The social animal of the beautiful country: If you think that it is only Dong Fang who is like this, then you are too naive. Our beautiful country in the past was more cruel than you. The capital was prosperous and peaceful, and ordinary people could only live in humiliation.

The little beauty of the beautiful country: Yes! Don't be pessimistic. Every empire has its bad side, and there are bad people everywhere. Moreover, the game of Wanshou Continent does not say that it does not give ordinary people a chance, because the creatures in the game of Wanshou Continent are extremely intelligent, which means that they can actually communicate.

The little loli of the crocodile screw: Yes! You can please the creatures in the game of Wanshou Continent. If these creatures were not so big, I would like to be the wife of these monsters, so that no one would dare to bully me, hehe.

The most beautiful girl in Kimchi: I really want to be the wife of this big snake! Do you think the big snake monster will also like humans?

The invincible muscle man: Damn it! These dog women will never be loyal to anyone. When the status of humans is replaced, these sluts will want to kneel down and lick them directly! And there are all over the world.

Little Onii-chan of Bullet Country: @Invincible Muscle Man! How come my family has this kind of disgusting garbage! We are fairies, is it not okay for us to like big monsters? Can a skinny dog like you have the sense of security that a big snake monster can give us?

Soft and cute: 9494! What have we done wrong? You men are still thinking about waiting for the end of the world to come to play with women, why can't we find a backer? Why can't we like these monsters that give us a sense of security?

Invincible Muscle Man: @Soft and cute! @Little Onii-chan of Bullet Country! @Little Lolita of Crocodile Screw! Who are you scolding as a skinny dog! My natal beast god is the red-eyed demon bear. When the game world invades reality, I can kill a bunch of you whimpering monsters with one punch!

Like the big snake monster: @Invincible Muscle Man! Although I am also a boy, I also like the big snake demon. Let alone the game invading the real world, even if you are given 10,000 years, you can't reach the height of this big snake demon. It's a pity that I don't know whether this mighty big snake demon likes boys.

A little lucky butterfly: @Like the big snake demon! Please be a human being! Judging from the temper of the big snake demon, it must be a male! How can it like a boy! If it likes, it should like fairies like us!


As netizens around the world were discussing this,

Liu Mang heard the system's voice in his mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Mission completed successfully!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the mission reward: 20 billion evolution points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the mission reward: Legendary Random Treasure Box X1!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the mission reward: Legend and random blind box x1!】


After hearing the voice of the system,

Liu Mang nodded with satisfaction.

What a great feeling!

This feeling of completing the task quickly!

To be honest, it's really fucking great!

In the game world of the Ten Thousand Beasts Continent, if it weren't for the final big harvest in the secret realm, he wouldn't be able to improve his strength quickly. Even if he could improve his strength, it would definitely not be so fast.

Now that he has come to the real world, the speed at which system tasks are released is really very fast and very frequent.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about not accumulating evolution points!

Because Liu Mang thinks that the future direction of evolution will still be mainly based on system rewards.

Just at this moment, Liu Mang was about to transform into a big peng bird and go to Dongfang to find Pan Xiaoqian, the bitch, for revenge.

Suddenly, the voice of the system in his mind sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The task has been successfully activated. Please select the following tasks to complete and receive rewards!】

【Mission 1: Please ask the host to brutally kill Pan Xiaoqian, your enemy from your previous life!】

【Mission time: Complete to get】

【Mission Reward: 10 billion evolution points! Legendary random treasure chest x1!】


【Task 2: Please ask the host to be willing to be killed by the host if Pan Xiaoqian, the enemy in the previous life, is willing!】

【Mission time: Complete to get】

【Mission Reward: 15 billion evolution points! 1 legendary random treasure chest! 1 legendary random blind box!】


【Task three: Please ask the host to be willing to be tortured to death by the host with the willingness of Pan Xiaoqian, the enemy of the previous life!】

【Mission time: Complete to get】

【Mission rewards: 200 evolution points! 1 legendary random treasure chest! 1 legendary random blind box! 1 100x Godly Evolution Card!】


After listening to the tasks issued by the system, even Liu Mang was stunned.

This system must know what he is thinking!

In fact, the first thing Liu Mang did when he came to the real world was to torture Pan Xiaoqian, the bitch.

But what Liu Mang never expected was that the system not only issued tasks, but also issued tasks that were quite difficult.

The difficulty of the first task was not great.

The problem was that the second and third tasks were very difficult.

Task 2 required the other party to be killed by him willingly.

Task 3 required the other party to be tortured to death by him willingly.

This task simply did not allow much choice!

Because of this, Liu Mang made a decision after just a little hesitation.

The main reason was that the second and third tasks were too difficult.

In addition, not to mention the difficulty of the tasks, it was also difficult to complete them, and the rewards were not very generous. He did not need to spend too much time tossing around.

Besides, directly torturing to death was the most relieving way. It was too much of a headache to find a way to make the enemy willing to be killed by him.

At least compared to the effort he put in, it was really not worth it.

In addition, Liu Mang knew very well what kind of character this little bitch had.

It was impossible for her to sacrifice for others.

This was just like Liu Mang.

He was the kind of person who was more selfish.

With this thought in mind, Liu Mang said without hesitation:"System! I choose the mission first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected the task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After listening to the voice of the system, Liu Mang immediately moved his body, and then under the countless high-tech flying live broadcast equipment, he turned directly into a golden-winged roc, flapping his wings that covered the sky and flew towards the distant sky.

After seeing this scene, the already nervous netizens around the world panicked.

Because they didn't know which empire this big snake demon was going to this time!

Of course, the most feared thing was the Wuchang Empire that launched a firepower coverage nuclear strike on Liu Mang! After all

, Liu Mang said at the beginning that if he provoked him, he would definitely pay a painful price!

If they refer to the current United States, they really can't imagine how Liu Mang will retaliate against them!

After all, the United States only threw a wave of nuclear bombs after its initial death.

However, they launched nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs for more than an hour!

At the same time, when Liu Mang was flying towards the distant sky, Pan Xiaoqian, who was watching the live broadcast to the world in an ancient Asian country, suddenly had an inexplicable bad feeling because her eyelids were twitching.

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