Huang Yujie had some surprises.

"I've long heard that brother Jiang's Dan way is unparalleled. In the crape myrtle mainland, even the two Tianjie pharmacists want to give you some face. The emperor's Hu Qingyun also stepped into the heaven step after your guidance, right

Jiang Fan said: "the Terrans here are severely suppressed. For example, danfang and other things are basically not disclosed to the Terrans. The underworld is secluded and will not actively support the Terrans here. Therefore, they have been struggling in the rank of pharmacists. If those qualified pharmacists are gathered together for guidance, at least ten Heaven level pharmacists will be born within ten years 。”

"Oh? So why don't you come up with this? With your appeal, many Terran forces will send you the best pharmacists. "

Jiang Fan shook his head decisively.

Huang Yujie was puzzled by his reaction. Jiang Fan, whom he knew, would not be so stingy. After all, it was not difficult for him and there was no loss. It was a great thing for the Terran.

"It's not like you!"

Jiang Fan had some helplessness: "there are many Terran friars in the alien invasion. I don't want to create too many enemies by myself in the end. People always have selfishness. Qiu Tian, the great demon God, is the best example. One Qiu Tian almost killed all the experts in crape myrtle. If such an expert appears again, our world will be destroyed again. It's only a matter of time. "

Hearing this, Huang Yujie seems to be a little silent. It is obvious that he also saw the Terran figure in the previous invasion.

No matter whether they are coerced by foreigners or not, this part of the human race is unknown and is likely to stand in opposition in the future.

No wonder Jiang Fan won't interfere with the development of the Terran here. He thought more than he did.

"Ah! No wonder you don't stay here. You'd rather go around training and fight with foreigners. It turns out that you don't want to interfere in the affairs of this Terran. Although Terrans are not assimilated by foreigners, they have already regarded the world as their hometown. They were born and grew up here. They are not really their own people. But the funny thing is that crape myrtle is constantly fighting in the mainland, and the human race is fighting with each other. But not as united as the whole world. It's ridiculous. "

Jiang Fan said: "I hope the alien invasion can wake them up."

Huang Yujie nodded: "OK! Then you should start to shut up as soon as possible. I also need to seize the time to practice. "

Then he turned and walked towards the door. When he came to the door, he suddenly remembered something and asked Jiang Fan, "is that cold night credible?"

Jiang Fan said: "credible! He's bound by the oath. He's my protector and can be trusted. "

Huang Yujie turned and left. Without saying more, he had got the answer.

Jiang Fan asked Xiao AI and Lin Zhan to join hands to set up the auxiliary training array in the hut. The back mountain of emperor Zong is his place of seclusion. As for whether he wants to challenge the young generation of experts, he has to think about it carefully. It's not unreasonable to say that on a cold night.


Ziwei continent.

With the upgrading of the world level, great changes have taken place in the environment, and there are many rich spiritual powers.

Many hidden clan forces also appeared one after another, and some of them came out of the secret and shocked the mainland.

The same situation is not only happening in Ziwei, but also in Jiuhuang, where all continents are changing.

The original pattern was broken in an instant, and different ancient ethnic forces appeared in almost every area. The first thing is to fight. Who doesn't want to build power?

In just half a year, the Lihuo Dynasty collapsed, and the five forces surrounded the capital, forcing Ji wusheng to give up Lihuo.

The Lihuo Dynasty was built by Ji wusheng, the heavenly king Jiang Chao and others. But in the final analysis, the foundation is very weak. There are only so many experts. Facing the five powerful ancient families in the territory, they have no resistance at all.

If the other side attacks hard, the capital will be doomed. Even if he starts the battle, it will be very difficult for him to win.

Jiuhuang hall came forward to mediate, and the Lihuo Dynasty gave up control of Lihuo domain, so that the five forces left without too much difficulty.

Later, Lihuo academy changed its name to lihuogong, which defined a sphere of influence and included the capital city. At that time, Lihuo dynasty fell apart and was controlled by several groups of powerful forces.

In the golden beast Island, several mysterious demon clans appear and go directly to the beast mountain. However, the ancestor of the crazy lion clan directly releases the news and gives way to a strange monk. These demon clans are extremely powerful, and few people know their combat power.

Crazy lions continue to stay in the beast mountain, but no previous status, let people sigh.

The situation in almost all areas is similar. Even some ancient families did not expect that there would be so many strange ancient families.

Wanyun mountain, Tiange.

More than 30 experts surrounded Wanyun mountain and attacked Tiange from all directions at the same time. It was as if they wanted to destroy heaven and earth.

Huzong formation has been fully opened, but it is still difficult to resist the siege of so many experts at the same time, and the attack has lasted for half a month.

