Looking at the three guys approaching like a group of bandits and bullies, the giant beast leopard had an ugly face and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

What he often did, he never thought it would happen to him one day!

In the past, he also liked to squat and lurk, waiting for other beasts to kill prey, and then he jumped out to eat for free. That feeling was really cool.

After all, that kind of sense of achievement that comes without work.

If you haven't done it, you really can't understand it.

But now that it's its turn to be the target of freeloading.

It has deeply and realistically experienced the powerless anger in its heart and the uncontrollable anger.

But it has no way at all, and can only stare blankly!

It wants to drag the prey away directly, but unfortunately it has no chance at all!

Because this giant beast black-skinned wild boar is too big!

It's really difficult to drag it with this weight.

And the combat effectiveness of the black-skinned wild boar is not to be covered.

It can easily defeat the black-skinned wild boar by relying on its brain.

If it relies on brute force, it probably can't beat the black-skinned wild boar.

Therefore, after Liu Mang and the two Tyrannosaurus Rex kept approaching, the giant beast leopard retreated again and again, and finally handed over the prey in frustration and anger.

As for Liu Mang, when he came to the prey, he immediately began to deathly entangle!

Because he wanted to make sure that this prey must be hunted by him, and it happened to be still alive!

Soon, the wild boar whose head was wrapped by Liu Mang's death entanglement struggled for a long time and completely lost its breath.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully hunted a giant beast realm early stage black-skinned wild boar!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Mission completed successfully!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 4 million evolution points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a gold-level random blind box (Random Blind Box: As the name suggests, it can open anything, either garbage or good things! It has a certain secret compartment guarantee mechanism to ensure that some of the things opened have a certain value)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The accumulation has met the evolution conditions. Do you want to start evolving?】


After hearing the system's voice,

Liu Mang refused without hesitation.

This is not a place to evolve.

Besides, he has completed his mission now. He can evolve at any time and anywhere, so there is no need to rush.

In addition, there is a black-skinned wild boar corpse in the Giant Beast Realm waiting for him!

This is one million evolution points!

He, Liu Mang, is not so extravagant as to ignore the corpse of a Giant Beast Realm.

As long as he is still in the Giant Beast Realm, he cannot ignore the value of a Giant Beast Realm corpse to him!

Just when Liu Mang was in a good mood and was ready to enjoy this black-skinned wild boar, the angry voice of the Giant Beast Realm Leopard came:"You bunch of bastards, wait for me, Leopard!"

After hearing this, both Liu Mang and the Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers were furious, looking at the leopard with sinister eyes, their eyes full of murderous intent.

The eldest brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex spoke directly and coldly:

"If you have the guts to provoke us, you're great!"

"If you are a man, don't run!"

After saying that, the Tyrannosaurus Rex elder brother rushed forward without hesitation.

Seeing this, the Giant Beast Realm Leopard immediately distanced himself, but was still unwilling to leave. Instead, he looked at the Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers and Liu Mang fiercely.

"You are such a fool! We like your prey because we think highly of you!"The second brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex couldn't help but said in a cold tone.

"That's right! Haven't you ever robbed prey and eaten for free? If you can rob other guys, we can rob yours, too." The Tyrannosaurus Rex brother echoed.

Liu Mang also opened his bloody mouth and said:"If you are not afraid of death, you can continue to stay here. If there is not enough food later, I can actually use you as a snack. After all, fresh ingredients are the tenderest."

Looking at the shameless faces of the three beasts, as if it was a matter of course, the Giant Beast Realm Leopard was shaking with anger, opened his bloody mouth, gritted his teeth and said:"Why don't you just die!"

But Liu Mang simply ignored this guy.

The two Tyrannosaurus brothers also felt that there was no sense of accomplishment in bullying a leopard, so they immediately came to Liu Mang's side and helped Liu Mang cut the body of the giant beast realm black-skinned wild boar.

Although the black-skinned wild boar was thick-skinned, it was easily cut into eight pieces by the sharp teeth of the two Tyrannosaurus brothers. The whole process took no more than half an hour.

As for the giant beast realm leopard on the side, it was watching eagerly. If its eyes could kill these three bastards, it would want to kill them ten thousand times.

"Come eat together, big brothers! You've been busy all day!"

Seeing that the two Tyrannosaurus brothers had no intention of eating, Liu Mang invited them warmly.

Hearing this, the two Tyrannosaurus brothers nodded and began to eat one after another.

After a while, under the heartbroken gaze of the Giant Beast Realm Overlord, the black-skinned wild boar in the Giant Beast Realm had been eaten until only a pool of blood was left on the ground.

Of course, most of the blood and flesh essence of the black-skinned wild boar was actually eaten by Liu Mang. He ate at least about 60%, while the two Tyrannosaurus brothers ate less than half.

It's not that they can't eat like Liu Mang, in fact, they can also eat a Giant Beast Realm creature at a time.

But after eating, it is enough for them to digest and absorb for a long time!

Because Because the two brothers don't have such a good appetite as this little brother.

Moreover, according to the speculation of the Tyrannosaurus brothers, this little brother Liu Mang should have special skills similar to digestion.

Otherwise, this little brother ate a golden-backed King Kong, a brown bear king, and now half of a black-skinned wild boar in one day. He would probably be burst directly.

After thinking about it, the two brothers were more satisfied. The more skills this little brother has, the greater the potential of this little brother! When their little brother reaches the giant beast realm in the future, won't his combat power sweep away countless giant beasts?

At that time, they will be able to benefit from their big brother.

"Let’s go! Let’s go back!"

After saying that, the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at the angry Giant Beast Realm Leopard again, opened his bloody mouth and said:

"You've been watching for so long, I've become a little soft-hearted, why don't you come and lick some blood foam on the ground?"

The leopard, who already hated these three guys, couldn't help but break his defense and cursed:"I'll lick your uncle!"

Hearing this, the second brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex licked his lips and said:"Brother, ignore this guy, let's go back!"

After hearing this, Liu Mang, who ate the last piece of flesh and blood, also nodded and said:"Okay, brother, let's go back!"

As soon as the voice fell, the familiar voice of the system sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured half of a giant beast-level black-skinned wild boar! Successfully obtained 650,000 evolution points!】

【Ding! The host's current accumulated evolution points have met the evolution conditions! Do you want to start evolving? 】

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