"Brother, this little brother is really hardworking!"

"I went hunting the Minotaur King and the Giant Elephant King again last night."

"I heard that the Bull King escaped unscathed because he ran fast."

"On the contrary, it was the Giant Elephant King who reached some agreement with the little brother and let it go."

At this moment, in the cave of Tyrannosaurus Mountain, the second brother of Tyrannosaurus Rex couldn't help but laugh and said.

Hearing this, the eldest brother of Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately smiled and opened his bloody mouth and said:"The little brother's fighting power is actually very good"

"It is estimated that even if it joins the alliance, there are many alliances that want it to join"

"Don't think he is very kind to us. If we really compare, we two brothers are not as good as him."

"The last time, the Black Tiger King and his elder brother, the White Tiger King, died together at the hands of my little brother."

Hearing this, the second brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex nodded his huge head and said,"What's the point of joining the alliance? Follow us and compete for the giant beast fruit under the leadership of our father. Isn't it much better than fighting hard on your own?"

The eldest brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex shook his huge head and said in a heavy tone,"That's what I said, but if we are not here, my little brother's best choice is to join the alliance."

"These alliances do not accept ordinary giant beasts, but only powerful ones. I heard that the two Purus giant crocodiles were also members of the alliance."

The second brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex disagreed and said,"After all, the alliance is just a lower level.

It is just a group of guys who are blinded by interests.

They form an alliance for the sake of interests.

Once there are huge interests, the guys in the alliance will fight each other.

"The eldest brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at his brothers speechlessly, opened his bloody mouth and said,"If it weren't for my father, we really couldn't afford to provoke the alliance of these giant beasts, even now.


"These guys are smart. Not only are they powerful in combat, they also know how to stick together for warmth."

"Much smarter than those guys who only know how to fight alone"

"For example, the notorious Brutal Alliance, everyone in it is at the peak of the Behemoth Realm!"

"Almost all the guys who encounter them will have a miserable end."

After hearing this, the second brother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex fell silent.

The reputation of the Brutal Alliance in the surrounding mountains is notorious.

They are very powerful, all of them are at the peak of the Giant Beast Realm, and the number has always been maintained at fifty.

And the backers behind them are legendary masters.

This is why the Brutal Alliance is so lawless.

Even the two brothers tried to hide as far as possible after hearing this name.

Because if they are caught by the Brutal Alliance, if they want to survive, they must trick the Giant Beast Realm creatures to redeem their lives, and almost no one will come back.

Even many Giant Beast Realm creatures will be tortured to death by these members of the Brutal Alliance as piglets.

In addition, there are two other alliances. , even more brutal than the Brutal Alliance.

They are: the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance, the Slaughter Alliance.

These three alliances are the three most notorious alliances. The members of the three alliances are extremely brutal, with strong combat power, and their realms are all at the peak of the Giant Beast Realm.

The strongest is the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance, followed by the Slaughter Alliance, and finally the Brutal Alliance.

The Ten Thousand Beast Alliance is the leading alliance in the Ten Thousand Mountains. They not only have Giant Beast Realm masters, but also Legendary masters. There are about two hundred Giant Beast masters in the alliance, and about twenty Legendary masters. And in the alliance The legendary masters of the first alliance are also very powerful.

They only want the strong, and the weak can only become their prey. There are many mountains and complex relationships in the alliance.

The second one is the massacre alliance, which is also the case. The scale and power are similar, and the number of masters is also similar. The reason why it is suppressed by the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance is mainly the problem of the order of establishment.

The third one is the Brutal Alliance. At present, there are only three legendary masters behind it, but these three legendary masters are very powerful, and the relationship is more complicated, and the means are also very brutal. This is why it can barely be on par with the previous two alliances to become the three major alliances.

Of course, the main reason is that the Brutal Alliance has fallen into decline, and several civil wars have occurred and split it into many small alliances.

Otherwise, the Brutal Alliance at its peak would not be inferior to the other two alliances.

These alliances have one characteristic, that is, they are powerful, have a deep background, and their members are powerful and brutal. If they fall into their hands, they are destined to be worse than death, which makes many creatures in the giant beast realm terrified.

At this time, the second brother was silent for a long time and then said:"Brother, why don't you recommend me to my father when we fight for the giant beast fruit?"

"At least it's good to keep the wealth within the family. My brother is so powerful. We can't train him anymore. Only my father has the ability. When my brother grows up, he will definitely be able to help my father."

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was stunned, and after thinking for a while, his eyes lit up and he said:

"This is a good suggestion! Father also has more than ten subordinates."

"But among the ten subordinates, how many are truly loyal to their father?"

"At best, there are only two or three. Although we are not very motivated, sending my younger brother over can be regarded as sending a reliable and trustworthy beast to our father!"

After some discussion, the two brothers immediately decided on this idea.

In fact, the two brothers did not have much ambition, and they did not expect to become legendary masters in this life.

But it was precisely because they did not have the confidence to become legendary masters that they decided to send Liu Mang to their father for training, so that he could become a capable assistant to their father.

Therefore, at noon the next day, the two brothers asked the younger brother to find Liu Mang.

When Liu Mang came to the cave of the two elder brothers, they talked about the past for a while. Liu Mang also told the elder brothers about what happened in the past two days.

The Tyrannosaurus brothers were not surprised at all, and told Liu Mang their ideas.

After learning about the ideas of the two elder brothers, he was stunned for a moment, looked at the two elder brothers in disbelief and asked:

"Brother, do you mean to say that these alliances also use similar means to hunt giant beasts?"

Seeing Liu Mang's incredible look, the Tyrannosaurus Rex brother opened his bloody mouth and chuckled:

"Do you think you are the only one with a good brain? Are the others stupid?"

"I'm not stupid! This method has long been quite familiar to people in the Shiwan Mountains."

"In addition to defrauding the giant beast realm, they will also take the initiative to go out in groups and sweep through the mountains one by one."

"It's like a cow eating grass. It eats the grass on the east side and keeps it alive, then eats the grass on the west side, repeating the cycle over and over again."

"The same is true for these alliances. Every once in a while, they will go out in groups to harvest and hunt."

"Sometimes they will relax after a heavy harvest, and basically they will do a small harvest once a year and a big harvest once every ten years."

At this point, the Tyrannosaurus Rex paused for a moment, opened his bloody mouth again, and said in a sinister tone:

"Besides, isn’t the giant beast fruit that ripens once a year in Wanshou Mountain also a kind of harvest?"

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