Jiang Fan said with a smile, "it's said that jujinmen has a lot of wealth. Compared with wealth, I don't have that ability."

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Jin Xian's mouth rose and his eyes were full of confidence.

But before he could speak, Jiang Fan said, "as for strength, even if I use 50% means, it's enough to kill you!"

This remark shocked everyone.

You should know that Jin Xian is not an ordinary monk. Although jujinmen is a chamber of Commerce, his family is extremely powerful, and there are countless strong people in the family.

Although Jin Xian is not a royal family, his talent is not weak. Although he has changed his life nine times, he is also a famous figure among his peers. Although Jiang Fan has a good reputation, he dares to say that he can kill Jin Xian with 50% of his strength, which is arrogant.

But Jin Xian was not angry: "I know that the Terran Jiang Fan's fighting power is amazing. He has been able to show himself in various secret places several times, and his fighting power is not weak. But it's a bit arrogant. But I don't want to argue with you. I know I'm not as powerful as you. "

Jiang Fan didn't expect that Jin Xian didn't get angry at all. The businessman was a man of all kinds and had a much better mentality.

"One person, one item is equal. Compared with others, I bully you. In your capacity, you should have a lot of research on Jianbao, otherwise you will not take these two things in front of me! I'm also interested in this aspect. Would you like to have a competition? As for the bet, just use the handle. What do you think? "

The middle-aged man behind Jin Xian spoke.

"My son's treasure is very valuable. You can bet on it if you want?"

Cold night: "you don't have to look down on people, my boss is everywhere, and he has countless treasures, so he can't take out a bet."

However, Jin Xian was confident and said with a smile: "since brother Jiang has such a proposal, if I don't accept it, won't Jin Xian be weak? Don't say there's a bet. Even if brother Jiang doesn't take anything, I'll have a competition with him. If you use the bet, the hilt will be fine. Anyway, it's not money. "

How can Jiang Fan weaken his momentum when he talks like this? What's more, he is also confident.

"I can afford a bet!"

With that, he directly found several medicine bottles in the treasure bag.

These are all pills he got from previous experience, and the quality is very good.

"Twenty heaven level pills! It's also a color

The monks around began to talk.

Jiang Fan, the three of them are all human beings, and they have attracted much attention here. Now Jiang Fan wants to compare with Jin Xian. In people's eyes, it's like beating a stone with an egg and overstating his ability.

"This Jiang fan is really arrogant. Don't he know that Jin Xian is born with precious eyes, and he has a very high perception of natural resources and local treasures. This group has such wealth because of their ability to transform decay into magic. "

"It's just a pill for Jin Xian."

A woman said, "he's got some guts for fighting with Jin Xian. There are almost no young people of the human race coming to the supreme peak. The two people around him are in a good state. I don't know where they come from. "

Jiang fan then said, "since it's my competition, the rules are up to you."

Jin Xian was not polite: "that's good! Simply here, let each of the 50 stall owners send something that they think is a treasure, and then you and I choose at the same time, a total of three, who is more valuable, even if who wins. What do you think? "

Jiang Fan nodded and agreed.

Then the middle-aged man behind Jin Xian yelled out the request. He could hear it clearly for a kilometer.

However, it also let many people know that Jiang Fan has arrived at the supreme peak, a talent of human race who has disappeared for several years.

The owners of nearby stalls began to pick you up in their stalls one after another to deliver what seemed valuable.

There are rules for such a contest. Everything they send will be bought, which is very valuable.

They need not doubt jujinmen's reputation.

And Jiang Fan and others nearby at this time has been vacated a piece of open space, Jiang Fan two people face the open space waiting, sent things are placed in the open space one by one.

They are not accessible, everything can only be selected by feeling, can only be selected from a distance.

As agreed, the owners of these stalls sent treasures one by one, and more than half of them were things that did not know their value. Some of them exuded powerful spiritual power, and some of them were simple and unadorned. They could not see anything strange.

When the tenth thing came to Jiang Fan, he immediately took it away without much consideration.

Jin Xian was a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect that Jiang Fan would be so happy. He also felt that the thing should be a treasure. But before he could observe more, Jiang Fan had already done it.

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so confident, Jin Xian said, "brother Jiang is so confident that he started early before finishing this thing. Are you not afraid to miss the treasure? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "I'm a man who stresses fate. I've got this one worth choosing."The treasure fell into Jiang Fan's hands. It was a broken ancient jade with small characters carved on it, but it was not the current writing. Even Jiang Fan could not recognize it.

