Peppa Pig: I heard that Wang Sicong upgraded his natal beast, the Husky, to the giant beast realm. It seems that he spent 100 or 200 million yuan. This is just the price of a Husky upgraded to the giant beast realm. But it is really powerful. With the advantage of the realm, its combat power is off the charts, but it will probably take a long time to make a profit.

Little Cutie: I won’t say anything more. The loan has just been approved. I will talk about it after I upgrade my natal beast, the Megalodon, to adulthood.

Simon Daguanren: @Little Cutie! Oh my god, is my sister’s natal beast a Megalodon? As for love, sister, I am 188 cm tall, muscular, can play musical instruments, can cook, and am obedient, well-behaved and lovable.

Komodo Dragon: What a pity, if my natal beast was also an aquatic creature, I would definitely pursue my sister without hesitation.

Little Cutie: I’m a man……


On the other side.

In the game world.

Looking at the silverback gorilla who was constantly using physical potions to escape.

Liu Mang sneered in his heart. Even if he couldn't kill this guy for the time being, he would make Pan Xiaoqian suffer heavy losses.

Once Pan Xiaoqian's economic strength suffered heavy losses, the silverback gorilla would be even less likely to threaten him in two months.

At that time, he could wait until he invaded the earth world and then go offline to kill the silverback gorilla and Pan Xiaoqian.

Moreover, the longer the time dragged on, the more physical potions were spent, and the more Pan Xiaoqian lost!

Unless the other party charged money to buy a random area location teleportation card!

If he was unlucky, Pan Xiaoqian's natal beast god might even be teleported directly to a dangerous place and die quickly.

Liu Mang didn't have to wait too long.

Another half an hour later.

With a burst of white light lighting up around the silverback gorilla, the next moment the silverback gorilla, with hatred and resentment in his eyes, disappeared from his sight.

"It seems that I have to buy a random teleportation card for 100,000 yuan. If I am lucky enough to die, that's fine."

"If you are not dead yet, I will let you know what it means to live a life worse than death after the game invades reality."

Liu Mang was not surprised by this scene. He sneered and twisted his huge body to return the same way.

This unfamiliar jungle is not suitable to stay for too long, because any jungle may be full of dangers.

Previously, he was blinded by anger, so he was desperate to chase the silverback gorilla.

After calming down, Liu Mang actually no longer had such a strong idea to chase this ant.

However, even if he was not obsessed with killing the other party as soon as he met, he was very happy to see this situation as he could consume Pan Xiaoqian's funds. The money was spent on running away, and the silverback gorilla would not have a good life in the future. It is even unknown whether it can hold on until the time when the game invades reality.

After all, this time the silverback gorilla has no parents to protect it.

An hour later.

Liu Mang had He has returned to the familiar jungle near his old nest.

Afterwards, Liu Mang, in a good mood, went into the pile of dead leaves again to wait for prey.

Now he is still one thousand evolution points away from evolving to adulthood, and Liu Mang is even more looking forward to it.

There are too many benefits for him to evolve to adulthood earlier. He can even communicate with other creatures after evolving to adulthood. This alone is very attractive to him, not to mention that there are system rewards waiting for him.

More than three hours later.

Liu Mang finally waited for prey again.

The reason why it took so long to find prey this time.

It was mainly because he made a lot of noise before.

This naturally alarmed nearby creatures and predators.

Now a few hours have passed, and these creatures will appear again after calming down.

It is estimated that in this process, many creatures and beasts It is not impossible that they all took a detour.

Because the jungle where Liu Mang is located actually leads to a nearby water source. Although it is the only way, it is not impossible to take a detour. However, there will still be predators or herbivores passing through this jungle.

Moreover, if you want to hunt quickly, occupying the water source is actually the best hunting place.

However, Liu Mang's strength is still very weak. He has not even reached adulthood, so naturally he dare not easily compete for the Feng Shui treasure land with water source.

