao, but now it seems that it was not Lingbao at all. It was a kind of flame that broke out from Jiang Fan's body. It was extremely powerful.

Just for a moment, Cheng Yi suddenly feels a cold wind blowing behind him. He suddenly changes his direction and flashes to the side.

The next moment, a fist appeared in his position just now. It was Jiang Fan.

Burning fire constantly surrounded, Jiang Fan's body is also haunted, which makes him a little overwhelmed.

The burning fire on his body is also spreading, almost instantly burning through his defense, but he has no way to distract at this time, so he can only ask Jiang Fan to attack as much as possible.

And Jiang Fan two kinds of pills, at this time the combat effectiveness is almost all-out.

If he can't get the upper hand in just a few minutes, it will be very difficult for him to beat Cheng Yi.

So Jiang Fan goes all out and doesn't intend to give Cheng Yi any chance to fight back.

Jiang Fan's attack power is overwhelming and his momentum is amazing.

Rain Xiao's eyes flicker, Jiang Fan's fighting power is stronger than her, she already knew before.

But at this time, Jiang Fan's super explosive power makes her feel completely powerless to parry. If Jiang Fan's opponent is her now, she has no confidence to resist.

"Is he so strong now?" She couldn't help feeling it.

On the other hand, some of Cheng Yi's friends couldn't believe it at this time. They all stared at everything in front of them in surprise.

"No way! How can it be suppressed? Last time, there was no such gap between them. How can they fall to one side now? "

"Is the boss hiding his strength? But with so many people watching, how could he? "

Several people can't figure out what's going on, but Jiang Fan's attack has never stopped, and a powerful attack is breaking out almost all the time.

The fierce flames continue to spread around the battle circle, and Cheng Yi is almost unavoidable.

"Little double!"

Just hear Cheng Yi a low drink, and then his figure suddenly illusory.

Jiang Fan feels a hidden breath and suddenly runs away. The next moment Cheng Yi in front of him is ignited by the sky fire. However, Jiang fan knows that it is just a special spiritual power, which is very strange.

The next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly felt a dark around, as if something had covered down from the sky.

"Jiang Fan! I don't want to crush you by any means. But now I have to admit that your strength is equal to mine

His figure disappeared. Jiang Fan looked up and saw a huge cover in the air. In the middle of it was a stone like a twinkling star, with a strong pressure.

This is obviously a battle, can let him feel so strong pressure, visible quality is not weak.

Cheng Yi's voice sounded again: "since the strength is equal, I have nothing to be polite about. Let's see who has more means. The flame is very strong and I can't resist it. Unfortunately, it's not easy for you to control it. Otherwise, the flame can't be so slow, but today, I won't lose. "

The array is suppressed, and Jiang fan is directly trapped in it.

Cheng Yi's figure is hidden in it. He doesn't know where he is.

The poison array appears instantly, and Jiang Fan certainly won't wait for it. He must find a way to force Cheng Yi out.

The effect of Dan medicine is lost every second. Cheng Yi obviously knows this, so he hides in the array and waits for Jiang Fan's effect to disappear.

In the city, those experts were surprised: "I didn't expect that Cheng Yi started to fight. It seems that Jiang Fan put too much pressure on him."

Ye Zheng frowned: "it's hard to win."

Jia Lang said with a smile: "that's better than losing! That little stunt is his means of saving his life. He hasn't used it several times, and it will consume him a lot. Otherwise, with his self-esteem, he would not face the friars who are a lower level than him and use means. "

Jiang Fan calculates the remaining time of the medicine effect, and at the same time uses the spirit power to inject Xiao AI and Lin Zhan into the array. The two spirits join hands. It shouldn't take much time for Jiang Fan to break the array.

A few pills appear in Jiang Fan's hands, turn into medicine method instantly, and directly submerge into the poison array.

At that moment, it was like adding fuel to the fire. It activated the poison array and spread out.Constantly filling the whole array, Jiang Fan wants to force the opponent out with poison.

But at this time he is very clear, I am afraid he has fallen into a disadvantage.

Looking back on the first fight, Cheng Yi only used the body protection Lingbao and an attack Lingbao, and did not use other external forces. This is also the dignity of his youth.

But it doesn't mean he doesn't have other means. Jiang Fan has the confidence to completely suppress his opponent in the face-to-face battle.

However, Cheng Yi has a strong desire to survive. He obviously doesn't want to lose like this. He knows he is invincible, so he chooses like this.

As the array moves in an instant, Jiang Fan feels that the breath in the array is changing, and countless powerful cyclones are forming.

