Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 465: Emphasis on talent rather than virtue

"You know? I'm quite dissatisfied with your work this month," Guo Shouyun, with his legs crossed, sat on the far right of the oval conference table, on both sides of the table opposite him, in the large conference room of the Far East Commercial Bank Building. , has done nearly 30 people in order of position. /w These people are all in suits and leather shoes. Judging from the name tags in front of them, it is obvious that this is a work meeting attended by all the managers of the branches of Yuan Commercial Bank.

"Look, this is the financial statement you submitted for the previous month." He reached out and pressed the thick account book in front of him. Guo Shouyun pushed it hard, and the account book swiped to the center of the oval conference table. "I took a cursory look and found that it was only bad debts. There were fourteen cases last month, involving an amount of nearly 120 million rubles. This means that since the beginning of the new year, the commercial banks have only On the bad debt project, it suffered a loss of nearly 50 million US dollars.”

"Koukou!" He tapped the back of his finger on the table twice, and Guo Shouyun continued expressionlessly: "50 million US dollars, no matter what this capital means to the firm, let's just talk about these fourteen cases. For investment projects with bad and bad debts, tell me, how did you do the initial asset mortgage assessment? Have I not mentioned this issue? Every time the manager of the firm meets, I will take the trouble to reiterate a question, that is The work of asset mortgage assessment is very important. When each loan is released, you must do it well first to ensure that every fund invested by the commercial bank can obtain the most basic benefits, at least not lose everything. . But what about you, how did you do it? Take what I said as a deaf ear?"

There was silence in the huge conference room. The expressions on the faces of dozens of branch managers were different. Some were pale and some were gloating. But in the same way, in the face of Guo Shouyun's questioning, none of them dared to say a word, not even the sound of breathing too loud.

"Speak! Are you all dumb?!" He picked up a notebook at hand. Guo Shouyun threw it **** the table and shouted loudly.

A group of people shuddered in unison, but no one dared to speak first. What a joke. The boss is in a fit of rage, who can't escape from the wind. Anyone who talks too much at this time will definitely be looking for death.

"Don't talk, good, very good," Guo Shouyun put his hands on the edge of the table, his upper body was half-folded on the table, his eyes stared straight at the second middle-aged man on the right, and said in a cold tone, "Oh Tove, tell me. What's your current annual salary?"

"Four, four million rubles," said a middle-aged man named Autov, the manager of the Kamchatka head office of the Yuan Commercial Bank. He is mainly responsible for the branches of the six commercial banks in the entire Kamchatka Krai, so he is also a very important role in the commercial bank.

"Four million rubles, um, what was the annual salary that I set for the person in charge of your level?" Guo Shouyun asked immediately. 1.7 million. "In just these two sentences, sweat dripped down Otov's face.

"You are a top student at Moscow State University. I didn't even graduate from elementary school. I don't know how big the gap is between four million and one.7 million. Tell me yourself." Guo Shouyun said blankly.

"Guo. Mr. Guo, this, this annual salary issue, is that you redefined it at the beginning of the year, according to the annual salary distribution plan you proposed at that time..." Otov took out from his pocket He pulled out a piece of white silk, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said cautiously, "The annual salary distribution plan stipulates that the head of the department at the state level can press..."

"It can be increased according to the work performance of the previous year, and the maximum transfer rate can reach 200%," Guo Shouyun hurriedly said before the other party finished speaking, "Is this the truth?"

"It was Tove who said shiveringly.

"It's a fart!" Guo Shouyun snorted coldly and said, "Did I not add something else to this regulation?"

"Yes, yes, if the performance in the next year is not good, or there is even a major work error, then the annual salary for the next year will be reduced depending on the situation, and the reduction can be as high as 400%." Tove hurriedly added.

"So, are you planning to drink the Northwest Wind next year?" Guo Shouyun sneered, "Or, you have already received enough rebates from the bad debts that appeared in the business, so you are no longer satisfied with the millions of dollars. The annual salary is now, you are going to change careers and dig into the corner of the business?"

"No, no, sir," Otov finally couldn't sit still, he stood up from his chair and explained inarticulately, "I don't know the details of the six bad debts that appeared under the Kamchatka head office. I have also been investigating for a while, and I have already made some initial impressions, please give me another month, no, half a month, and I will submit a detailed investigation report to you."

