Is this really outrageous! This is also possible? It is not dead even after being broken into two pieces, are you kidding me!

The hippopotamus king who was watching from a distance was completely shocked.

It never expected that

Liu Mang could come back to life after dying!

This is simply a monster!

How could it be so outrageous that he could not die! What made it even more devastated was that

Liu Mang hid too deep.

This battle made it tremble with fear all the time.

The main reason was that there were too many reversals and too fast!

It felt that its brain was not enough! It cried with joy several times! It was sad after being overjoyed several times!

It was tortured with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, which could be described as ice and fire!

But when it thought that the dust had finally settled, it could still be reversed!

For a moment, the hippopotamus king looked ashen, and his face was full of pain like a bitter gourd.

It's over... It's over!

It will definitely kill me, right?

What should I do now! ?

For a moment, the desperate hippopotamus king really didn't know what to do.

And it can't escape at all!

It hasn't forgotten that it made a vow to the will of the world!

In other words, it can't escape from the monk or the temple!

"Die or die! Even if I don't go out, it will come to find me!"

"Anyway, as long as I'm alive, it doesn't matter whether I save my face or not!"

Thinking of this, the Hippo King took a deep breath, immediately changed his expression, and ran up happily:"Congratulations, brother, congratulations, brother!"

"Big brother is truly the king among the giant beasts!"

"It's simply sweeping across the same realm without a rival!"

Looking at the hippopotamus king running towards him, Liu Mang couldn't help but stare at it with his cold snake eyes.

This scene instantly frightened the hippopotamus king so much that he trembled with fear, and finally knelt on the ground with a plop, crying bitterly:"Brother, I am loyal to you. I saw through your plan just now, so I followed your plan!"

Hearing this, Liu Mang opened his bloody mouth, revealing his sharp fangs, and said grimly:"Really? You know how to choose opponents for me!"

"There are four or five weak giant beasts on the nearby hills. You are really thoughtful! You picked the strongest one for me."

After hearing this, the Hippo King was horrified and knelt on the ground and kowtowed frantically. He didn't even dare to look up at Liu Mang, and his head was bleeding.

Seeing this, Liu Mang sneered in his heart, and then suddenly said:"How about this! Don't you like to eat shit? You eat it yourself and show it to me."

"If you make me laugh, I will forgive you this time."

After hearing this, the Hippo King immediately smiled and said charmingly:


Okay, my king, I will eat it right away , as long as you are happy and satisfied with it!" After saying that, the hippopotamus king walked to a nearby place, and in front of Liu Mang, he really started to eat it by himself.

Not only that, the hippopotamus king also pretended to eat with relish.

But soon, the hippopotamus king finally couldn't pretend anymore and vomited crazily.

Seeing this scene, the silent Liu Mang couldn't help laughing.

This guy's feces can be used as poison gas.

As a result, this guy actually ate it to survive!

After vomiting, this guy actually forced himself to eat it back.

Finally, after forcing himself to hold back for a long time, he smiled at Liu Mang flatteringly:

"Thank you for the food, big brother! As long as it is given by big brother, even shit will be fragrant!"

After Liu Mangshen's cold snake eyes looked at it for a long time, he smiled and nodded the huge snake head and said:

"Okay! I'll let you go this time. Remember to bring three giant beasts here in five days."

After saying that, Liu Mang no longer paid attention to the hippo king kneeling in front of him, and twisted his huge body and left.

But in fact, Liu Mang's murderous intent towards this guy has become extremely strong, because this guy is really able to endure humiliation.

Even the humiliation under Han Xin's crotch was not so outrageous.

The biggest reason why he didn't do it was that the other party was still useful to him, and he also made an oath to the will of the world, which was indeed difficult to violate.

After the other party sent him the prey, the deal between Liu Mang and it would naturally be reached, and then he would naturally take action against the hippo king!

Because this guy really disgusted him!

Mainly because of his face, he was very unhappy!

At the same time, after Liu Mang completely disappeared from his sight and left.

The hippo king kneeling on the ground couldn't help vomiting.

It trembled all over and vomited non-stop.

In the past, it couldn't stand just smelling the smell of its own shit.

What's more, it produces and eats it by itself now?

It trembled all over and vomited for more than two hours before it stopped.

It couldn't help but roared to the sky:"Ah! When did I, the hippo king, suffer such a great humiliation!"

"Ancient Titanoboa of Overlord Mountain, just wait for me! One day I will kill you!"

After roaring, the Hippo King couldn't help crying and vomiting while cursing.

Fortunately, no creatures saw it, otherwise, it would be too embarrassed to be the king of the mountain.

After thinking about it, it felt much better.

At this moment, a mocking voice sounded:

"You are awesome! I have seen people eating while pooping, but I have never seen other creatures do such a thing except dogs!"

After hearing this voice, the Hippo King trembled all over and turned his head suddenly, and saw a huge eagle perched on a huge tree not far away, looking at it with a surprised look. This surprised look made the Hippo King a little angry and embarrassed, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes. He had the urge to kill the animal and silence it. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Be careful of your mouth! If you dare to tell others, I will kill you!"

After hearing this, the mutant eagle immediately said sarcastically:

"Are you threatening me? I'm really scared!"

"Do you think I'm a land creature? Hit me!"

"Why don't you go to the sky, or come and kill me!"

After hearing this, the Hippo King was completely furious.

His eyes were red as he rushed towards the big black eagle.

Unfortunately, although its speed was not slow, it was no different from a turtle in the eyes of the eagle.

Before the Hippo King arrived, the eagle flapped its wings and flew wildly, circling directly in the sky above the Hippo King's head, and directly delivered its feces.

What a coincidence, the eagle's accuracy is worthy of being a hunting expert!

A pile of feces with no lethality fell directly on the head of the Hippo King.

At this moment, the Hippo King was so angry that he screamed:"You are bullying me too much!"

"If you have the guts, get down here! I'm going to kill you!"

Upon hearing this, the eagle in the sky couldn't help but circle over its head, laughing unscrupulously:

"Hippo King, you are a bit ungrateful!"

"I know you like to eat this, so I specially brought it here to treat you."

"Not only do you not feel grateful to me, but you also want to repay me with hatred?"

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