Jiang fan knows that the target of these cyclones is him, and that's why he feels that he is at a disadvantage.

"Young master, this is one of the Tiangong serial arrays in those years. It's called meteorite array. But for me, this array can be broken in three minutes at most. Stick to it. Be careful of thunder, fire, earth and the star stone in the center. The others are hardly destructive. They are all bluffing. "

Although Lin Zhan has told Jiang Fan the time, Shenli Dan can't support him until then.

Even if this meteorite array is cracked, so what? How can he resist Cheng Yi's attack?

Sure enough, all kinds of attacks emerged from the sky and rushed to Jiang Fan.

According to Lin Zhan, he only needs to be careful of thunder and fire, and the others directly resist with spiritual power.

His body is constantly wandering, spreading to all areas with poison array, and he just wants to force Cheng Yi to appear in the first World War.

"Don't hide, come out and fight. What about the power of your youth

Jiang Fan makes a mockery of Cheng Yi and tries to stir him up. He hopes Cheng Yi can jump out of his mind for a while.

Unfortunately, this time, Jiang Fan didn't know that Cheng Yi's stunt cost a lot, and he was still recovering. No matter what he said now, Cheng Yi couldn't appear.

Seeing the loss of time, Jiang Fan was upset because he felt that the chance to defeat his opponent was gradually lost.

Sure enough, with the efficacy of Shenli Dan lost, Shenfeng Dan also completely disappeared.

Although Jiang fan can still swim in this array, his fighting power has weakened a lot, but Cheng Yi still doesn't appear at this time.


This kind of idea Jiang Fan never appears, even if he loses, it doesn't matter. At least Cheng Yi can't kill him.

In the distance, Yu Xiao frowned: "the breath changes! It should be gone. Now Jiang fan is in a bit of trouble. "

Yuxiao can feel it, so can Cheng Yi.

Take the elixir to restore the spirit power. At this time, I feel the change of Jiang Fan's breath. The corner of his mouth rises and his body appears in the array. He floats in the air and looks down at Jiang Fan.

"That was arrogant! Now it's up to you to stop me! "

He dived directly to Jiang Fan, with a strong momentum, the spirit power completely gathered around him, turned into a huge impact, and pressed Jiang Fan.

In the air, the breath around him seemed to form the claws of a giant beast, with strong momentum, which made Jiang Fan's pressure doubled.

You know, he has been delayed for such a long time, and his face has almost been lost. How can he continue to let Jiang Fan be arrogant?

The fastest way to solve the battle is to maintain the final dignity of his youth's supreme name.

"Unicorn palm!"

And Jiang Fan didn't stop, and the poisonous fog around him began to gather up towards Jiang Fan.

At the next moment, Jiang Fan turned the poisonous fog into a colorful Python and rushed directly into the air.

Although it is not as powerful as Cheng Yi, it is full of dark light and a bit cautious, which makes people feel afraid unconsciously.

The two forces collided directly, and the explosion followed.

Boom -

the earth shakes.

All the attacks formed in the array are scattered at this moment.

However, this time, Cheng Yi's attack is just fierce and powerful. He takes the upper hand and directly shakes the color python, which is transformed by the poisonous fog, and then shoots it at Jiang Fan.

However, the poisonous fog has not disappeared, and it once again covers Cheng Yi.

Jiang Fan, however, was directly patted out by this attack and fell on the ground several times before he stopped.

He struggled to get up, stood straight, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and his eyes were bright.

Obviously, without Shenli Dan, he has been in a weak position in strength.

Cheng Yi looks at Jiang Fan with a smile. The result is obviously in his expectation.

"This is your real strength, Jiang Fan! Do you agree? "


Jiang fan doesn't think about it. Even if he can't defeat his opponent, Jiang Fan has absolute means to push back his opponent. At least Cheng Yi can't resist the fire.

Cheng Yi sneered: "I'll make you convinced! I only urge one third of my strength in this array. I'm afraid I'll kill you by mistake. I can't explain when I go back. But it seems that you can still resist some strength. Then you can taste the strength of this meteorite array. "Jiang fan is extremely calm: "you don't think that relying on this bullshit array can solve me?"

The next moment, Jiang Fan's body suddenly burst out a spiritual power, converging on his right foot. Then he raised his foot and stomped towards the ground. The ground shook, and Da Zhen began to shake.

Lin Zhan has found the eye of the array. Jiang Fan only needs to break the array.

The big array began to collapse, and the spirit power was weakening. It was shrinking towards the stone in the air, and all of them disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.

And the stone became dim a little bit, shrunk, fell from the air and fell to the ground.

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