Gu Qiqi slowly got up from the haystack, staggered because her body was too weak, her eyes darkened, and she almost fell down again.

    The ridicule in Brother Jiang's eyes became more and more obvious.

    Even if she has some ability, what can she do, with her weak body, they can easily kill any girl.

    She hurriedly supported the wall, Gu Qiqi showed a bit of annoyance, not wanting to let Brother Jiang look down on her, she forced herself up and walked out step by step.

    On the deck, there was light snow.

    The yin wind was blowing, making Gu Qiqi, who was wearing thin clothes, shudder violently.

    I was shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of me.


    The top of the castle sticks into the sky and is covered with a thin layer of snow, making it even more alien to people.

    An island, a castle…

    How much money is needed to own this island!

    This is probably not something that one person can do...

    Gu Qiqi's heart sank little by little.

    "What, are you afraid?"

    Behind him, Brother Jiang's mocking voice came.

    Gu Qiqi didn't answer, with a pale face, followed behind the other crying girls and got off the boat.

    They were led through the dense forest.

    Behind the forest, there is a strange place, a small town.

    Typical European-style buildings, beautiful scenery, people yearning.

    And the towering castle is in the innermost part of the town. This island is much bigger than they thought!


    "Don't be slow, go faster!"

     Pushing the girls who were shocked by the beauty in front of them, the people in black urged impatiently.

    Going down the road, it took about half an hour before the girls came to the gate of the castle.

    Here, security is high.

    The whole castle is surrounded by barbed wire, and the guards with the weird masks are waiting at the door with guns in their hands.

    A man who looked like a supervisor stood at the door with an IPAD, his eyes kept lingering on the girls, as if confirming the identities of the girls.


    In the photo, a photo corresponds to a girl, and there are details of the girl in it.

    Girls who have confirmed their identity can enter the iron net.

    When she finally saw Gu Qiqi's profile, the man's eyes stayed on her for a few more seconds, and there was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

    "Welcome to the castle of death, beautiful Chinese girls..."

    Man, greeted in less fluent Chinese.

    A deadly castle? !

    Such a beautiful castle, why take such a terrible name...

    The girls showed some doubts in their eyes, and more of them yearned for this beautiful castle.

    Up to now, there are still girls who have a fluke in their hearts.

    Maybe, they don't necessarily want to kill them, they just imprison them here as maids or something...

    "Aren't you curious why it's called Deadly Castle? Soon, you'll understand... Now, come in and visit with me, it's a long time before the game starts. "

    Unlike Brother Jiang's savage and domineering, this man with poor Chinese is a very gentleman.

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