A pear blossom overwhelms a crabapple: Good guy! Are there any brothers with yellow urine who can help wake him up? Those with diabetes, please don’t come, I’m afraid he will get a taste of the sweetness!

Super strong man with eight abdominal muscles: So I can’t go to wake him up either. I have a strong Yang fire and I’m afraid that this kid will get hemorrhoids after drinking, and then go to cheat and sell more than he wants.

Like to use beer bottles: Have you noticed that the situation is not very good recently! The nuclear sewage is constantly discharged in Xiaori, there are typhoons and natural disasters everywhere, and many places are flooding. There are also rumors of zombie viruses in the United States. Why does it feel like the end of the world?

Cthulhu: My family has already stockpiled.

I have read a lot of apocalyptic novels recently.

I guess this is very likely a precursor to the end of the world.

Believe me, stock up some food.

The first bird to stick its head out gets shot: @Cthulhu!

I have stockpiled more than 100 tons of food, and my credit card has been maxed out.

I am just waiting for the end of the world.

Let me borrow a movie to talk: @The first bird to stick its head out gets shot!

Brother, please lend me a message.

I have been hoarding some equipment recently, thinking that if the end of the world really comes, I can borrow some food from you.

Westward Journey Online: To be honest, I also feel something is wrong, as if the world has fallen into a sick state, especially after the release of this game, which has led to a large number of people relying on the game to make money, and there are very few jobs. This situation has caused great harm to society. It is necessary to store some food to prevent accidents.


At this moment, the style of comments in the live broadcast room has completely changed.

The anchor's face was very ugly, but it was difficult to say anything.

He dared not offend the fans in the live broadcast room, because he still had to broadcast live.

Last time, he offended a black man, and the black man directly tracked the address and chased his natal beast god in the game. He was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy in the live broadcast room, and the black man let him go.

After that incident, he also understood not to offend any inconspicuous person easily, even if this person is a black man in the live broadcast room.


On the other side, the night fell, and the starlight sprinkled on the river, reflecting brightly on the water.

But deep in the river, in a vast cave, there lies a super giant python with a volume of 180 meters long and 15 meters wide.

Its whole body is as black as ink, and its terrifying and huge scales are clearly layered, black and shiny, covering its body like a layer of armor.

The most eye-catching thing is that this super giant python exudes an aura different from any top beast. There is an indescribable unique aura of oppression on its body, so at the entrance of the nest, many fish and shrimps that accidentally swam into the cave seemed to feel some terrible creatures, and fled in fear before they saw the owner of the cave.

After a long while.

This super giant.

Slowly opened its dark and cold snake eyes.

The eyes are like a black hole that devours people.

"Has the evolution been completed?"

At this moment, Liu Mang opened his bloody mouth and couldn't help but said in surprise.

After speaking, he carefully felt this body, and the power seemed to be filled with enough power to destroy everything.

This kind of power is indescribable, but Liu Mang knows that he must be much stronger than before!

If he had to be injured before he could kill King Kong, now he can kill King Kong in three minutes!

It may even take less time to kill King Kong!

As for the two Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers, it is also very easy to kill them, and the battle can also be resolved within three minutes!

"Is this the power of the behemoth realm?"

"It is indeed as lonely as snow!"

"Now that I have broken through the giant beast realm, there are only a handful of giant beast creatures that can become my opponents and that I know."

After a sigh, Liu Mang couldn't help but sigh.

He can say responsibly that he can achieve today's achievements entirely by his own efforts!

Moreover, he has already broken through the giant beast realm.

I really can't imagine how much his strength and volume will grow once the game invades the real world ? I'm afraid it won't be difficult to reach the peak of the giant beast realm, right? Thinking of this, Liu Mang couldn't help but feel happy.

Once he reaches the peak of the giant beast realm, his volume can reach 300 meters long.

A volume of more than 100 meters long is almost invincible.

What if it really reaches 300 meters by then? It is estimated that he will be invincible in the early stage.

I dare not think about it in the middle and late stages, but at least invincibility in the early stage is no problem.

For a moment, Liu Mang's mood became even better, and he didn't forget to look at his mighty and domineering python body.

It can be said that the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was.

This physique is enough to crush too many giant beast creatures!

At this time, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! During the host's promotion to the giant beast realm! The host has randomly awakened a skill!】

【Note: Every creature in the Giant Beast Realm will randomly awaken a life skill after passing the Giant Beast Realm. It may be strong or weak, heaven-defying or precious. Everything is possible.】


After hearing the system's reminder,

Liu Mang immediately said excitedly:

"System! Open the information page!"

"Let's see what skills are randomly awakened!"

As soon as the voice fell, the information page appeared in Liu Mang's mind.

【Host: Liu Mang】

【Species: Paleotitanboa】

【Realm: Early stage of Giant Beast Realm】

【Volume: 180 meters, 12 meters wide, 60,000 tons】

【Combat power: bite force 30,000 tons, speed 100 kilometers per hour】

【Evolution points: 4.67 million/20 million】

【Skills: Gluttonous Maw, Death Coil, Copper Skin and Iron Bones, Water Breathing, Kiss of All Poisons, Animal Language, Recovery, Extreme Speed, Color Change, New Skill: Extreme Recovery】

【Backpack: Gold level random blind box X1!】


【Extremely fast recovery: After using the skill, any physical injuries you suffer can be restored to peak condition as long as you are not completely dead, and the recovery time is within one minute!】

【Skill Cap: This skill has a very high cap. As long as you are below the Myth Realm, it will be permanently effective. Once you exceed the Myth Realm, it will be completely ineffective.】

【Skill Disadvantages: But it can only be used once a day, and there are no side effects. It can be used again after 24 hours of use after the skill cooling time is over!】

【Skill Advantage: After possessing this super auxiliary recovery skill, it is like the host has one more life every day, which will completely develop the host's advantage in the same realm to the extreme! At the same time, it helps the host have a higher means of survival!】

【Ding! Friendly reminder! The host's newly acquired skill can be merged with the original skill (recovery)! Do you want to merge the two skills?】


After reading the information page and the annotations of the new skill,

Liu Mang could not help but be ecstatic.

Thinking that even if the fusion of the two skills failed, the strongest skill would be retained, Liu Mang said to himself without any pressure:"System! Fuse the skills!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully merged a new skill: Perfect Recovery!】

【Skill Advantage 1: This skill retains all the advantages of the new skill and increases the skill recovery time, which can be completed within 30 seconds! The number of uses per day remains unchanged】

【Skill Advantage 2: In addition to being able to recover once a day, this skill also has a certain amount of self-healing ability, which is double the effect of the old skill"Recovery"! 】

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