Mu Kai really fell into blood and mold today. On weekdays, the bodyguards followed him every day, and they helped to bring emergency medicine for asthma, so he didn't need to worry about it at all.

In addition, his own asthma is not particularly serious. He only needs to pay attention on weekdays, try to avoid contact with pollen, plants and seafood, which are prone to allergies, and strengthen physical exercise. Pay attention to keeping warm on weekdays, and asthma will not attack.

Therefore, over the years, under his conscious control, Mu Kai has never had a sudden illness outside and a menacing attack.

Just because he quarreled with his father last night and refused to follow the bodyguard today, something big happened.

Threats at the bank by armed robbers made his heart beat faster, his mood was unstable, and his asthma broke out so suddenly.

Feeling the sense of powerlessness and fear of being unable to control the body, as well as the almost desperate sense of hypoxia and suffocation, Mu Kai became more and more flustered, and bursts of powerlessness surged in his heart, the more he wanted to absorb the nutrients in the air , The more unable to absorb the oxygen in the air, the more irritable and panic in my heart.

Especially when the robbers wanted to attack him, this feeling of irritability and panic reached its peak.

However, it's not all over yet...

Finally someone took him to escape from the bank, and he couldn't even call an ambulance in time.

The smell of despair spreads in my heart...

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute path, and this sentence is indeed true.

Just when Mu Kai was about to give up, the woman who saved everyone in the bank at the time actually saved him!

! !

Feeling the bursts of fresh air from his lungs, Mu Kai was almost moved to tears. There is nothing in this world that can make his heart move more, make him feel grateful, and let him reminisce!

This is a feeling that people who have never felt suffocation and hypoxia, really can't understand.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." According to what the other party said, trying to calm down and suppress the panic in his heart, Mu Kai held Gu Ruyun's hand and thanked him gratefully.

"No thanks, let's talk after you calm down." Gu Ruyun smiled, but didn't say anything more.

Whether it is an asthma attack or other diseases, many times the patient's psychological factors stand to a large extent.

In other words, it is the spirit of a person.

When a person is full of energy, the memory that can recite 100 words a day has become 150 words a day, but when the energy is sluggish, maybe even 50 words a day cannot be recited.

The illness of the person in front of him has a lot to do with a person's spirit. The other person is suffering from acute asthma caused by too much emotional fluctuation due to external stimulation. To solve the psychological problem, that is, to solve more than half of the whole disease.

"No, no, no matter what... I really, thank you very much." His chest was still heaving violently, and Mu Kai tried his best to breathe, so his speech didn't seem so natural, "My name is Mu Kai, I don't know this guy. What's your name, ma'am?"

Trying to calm his breathing, Mu Kai wanted to ask the benefactor's name.

"My name doesn't matter. The ambulance has already arrived. After you go to the hospital, take a good rest." Patting the man on the shoulder, Gu Ruyun looked at the ambulance station not far away and got up.

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