First, the dialogue between Shen Yi and the reporter caused waves on the Internet, which aroused the reflection of the whole entertainment circle. Then, a microblog of Shen Yi aroused everyone's discussion on online violence, one wave after another, and the waves were led by Shen Yi.

Many people say that Shen Yi has a pair of hands to split mountains and shake the sea and a mouth to call the wind and rain. No matter what words and actions she says and does, they always have special significance.

More people are frightened and sigh: as long as she wants, the entertainment industry can be hers.

Although these words are exaggerated, they do illustrate Shen Yi's deep influence on the entertainment industry and netizens in recent years.

Fans circle the land and sprout. They say anything in their own super words. Everything is not in the open to compete for the limelight, but the black fans don't care so much. Since there is "Shen Yi's danger theory" on the Internet, as her loyal black fans, of course, they should jump up and help her raise the flag high!

With Shen Yi's own traffic, the black fans can pull things big and broken every time and pile them up again and again. I don't know how much popularity they have ruined for her. The black fans can't help being relaxed and happy when they see their great achievements.

What a sense of accomplishment it is to convince people they hate to be hated by everyone.

This move has been tried repeatedly, so this time the black fans also work together.

[worthy of being president Shen's daughter and President Ni's girlfriend, no one can match this method ~]

[isn't it / sneer, the whole entertainment circle is hers. Do you want to look so ugly?]

[I'm not going to pretend. The fox's tail finally shows up!]

[what do you say about entertainment to death? Bambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambam

[that's right! This ring is exactly the copy and paste and rub hot dogs of that year. Haven't you played enough routine yet?]

Don't use your ears to understand you? Do you use your body? Is your body enough

[believe your evil, if there is no public relations and water army, I will never believe it! If you stir up the entertainment industry, you will get out and pick yourself up. That's what you said. Don't know you with your ears? That's your purpose!]

[little fox spirit! That's what you say you don't want your body, but you're honest? / sneer, then you're an honest little bitch]

[ask for high price! Which team gives her advice? I'll pay you ten times to Neng her!]

The black fans tried their best to discredit, and the fans ignored the principle of not making trouble. For a time, the black fans arrogantly dominated the screen on the Internet.

The fans can't help it, but the passers-by can't help it.

[just you brain cripples jumping around every day. Did they kill your father or your mother? So angry, a group of silly critics who show off on the Internet!]

[I don't understand. Are you having a good time? You go online every day to hack people. Do you see her ignore you?]

[people have money, dignity and career, and they don't lack any winners in life. You're the only one who can catch people all day and force them blindly. You're the ones who rub the heat]

[people have a whole Apocalypse to inherit. What about you? Can you force a fortune 500? What doesn't she care about the entertainment industry? / funny]

["entertainment to death" is about you! You're great at making up facts. Lu Xun would praise you for your mastery of current affairs when he lifted the coffin!]

[to attack wantonly in order to get a little upset, it is no exaggeration to say that people who can't manage their emotions are losers all their life!]

[although I'm not Shen Yi's true love fan, I'm also a senior passer-by who has seen her for three years. Let's not talk about how she got here today. Let's talk about her 19-year-old. She ranks first in Beijing film, plays the piano and dances after the film Grand Slam. Her family is one of the world's top 500. No matter her boyfriend or boyfriend, her parents are famous entrepreneurs, with a 100 square bedroom and a big football field Do you think this is a fiction? You don't understand the world of winners in life! So, do you really think you will be noble if you step on others?]

[this is not true upstairs. We want to convince people with reason, not with potential. However, upstairs is not wrong. In reality, I despise and no one despises those who are used to pushing people to seek a sense of identity and existence online]

[although Shen Yi is now standing high, the front line is the top stream, and a casual word is the headline, but people who really know her should know how hard she has walked along the way. She may be sad and difficult. An adult can't bear it, but when she comes and grows up as a minor, you have to deny her efforts for no reason. That's you The so-called sense of superiority?]

[nothing else, let's talk about the entertainment to death. She picked up the story. Yes, but who paid attention to why she said that sentence? Was that sentence wrong? She didn't say it wrong, but she is still a rare sober artist in the entertainment industry. Those who say what she says behind her mouth look at her microblog and social trends in recent years. To be honest, I've never seen anything like it She is such a low-key actress. There is only one set of street shooting. All the high-definition wallpapers are self-produced by fans. Except for movies and magazines, she does not open any form of portrait use right, that is to say, she doesn't even rely on fans to earn money. For such an honest and active artist, how on earth do you blackmail her without conscience?]

[one sentence summary: Internet freedom has been misinterpreted as freedom of violence, entertainment to death, mob carnival, please reflect]

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