However, the chapter of baozi gives Jiang Fan the answer. It is a kind of peculiar precious jade in ancient times. It is called Bunian jade.

It's jade, but it's very hard, even more than some fairy gold.

But this piece of jade in Jiang Fan's hand was broken. It can be seen that he had experienced unimaginable destruction in those years. But what's more rare is that someone could carve such small words on this jade. It looks like a piece of skill. How powerful it is.

So Jiang Fan didn't hesitate to take him away first. The broken jade is also very valuable. Jiang fan can almost conclude that there may not be something comparable to it in the remaining dozens of things. As soon as possible, there are many treasures here.

After that, there were several good quality things. Jiang Fan was not in a hurry. In terms of the speed of identification, Jiang Fan was definitely better than Jin Xian because of Bao Zi pian. Jiang Fan never fought a battle you were not sure about. Since he put forward the contest, he must win, and win the beauty.

Forty of the 50 items have been placed. Jiang Fan was surprised by the next item from the stall owner. It was a wooden key. It didn't have any breath to release. The shape was very simple. It looked as if it had been carved at will.

Jin Xian was stunned to see the wooden key. The stall owner just put the key on the ground, and Jiang Fan and Jiang Fan almost shot at the same time.

The two spiritual forces rush to one place and finally collide directly.

Jin Xian's spiritual power exploded on Jiang Fan's, which surprised some monks.

Judging from the ability displayed this time, Jiang Fan's combat power is far more than Jin Xian's, otherwise it would never have happened.

"This How can there be such a big gap? "

"How powerful is Jiang Fan now? He only changed his life eight times

No one answered them.

But Jin Xian felt Jiang Fan's power, and he was shocked. He knew that Jiang Fan was fighting with him at the same time. Of course, he couldn't belittle it. He was fighting with all his strength, but he couldn't shake Jiang Fan's spiritual power at all.

This almost crushing way of fighting caught him off guard.

The key was wrapped by Jiang Fan's spirit power and directly returned to Jiang Fan and fell into his hands.

Jiang Fan ignored other people's eyes and looked at the key in his hand with a smile in his eyes.

"Hold up the sky

How can Jiang Fan not like it? When he saw the divine tree, he felt the natural breath inside. Although he was in a deep sleep and did not release it, Jiang Fan was sure that it was made by the divine tree.

There is only one tree supporting heaven in the whole world, among the nine wastelands. But now the noumenon is almost withered, and there is a brand new body hidden in the secret, which is also a God tree for Jiang Fan to inherit the breath of nature.

I don't know which divine tree made the key, but it must be the key to open something, and its value is hard to estimate.

After the episode, the stall owners continued to send things, but none of them could mention Jiang Fan's interest.

Until the 49th treasure came up, Jiang Fan did not hesitate to choose a relatively good one from the previous treasures.

Jin Xian had two treasures in his hand at this time. As early as when Jiang Fan didn't choose the third treasure, he had already taken away the best two of them. He obviously wanted to make a last fight.

The last one is sent up, Jiang Fan eyebrows pick, Jin Xian mouth up.

"Ha ha, it seems that I'm lucky. Brother Jiang still can't calm down. I'll take this treasure."

Finally came a stone, no breath released, but it is carved with a text, as if it is something left by some inheritance.

But Jiang fan can sense that there is something in it. I'm afraid its value is not under the jade.

Jin Xian can see at a glance that he has some skills.

The innate perception of his family is super strong, which is why he can sense these treasures for the first time, some breath that outsiders can't feel.

This is very similar to Guo Lin's perception of elixir, which is obviously a kind of race favored by heaven.

However, when the thing arrived, Jin Xian looked at the treasure in Jiang Fan's hand and finally shook his head.

"There are two treasures that are better than those in your hand. Unfortunately, there is a huge difference between that key and other things. I lost this contest."

Jin Xian was very frank and didn't feel discouraged, as if winning or losing didn't affect anything in front of him.

But his words undoubtedly surprised the friars around them. They never thought that Jiang Fan was the winner in the end, and the key to the victory was the key they didn't get.

After Jin Xian, three middle-aged people were dissatisfied.

"Little sect master, this is Jiang Fanshi's way to take away the treasure you like, or we will win."

"The key may not be a treasure, and he may only take those things by chance. He doesn't know the function and value of these things at all."Another nodded: "they're right. If you can't tell the value of these things, you can't win at all."

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