(Brain storage).

Game world.

In a pile of dead leaves in a jungle.

A black giant python, more than three meters long and as thick as a calf, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the hare it had just hunted. A look of satisfaction appeared in its cold snake eyes.

"It seems that although the territory I chose is full of dangers, there are still a lot of prey!"

"Moreover, the hunting place is near the nest, so there is no need to worry about those giants."

"After two months, when a space crack appears in the game world, I can escape from this horrible game world to Earth."

At this moment, Liu Mang, who had swallowed the rabbit, thought with great anticipation.

Because he was not from this world at all, but after his tragic death in his previous life, he opened his eyes again and found that he had come to this"Ten Thousand Beasts Continent" game world.

And he changed from a human to an ancient Titan python.

When Liu Mang first learned that this was a game world, he was a little desperate.

Because it was too scary here. In short, the water in this game world is very deep!

Liu Mang, who was a human in his previous life, had just graduated from high school before the disaster.

During the summer vacation, he played this game of Ten Thousand Beasts Continent all summer.

Later, the game entered After invading reality, he raised a giant python, his natal beast god, in the game. The python also came to the real world and protected him.

This is why he did not die in the mouths of the beasts that invaded the earth. Instead, he became a glorious breeder and lived a very comfortable life at first.

Until the giant python he raised unfortunately died in the mouth of a more powerful beast.

Liu Mang's miserable days began completely.

After losing the protection of his natal beast god.

Not to mention that his parents died tragically soon.

He also completely became an ant at the bottom of the earth.

That life was so bad that even a dog bullied him!

In the end, he couldn't live anymore, so he had to seek refuge with His ex-girlfriend was also a breeder, and her natal beast was a very powerful silverback gorilla.

But when he went there, he found out that this bitch had been having an affair with the silverback gorilla in the game in order to please her natal beast, the silverback gorilla. After that, the powerful chimpanzee learned of his identity and tortured him to death! When he opened his eyes again, he was reborn into the game world.

Fortunately, the game world has not yet begun to invade the real world.

So he still has nearly two months to grow and develop.

It's a pity that this idea It's beautiful. In fact, it's very difficult to develop in this game world, because this game world of Wanshou Continent is really too dangerous!

There are any creatures you can imagine here, modern creatures, extinct dinosaurs, ancient creatures, and even legendary mythical creatures!

Before Liu Mang could think about it, he felt a terrifying and suffocating sense of oppression above his head.

When Liu Mang raised his snake head and looked, he saw a golden roc that covered the sky and the sun, holding a giant python hundreds of meters long, whistling through the sky. Only then did the terrifying sense of oppression dissipate.

"Damn! The waters of this game world are too deep!"

"When I was about to die in my previous life, I heard that the giants with a volume of thousands of meters could not survive in this world and began to run to the real world one after another."

Liu Mang, who was bitter in his heart, had no time to breathe a sigh of relief before he felt the earth shaking again.

The next moment, Liu Mang, who quietly stuck out his snake head to peek, saw a King Kong several tens of meters high in the distance, walking through the jungle like a hill, and every step made the earth tremble.

After the behemoth went away, Liu Mang carefully retracted his snake head, and he was more eager for the game world to invade the real world in two months.

It's too dangerous here.

I live in fear every day.

Wait for the game world to invade the real world.

At least there are no such terrifying creatures on Earth.

The living environment is much better than that in the game world.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind:

【Ding! Successfully found the host! System binding successful!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the novice gift pack, do you want to receive it? 】

After hearing this voice, Liu Mang was stunned for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

As a novel lover, Liu Mang was certainly not unfamiliar with the system.

He immediately said excitedly:"Receive it!" As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! You have successfully obtained the novice gift pack! Do you want to open it?】

"Open it!"

Liu Mang said without hesitation.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the skill: Copper Skin and Iron Bones (Body as hard as iron)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully acquired the skill: Gluttonous Stomach (swallows any prey and consumes it quickly)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The information page has been successfully opened (you can view your own situation)!】


When the system's voice ended,

Liu Mang was pleasantly surprised to find that he was enveloped by a burst of black light.

When the black light dissipated, his body, which was more than three meters long, instantly became black and shiny, like steel.

Is this the Copper Skin and Iron Bones?

With this skill, his combat power will at least double when he fights!

Overjoyed, Liu Mang subconsciously swung his tail and whipped a stone in the bushes.

With a clang!

This small stone was whipped away by his tail!

But Liu Mang also immediately discovered the disadvantages of this skill.

That is, although he has the skill of the Copper Skin and Iron Bones, the skill is not immune to his pain, especially when he whipped the stone away before, the severe pain from his tail was particularly obvious.

Although he did not suffer any injuries, this also made him, who had just been a little too proud, immediately realize that even with the Copper Skin and Iron Bones, he is still an ant-like existence in this game world.

But at least it is much better than before, isn't it?

And with the advantage of the system and rebirth!

His future is obviously bright!

Excited and happy, Liu Mang couldn't help but ask in his heart:

"Very good! I was given two skills right away. The system is really awesome!"

"Oh, right! System, what functions do you have? What do you need me to do to become stronger?"

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