Because the better the Feng Shui treasure land, the more top predators will compete for it, and even the closer to the water source, the more powerful the creatures that survive.

For example, as Liu Mang knows, the nearest water source to his jungle is a small stream, but there are traces of Tyrannosaurus Rex and many dinosaurs. At this time, with the distant Hearing the noise, a creature appeared in Liu Mang's field of vision, and he also saw the huge monster passing by clearly.

But when he saw the true face of this huge monster, Liu Mang immediately gave up the idea of hunting.

Because this is a Triceratops, nearly four meters tall and ten meters long, and the earth trembles with every step.

It has a very large head shield and three horns on its head, two of which are very long on the eye sockets. Its mouth has a beak like a parrot, and its strong and powerful muscular body contains terrifying power.

This guy was a pair of love and hate with the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the dinosaur era!

Although it is a herbivorous dinosaur, it has a very bad temper and is not the one to be bullied.

In addition, the size of this Triceratops is probably at least more than ten tons. Liu Mang can't afford to offend such a big guy.

Therefore, he could only watch this huge monster slip away from his eyes.

After missing this Triceratops, Liu Mang began to wait patiently again.

After more than an hour, Liu Mang finally waited for a male lion with black mane.

Moreover, this male lion with black mane was also very big. I am afraid that it was definitely not just an adult, but probably reached the late adult stage!

Because this black-maned male lion was more than two meters tall at the shoulder, and if the tail was counted, it was probably five meters long. The thick black mane around its neck fluttered slowly in the breeze. Its strong and powerful body was full of developed muscles, and its limbs were so big that even Liu Mang was a little surprised.

This male lion was so big that even the saber-toothed tiger that had a conflict with him would be in trouble!

Moreover, from here, Liu Mang could also judge that this guy's size was probably more than 500 kilograms.

Once the hunt was successful, it was enough to evolve to adulthood.

With this thought in mind, Liu Mang began to quietly lurk and wait for the male lion to approach.

Because if this male lion ran away, there was no doubt that Liu Mang would not be able to catch up.

After all, the speed of a lion running at full speed is not comparable to that of a silverback gorilla.

Fortunately, Liu Mang was relieved that this very powerful lion, although alert, paid more attention to many bushes and inadvertently entered Liu Mang's attack range.

When the two sides were less than three meters away, Liu Mang launched an attack instantly.

Its huge body quickly drilled out of the dead leaves, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the lion's forelimb fiercely.

This sudden movement and the severe pain from the forelimb scared the black-maned lion.

When it saw such a huge python biting its forelimb, it became more panicked, and fear appeared in its eyes.

Because Liu Mang's size was too big.

Although the 15-meter-long ancient Titan python was still not an adult. But the ancient Titan python reached this size, it was enough to easily crush it!

Therefore, while it swung its forelimbs frantically, it also opened its bloody mouth to bite Liu Mang's huge snake drive, hoping to make the other party retreat.

But what it never expected was that it couldn't bite Liu Mang at all. Its body was as hard as iron. Although it bit Liu Mang's body into a bloody mess after several bites, it didn't tear off even a piece of flesh.

On the contrary, Liu Mang's huge body had entangled him unconsciously.

Although he struggled frantically in the process, it was of no avail.

Because it couldn't break free from Liu Mang's death entanglement.

All its rich combat experience and means could not be used.

Half an hour later, the unwilling roar of the lion in the jungle gradually disappeared.

Because in the past half an hour, the lion's body and bones were almost deformed by its huge body, and it had long lost its breath. Liu Mang then let go of the huge snake body, and then opened his bloody mouth and began to slowly swallow the whole lion. In just less than half an hour, this huge lion was easily swallowed by Liu Mang.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Stare! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured an adult Barbary lion! Successfully obtained 1045 evolution points!】

【Stare! Congratulations to the host! The accumulated evolution points meet the evolution conditions! Do you want to start evolving immediately? 】

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