"Humph, do you think that if you knew about it, you would still have a chance to participate in today's meeting?" Guo Shouyun stared fiercely at Autov's face for nearly a minute, before he snorted coldly until the other party was about to collapse. road.

"Yes, yes, what Mr. said is," Otov could hear, the boss in front of him obviously knew something about the situation at the head office in Kamchatka, and whether he was involved in some dirty activities, his I have already made up my mind.

"I said that the firm should fire you directly," Guo Shouyun said sharply, his face did not improve, "As the main person in charge of the head office in Kamchatka, he actually lacked the most necessary understanding of the situation of his own branch, and for six consecutive years. Bad and bad debts appeared in the area you are responsible for, and until now, you have to tell me that the investigation will take time. What do you do for food? I am giving you millions of annual salary to let you eat and show off management in this corpse. Is it flawed?"

"No, no, this is my negligence, and I am willing to take responsibility." Otov lowered his head and whispered.

"Of course you have to take responsibility!" Guo Shouyun said with a snort, "As the firm's punishment for you, from today onwards, you don't have to do the position of manager of Kamchatka Head Office. Within two days, you will hand over all the work at hand to Holtsev, he will replace you as the manager of the Kamchatka branch. As for you, the manager of the South Kartzalin branch committed suicide yesterday, so you can take his place."

Following Guo Shouyun's words, Autov slumped down on the chair with his head down, while the deputy who was sitting behind him showed a surprised expression.

"Why, are you still not convinced?" Guo Shouyun said indifferently after glancing at Otov, who was aged and scoring in an instant, "Tell you, as the deputy of a regional manager, Mr. Holtsev's work attitude He is far more serious than you, when you were still immersed in the achievements of last year, he has already done all the supervision work that should have been done."

Having said that, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pushed the stack of documents in front of him and sent them to Autov before continuing: "Look at these investigation materials, which are all given to me by Mr. Holtsev a week ago. , under your management, the management loopholes in Kamchatka Head Office, how many risks each large loan faces, and the reasons for the emergence of six bad and bad debts are all clearly explained in his report. Take a look at his work , Don't you feel ashamed to compare it with your own?"

"Yes, I should be ashamed." A look of anger and remorse flashed on Autov's face, and he said dejectedly.

"It's good to know that I'm ashamed," Guo Shouyun tilted his head, glanced at everyone's faces, and said, "Okay, as the head of a branch in a third-tier city, you are no longer eligible to participate in today's meeting, you can go to the finance department first. To receive your four million annual salary, this is the promise I made at the beginning. Although you made a big mistake, I will honor this promise. At the same time, your new appointment letter is also in the finance department. You can leave after receiving it. Mr. Holtsev, you can also change your seat. From now on, the position of manager Otov belongs to you, but I must remind you in advance that if you are in the second half In the past year, if there is another flaw in your management system, no matter who catches it, I will let you give up this seat again. My management philosophy is only one, and the position of decision-making is only responsible and outstanding. Talented people are qualified to sit, able to go up, and incompetent to get out, I hope you can give me this sentence firmly in your heart."

"Yes, Mr. Guo," the dozens of department managers finally spoke this time, and they said in unison with lingering fears.

"Mr. Guo," Autov, who had just reached the door, stopped at the moment when he stretched out his hand to open the door. After hesitating for a while, he turned around abruptly and said to Guo Shouyun.

"What else?" Guo Shouyun glanced at him casually, and said in a calm tone.

"I hope that Mr. will give me another chance. For this, I am willing to give up the four million annual salary," Otov glanced bitterly at Holtsev, who had just taken his seat, and said solemnly.

"The opportunity is in your own hands, you don't need me to give it," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said casually, "Of course, the final decision is in your hands, and you don't have to apply to me. If you are worried about someone... ."


Just as Guo Shouyun said this, the door of the conference room was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and Firna, who was disheveled and looked like a madman, rushed in.

"Guo Shouyun! Why are you hurting me so much?!" Ignoring Autof, who was knocked to the ground, Philna pointed at Guo Shouyun who was sitting on the chair and cried and asked as soon as he entered the door.

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