There were no figures left in the Tiange. All the disciples were sent away by Meiniang.

The three masters of Shentai state were in a bit of a mess at this time. Even Huoyan's fierce temper was panting and tired.The monsters in the back mountain roared. Meiniang asked them to leave as soon as possible. Unfortunately, these guys would not leave Wanyun mountain even if they died. Obviously, they took charge of this place and wanted to protect it with their lives.

Miao Wuyang looked out at the several realms far beyond their opponents, some helpless.

"I can't keep it! I didn't expect that the great change of the world would make so many old people jump out and give me another hundred years. No matter how many people come to attack, no one can help us. It's a pity that the sky is not long. The plan of the young master may be in vain. "

Meiniang said angrily, "don't say that nonsense. All the disciples are still here. We are still here. The boy Jiang fan is also here. Tiange can't get rid of him. Don't forget whose is this big battle. We can't exert all the power of the great array, but as long as the boy comes back with the spirit of the array, the great array will be able to give full play to its fighting power, and then we will take back Wan Yun mountain. I don't blame a woman. What are you talking about there? "

Fire Yan way: "I just pity this place! Why don't the masters of the Baizhan clan come yet? "

Meiniang said: "it's no use for Baizhan people to come here. There are at least ten experts out there who are equal to her. Are you going to let her fight ten by one? We are worthy of Wanyun mountain even if we can't persist. Old man Miao, you go to the back mountain and let those monsters be quiet. They don't rob here to destroy it. Most of them will take Wanyun mountain as their own, and they also intend to take the Shenmu Sutra. So as long as those monsters don't resist, they won't kill themselves. "

Miao Wu Yang nodded, then turned and flew to the back mountain.

A voice came from the sky: "open the big formation quickly and let us enter. This Wanyun mountain is not controlled by a small force. What Tiange is just a few small groups of children. If it wasn't for the big formation, it would have been leveled."

Meiniang is unwilling, but she doesn't know what to do.

As early as the first day they came, she already had a bad feeling, which is why she sent out her disciples and high-level people at the first time. You are afraid that they will lead to death.

These masters keep attacking, and the array can run by itself to resist. Unfortunately, some of the opponents have studied the method of breaking the array, which also affects the power of the array.

The big array is almost transformed by indiscriminate bombardment, and the array without array spirit is just dead after all.

The sound of ridicule continues. Miao Wuyang returns from the back mountain. Meiniang takes them to fly directly.

She looked around at these figures, and her voice was cold: "I have written down today's events in Tiange. We'll talk about it later. "

The master outside the array was just about to laugh, but the figure of the three disappeared. The array was a little weaker without three masters.

Under the joint attack of these people, they were finally broken by Shengsheng. These Taoist figures quickly entered the array, and their eyes were ecstatic.

On the square, a teleportation array was completely destroyed, which was the retreat of the disciples.

At the other end of the teleportation array, it was quiet. They saw that the array lost its spiritual power, which also proved that the teleportation array in Tiange was destroyed.

They couldn't be more clear about what this meant. Tiange was completely lost.

Wang Xian stood among the young people, her eyes slightly wrinkled, and finally left quietly, saying nothing.

The news that Tiange was broken spread like wildfire, which immediately caused an uproar. No one thought it would end like this.

But no one can tell which forces these 30 masters come from.

At the same time, far away in the world, Jiang Fan suddenly frowned and woke up from cultivation.

With the appearance of little Eyre, he was also embarrassed.

Jiang Fan said: "Xiao AI, what happened? You never call me on your own

Xiao AI said: "young master! I feel that my big array has been broken by force. Something should have happened in Jiuhuang. Someone has broken my array by force. I'm afraid the Tiange has been lost. "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was a little surprised, which was the last thing he wanted to do.

He quickly finds out three pieces of Fu Ling jade, which belong to Huoyan and the three of them.

The breath of Fu Lingyu did not dissipate, which proved that their lives were still very good. However, Jiang Fan was very clear about how they did things. They could never give up Tiange and leave unless they had to.

"What kind of master can break your array by force?"

"If several masters of the divine realm join hands, there will be a threat. If one of them is proficient in array, it will be easier to crack. Unfortunately, I was blinded, I can't feel what happened there. Are the people in Tiange OK? "

Jiang Fan nodded: "at least there is no danger now! But how can there be so many experts in crape myrtle? Not to mention so many experts working together, what happened there that I don't know? "

Xiao AI can't answer this question. He carefully perceives Fu Lingyu and makes sure that the three people are OK. He is also relieved.

If Tiange is gone, it can be rebuilt, but if these people are gone, they will be powerless.

He clenched his fist: "no matter which grandson hit my Tiange idea, I'll settle it one by one after I go back."

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