"No, no, no! It's not like we're going to fight to the death."

"Besides, you are not qualified to fight me to the death."

After hearing this, Liu Mang opened his bloody mouth, smiled and shook his head.

The furious Black Tiger King was about to continue speaking when he suddenly heard a plop.

Turning around, the Black Tiger King was instantly shocked to see that his eldest brother had fallen to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

Seeing this, the Black Tiger King panicked instantly and said anxiously:"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Liu Mang immediately opened his bloody mouth and said:"Okay, okay, don't shout, your eldest brother is probably dying, and you will too."

"I just gave you two brothers a bite, did you really think it was just a simple bite?"

"My fangs are very effective in killing creatures of the same level. You two brothers can be a pair of desperate brothers after you go down!"

As soon as the voice fell, the furious Black Tiger King was about to say something.

But the next moment, it couldn't help bleeding from all five holes, and then its huge body fell to the ground with a plop.

After falling to the ground, the two tiger king brothers twitched for two minutes and lost their life one after another.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang came forward happily, wrapped the bodies of the two brothers before swallowing them.

Because he didn't wrap the bodies of the two brothers, the size of the two brothers was so huge that it was really difficult for him to swallow them.

When Liu Mang had just swallowed the two tiger kings, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a giant beast realm early stage black tiger king! Successfully obtained one million evolution points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a giant beast realm early stage white tiger king! Successfully obtained one million evolution points!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully hunted or devoured two giant beasts in the early stage! Current mission progress is 2/10!】


After listening to the system's voice,

Liu Mang was in a good mood.

If he could kill the other two neighbors, he would only have completed half of his task of hunting and devouring giant beasts.

However, hunting giant beasts was not a big challenge for Liu Mang.

On the contrary, he had to see how many of his three younger brothers could trick him into bringing in his own beasts tomorrow.

If the number was good, he would probably be able to complete the task in a few days!

Thinking of this, Liu Mang couldn't help but feel happy.

Looking at the sky that had completely darkened, Liu Mang was about to leave.

But at this moment, a sparse sound suddenly came from the jungle in the distance.

When he turned his huge snake head to look, he saw the five or six-meter-tall saber-toothed tiger with a very good speed, looking at him ingratiatingly, and asked in a low voice:

"My king, since you have defeated Black Tiger Mountain, then Black Tiger Mountain will also belong to Overlord Mountain in the future, right?"

Liu Mang was stunned when he heard this, then nodded slightly, opened his bloody mouth and said,"That's right! The Black Tiger King's territory will naturally belong to Overlord Mountain."

"As for the Black Tiger King's original subordinates, they are left free."

"You go and hand over to the two Tyrannosaurus Rex kings in Overlord Mountain!"

After saying that, Liu Mang swung his huge body and turned to leave.

As for the mutant saber-toothed tiger that got Liu Mang's permission, he was very happy. In this case, after being incorporated into Overlord Mountain, the original subordinates of the Black Tiger King, except for those who left voluntarily, those who were willing to stay would be under its jurisdiction. This was much higher than the status of the four commanders at the beginning!


Liu Mang fell asleep immediately after returning to the cave nest. After all, he had experienced a battle and had wasted a lot of energy.

But what Liu Mang didn't know was that when he was sleeping.

His subordinates, the lion brothers, the rhino Xiaobai, and the dog, were all working hard for him. Let's talk about the dog first! The dog, who was recruiting younger brothers everywhere, naturally learned that his eldest brother had killed the Black Tiger King.

When he heard that the Black Tiger King was killed by his eldest brother, he worked even harder. He ran to Black Tiger Mountain overnight that day to recruit his natal beast god creature. After the mutant saber-toothed tiger learned about the identity of the dog, he cooperated with him respectfully.

Because it knew something about this dog.

This dog is the number one younger brother of the three kings of Overlord Mountain!

Although his strength is ridiculously weak, his status in the hearts of the three kings of Overlord Mountain is not low, so the mutant saber-toothed tiger naturally has to maintain a good relationship.

Moreover, after learning that Gouzi was recruiting natal beast gods for the three kings, he helped to inquire from many sources and actually received quite a few on the top of Black Tiger Mountain.

Of course, among this huge group of creatures, there are definitely natal beast gods who have not joined.

Because these creatures are very vigilant and will not easily tell other creatures that they are natal beast gods.

Because in this game world, there are still many powerful creatures who have great malice towards natal beast gods, or envy and jealousy of them.

Because of this, except for some natal beast gods who are frustrated or not vigilant enough and are fooled into joining, the rest of the natal beast gods are hardly fooled easily.

When Gouzi was recruiting guards for Liu Mang, the lion brothers were even more outrageous. They directly used the name of recruiting Liu Mang's adopted son to fool the natal beast creatures to join.

Tell these natal beast gods that as long as they are natal beast gods and have certain potential and talent, they can not only become the younger brother of the personal guard, but they may even directly worship Liu Mang as their godfather and ascend to the sky in one step.

This huge temptation has indeed attracted many natal beast gods.

After all, not all natal beast gods have reliable players behind them.

There are also many natal beast gods whose players behind them are very unreliable.

Such unreliable players not only cannot provide them with help.

On the contrary, they often snatch their prey!

For example, among the several natal beast gods that were fooled by the lion brothers, a natal beast god creature, an African lion, could not help but complain:

"You are just the players behind the scenes without any strength"

"You don’t know how miserable I am!"

"If it weren't for this player, I would have advanced to the mutation stage long ago!"

"I am a real dog as a Dogecoin player. Every time I hunt, they take away my prey! They say they are saving it for me, but in fact, they only take it in and never take it out. They almost starved me to death several times before they let me eat some of the prey I hunted."

Speaking of this, the African lion gnashed his teeth and said:

"If it were just that, it would be fine! Later, when I simply gave up hunting, this player stopped pretending and threatened me, saying that I would eat carrion for the rest of my life, otherwise, if I dared to hunt, he would steal my prey!"

After hearing about the experience of this African male lion's natal beast god creature, two of the other three natal beast god creatures were stunned.

At this time, the other black goat with ugly wool, who had been silent all the time, said in great depression:

"What is that? The players behind me called me a waste and told me to die! They said that I was wasting air when I was alive, and that they were just trying to steal my food and grass every day. Then they cursed me every day, saying how could he awaken a few things like me."

"One time I was lucky enough to pick up something that looked like a natural treasure, and then he took it away from me, saying that a 'throwaway' like me was not worthy of eating natural treasures! He told me to eat shit!"

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